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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Hapster

    Hapster New Born (1) Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    Pac man
    Shoots a pellet, followed by pac man, then a ghost.
    Pellet: 10 (base)damage, similar to shot
    Pac man: 25 (base)damage; heavy shot
    Ghost: 40 (base)damage; megatunneler.
    They all follow the same path but the ghost acts as a tunneler once it hits the ground.

    xXxTnTxXx, arvidh, Arcturus and 6 others like this.
  2. Raichu

    Raichu Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    shot striketriketriketrike:it shoots a flare,but instead other strikes,it brings other 3 flares,that makes each one bring 3 flares,and then each one brings 3 flares,one time there are 27(3*3*3),each flare brings 3 shots doing 10 dmg each one,it can be a prestige wep.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  3. Oortcloud

    Oortcloud Corporal (5) Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Name : Conversion bomb

    Description: A bomb that converts the ground into energy. The more ground converted the higher the yield. When it hits it has a radius of a Heavy Shot. Any tank within that area absorbs the energy conversion. It detonates on impact.

    Damage: Damage is based on the percentage of the strike area that was ground. Each percent does a val of damage. The val is determined by the level of the weapon. Level 1 does 1pt for each % and increases .5 pts for each level. At level 5 this weapon could theoretically do 300 points of damage with a perfect 100% conversion, but realistically getting 100% is impossible as the center of the blast effect would include the air above it. This would be most effective on a direct hit on tanks sitting in the very bottom of a very tiny crack in the ground - making precision aiming very important. But even then it would still never yield the full 100%.

    Name : Conduit

    Description : A ball of plasma is fired and bounces similar to the Plasma grenade. If it hits no tank then it detonates like the plasma grenade with a heavy shot type radius. If it hits a tank then it does damage but also 3 "sparks" are thrown into the air at a random 45 to 135 degree angle and a power that is 50% of the shots initial power. Each spark then detonates on impact leaving a shot sized crater.

    Damage : Main shot hits for 15 to 27 and detonates for 15 to 27 (12 + (level * 3)). Sparks hit for 12 to 20 each (10 + (level * 2)). Max dmg would be 114 at level 5 with direct hit, detonation, and 3 spark hits.

    Name : Tornado

    Description : Activates on contact with ground/tank. Moves in direction it was fired. A tornado funnel or small tornado icon appear at contact point and moves according to its vertical speed on impact. Wind has twice the effect on it. Duration is based on level.

    Damage/Duration. Duration is 1 second per level. Damage is 30 to 70 (20 pts per second + 10 pts per level.) So to get max damage you would pretty much have to fire it straight up with no wind for it to sit full time on 1 tank.

    Name : Bouncing Betty

    Description. Acts like a bouncesplode, but at the peak of each bounce (does not drop on initial peak) it drops a bomb like a payload.

    Damage : Each bounce does 5 - 9 dmg (4 + level * 1) and each payload does 5 - 7 (5 + (level * 0.4). It bounces 6 times. Max damage is 89. Bounces do not effect terrain, payloads make shot sized hole.

    Name : Gaurdian Angel

    Description : It heals the tank it hits. Requires direct hit. No impact crater. A little angel could be used as the image.

    Damage : It repairs 30 hp damage to tank + random 0 to level*4. Max heal would be 50.
    Mark103 likes this.
  4. Mark103

    Mark103 Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    Shoots out a mist of water pellets that move slowly, spreads out far, and are not greatly affected by gravity.
    Damage & number of pellets: 1(25)/1(50)/1(75)/1(100)/2(100)
  5. arvidh

    arvidh Unconfirmed Member

    Big Wall.

    I honestly think that the existing Wall is too low, should be twice or even third times bigger! I have no clue about how much damage it would do, let's say around ~65 at level 5?
    Arcturus likes this.
  6. Mind Reader

    Mind Reader Private E-1 (2) Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    Name: Super Spligger

    Description: Its a prestige 10 weapon, it shoots a splitter ball that will split into 9 splitters
    ( the splitters don't do any damage, the spliggers will do damage), each splitter ball will split into 2 spliggers so, 18 spliggers will appear and will hit the ground 2 to 5 times (each spligger has a different hit rate and as you level the weapon up, its more likely the spliggers will hit the ground more)

    Damage: LEVEL 1: 20 in each hit
    ................LEVEL 2: 23 in each hit
    ................LEVEL 3: 26 in each hit
    ................LEVEL 4: 30 in each hit
    ................LEVEL 5: 35 in each hit

    How it looks: Like a supersplitter, but it shoots a yellow splitter ball, when near ground, it splitts into a super splitter, THEN the super spligger splits into 18 spliggers
    can you see the op-ness?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  7. GhostKing1239

    GhostKing1239 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Name:Candy Cane Storm
    How it looks: 10 small candy canes
    Damage: Level 1/10 Level 2/13 Level 3/16 Level 4/19 Level 5/22
    What it does: You shoot out a mint and once it goes away 10 small candy canes come down from the sky, so its like a candy cane strike
    Taylor likes this.
  8. Raichu

    Raichu Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    hippy:it shoots 5 rainbows,each one dealing 14.

    And each level does 1 dmg more per bullet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
    Taylor likes this.
  9. Oortcloud

    Oortcloud Corporal (5) Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Prestige Weapon : Armageddon

    Description : A single shot that activates upon impact. An area effected would be roughly the same size as the reticule circle that surrounds a player's tank. That entire area would either raise or lower depending on whether the impact point was above or below the middle of the min and max dirt draw area. The amount raised or lowered would be the same height a wall is when fired on flat ground. Tanks in that area raise or lower with the ground and receive damage much like an earthquake weapon. 10 tunneler like weapons that breach the surface as volcanoes with 5 randomly sprayed "lava balls" then raise from random locations within the impact zone and 10 asteroids rain down in random locations within the impact zone and leave a heavy shot sized crater. The volcanoe and asteroid shots will alternate in appearance on the screen.

    Damage : The initial damage for tanks within the impact area would be 25 to 30 points per tank (depending on weapon level). Each volcano will do an additional 8 to 10 points if they hit a tank and each lava ball will do between 1 and 3 points. Each asteroid will do between 10 and 15 damage (depending on weapon level). Min damage (at max weapon level) is 30 pts if tank is in zone and doesn't get hit by anything else, and up to 310 if they were hit by every single volcano, lava from the volcanoes and every asteroid - which would be highly unlikely because of the random nature. Most likely a good hit damage would be a tank hit by 2 volcanoes, 2 lava bombs from each and 2 asteroids for a around 86 pts.
    cesar franco likes this.
  10. dari.RK347

    dari.RK347 New Born (1) Member

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Fire Blizzard

    Damage: 4 each

    You shoot 2 air strikes: one blue, one red
    then rain the size of creek, and fire the size is blaze, rains from the sky.
    cesar franco likes this.
  11. Evil King

    Evil King Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Black Hole


    It Damages the tank and the tank goes to the place where it was on 1 turn.
  12. Black Widow

    Black Widow Forum Administrator Administrator

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Heart Break-
    A weapon shaped like a heart that when on contact breaks into two.
    Description: Love hurts. This weapon resembles breaker but it's bigger.
    Damage- Level 1: 15 per each side. Too lazy to think of the rest from here but if Kyle uses it I'm sure he could balance it out.
    cesar franco likes this.
  13. Turgut93

    Turgut93 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Damage: 20

    Level: 1-5 adding 2 dmg per lvl

    It looks like the giant beam from the sky weapon (sry i forgot the name) but this one is fired directly from the tank. It has "endless" range. So if you shoot from the very end of the map to the other you shouldnt be able to see the end of the Beam. It is "piercing" so it should hit all the tank which are in the Beam. The ground shouldnt react to this Beam, so just staying like it was. The size of the Beam should be 2/3rd of the beam from the sky (i mean smaller with that).
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  14. Raichu

    Raichu Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    shoot of destiny:its like chancer
    it shoots a giant clover like the small one of chancer and on impack it can deal these dmgs and radius.
    (from worse to better)
    1. damage 10,sniper size (60%)
    2-30 damage,size of shoot (20%)
    3-70 damage,size of massive shot) (15%)
    4-100 damage,size of nuke (4%)
    5-200 damage,triple size of meganuke (1%)

    stick: it looks like a long and fine needle,that starts going underground,while damaging the tank.
    damage:it lasts 20 seconds, it does 4 dmage per second

    all 2 attacks does 10 % more per level
  15. Dryykon

    Dryykon Second Lieutenant (15) Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    (Sorry if these were already suggested.. But great minds think alike if they were..)

    Sand Blast
    Sort of like pepper but a larger blast area. This means more will miss, however the ones that hit do more damage. Essentially would be an upgraded pepper.

    Would launch like rain apart from be a tan ball. Sand pellets would fall from the sky at an angle and hit with a larger area of effect than rain. The number of pellets falling at once is much greater. Would do more damage because of that.
    xXxTnTxXx and Shocky18 like this.
  16. TheBird

    TheBird Specialist (6) Member

    Dec 6, 2013
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    1-3 Rain, 30-50 Lightning

    Rain and Lightning Combined. BOOM.
    Sorry if this was already suggested.
  17. plandeck

    plandeck Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Damage (1-5) 10, 12, 14, 18, 20 per mini-explosion with a non-leveling area damage of 30

    How it looks: Like a green chunker with an mini digger in the middle. (also could be oblong and rotate in the air like mini-tank)

    What it does: area damage with the chunker. If you land a direct hit, then the mini digger will hit 5 more times
  18. Mark103

    Mark103 Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    It looks like a tack from Bloons TD in a circle or ball. Upon landing, it instantly makes the terrain spiked & hard to move across w/out traction. Also, tacks will fly up like Wild One, but not as far horizontally.
    Leveling this weapon is unique. Not only is damage increased, but the steepness of the ground, area affected, and number of spikes thrown up are increased.
    Base damage: 40/44/49/54/60
    Spike/tack damage: 8/9/10/11/12
    darklegion741 and xXxTnTxXx like this.
  19. Mark103

    Mark103 Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    Element strike
    Shoots a flare (I don't know what it will look like). Once it activates, lightning will strike the spot, water will rain down on the enemies (with a wider area), napalm will scatter from the flare, and a sprouter will activate.
    Lightning damage: 30/33/36/40/45
    Water damage: 2/2/3/3/4
    Flame damage: 1/1/2/2/3
    Sprouter shot damage: 10/11/12/13/15

    It's a shot. But it does good damage and screws up the aim of anyone hit for the next turn.
    Damage: 60/65/70/75/80
    xXxTnTxXx likes this.
  20. darklegion741

    darklegion741 Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Fires a green-purple flare. Explodes with a green purple explosion that causes no land damage. The explosion causes 40/40/42/45/50 damage. The explosion's radius is similar to Horizon. Any tanks caught in the explosion suffer 5/5/7/9/10 damage at the end of each turn (for 5 turns)

    Hellish Assault

    Death from below. Like a reverse magic shower, fires a main shot underground. After 1 second, main shot releases sub-shots every 0.5 secs that travel directly upward. Each sub-shot explodes upon reaching surface with an explosion similar to that of heavy shot, dealing 5/5/7/10/12 damage. When the main shot reaches surface it explodes with an explosion similar to that of massive shot, dealing 20/22/24/26/28 damage.


    Grants armor to the target. Upon hitting a tank it explodes with a radius similar to that of heavy shot and causes no land damage. It grants 10/20/30/40/50 armor to the target.

    This reduces damage received in point match and grants armor in death match. Targets with full armor in death match would not receive additional armour (i.e they cannot have more than 100 armour points).


    Shoots a sniper like shoot that causes no land damage and zero damage. Upon contact with the ground, the user is transported to that location. (Serves as an upgraded jetpack basically) Leveling up this weapon has no effect.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
    jpcas, Mark103 and xXxTnTxXx like this.
  21. darklegion741

    darklegion741 Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Red Sniper-like shot drains the vitality of a target. Explosion size is similar to that of a Sniper. It deals 60/65/70/75/80 damage. Steals points in point match and steals health points in deathmatch

    Flying Bomber

    Shoots a fighter airplane that fires bullets from a machine gun immediately. After 1.5 secs, releases bombs that travel directly downwards with intervals of 1 sec between each bomb being released. Upon crashing, the plane explodes releasing napalm (like 2012). The bullets are fired a 100 power in whichever angle the plane is facing during which it is fired. The bullets are Sniper-sized, yellow and are fired at a rate similar to that of Stream. They deal 1/1/1/2/2 damage each. The bombs are heavy shots like and deal 10/12/14/16/18 damage each. The plane explodes with the radius of a Massive Shot dealing 20/25/30/35/40 damage. 5 Napalm fireballs are released (in the pattern of 2012's Napalm fireballs) dealing 2/2/2/3/5 damage each.
  22. Goldschlarger

    Goldschlarger Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Name- MinionRush
    Damage(1-5) 5,6,7,8,9

    It's the same as minions but after it shoots the first six it then shoots an extra six about 3 seconds later.
    darklegion741 likes this.
  23. darklegion741

    darklegion741 Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Fires a white signal flare. When it settles, a white beam shoots up into the sky (like Satellite) It deals no damage. After that, 1/2/3/4/5 crate(s) will fall from the sky, landing where the signal flare went off.

    Only way to level this weapon is by using weapon tokens
  24. gassug2

    gassug2 Private E-1 (2) Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Here is a few (since i am VERY creative).

    Weapon 1: Napalm Rain

    Damage (lvl 1-5): does 35 on lvl 1, 40 on lvl 2, STILL 40 on lvl 3, 45 on lvl 4, lvl is still 45

    Abilities: Shoots as a flare, then rains 5 napalm bullets that act like napalm.

    Weapon 2: Puffer

    Damage (lvl 1-5): does 20 on lvl 1, still 20 on lvl 2, 30 on lvl 3, 35 on lvl 4, and 45 on level 5.

    Abilities: Shoots normal shot bullets in three directions (left, right and down). NOTE:All shots do 10-15 dmg like a normal shot, but itself does 35-45 like i labeled it.

    Weapon 3: Hover-Nade

    Damage (lvl 1-5) does 40 on lvl 1, still 40 on lvl 2, 45 on lvl 3 and lvl 4 and 5 still do 45

    Abilities: Like Grenade and Hover-Ball combined. A simple grenade that is NOT affected by gravity for 1.5 seconds like Hover-Ball.

    Weapon 4: Needle Ball

    Damage (lvl 1-5) Randomized depending on how many needles are stuck to how many tanks. Itself will do 45 damage after last bounce (does 45 damage on all upgrade levels).

    Abilities: Bounsplode,Needler and Fireball combined, when shot, it will bounce around like bounsplode or fireball. As it bounces, it will leave small purple needles like in the weapon "Needler".

    Weapon 5: Flyers

    Damage: (lvl 1-5) does 35 dmg on lvl 1, still 35 on 2, 40 on 3 and still 40 on level 4 and 5 (each shot)

    Abilities: Shoots a super-sized projectile (the size of the bounsplode weapon) and splits another shot hovering above it. Like Hover-Ball and Jumper combined.

    Weapon 6: Wild-Nade

    Damage: Randomized and also depending on close to far range. Each grenade will deal 5-10 damage.

    Abilities: Shoots a grenade that looks like Crazy-Nade,only that its purple and has black lines running through it (this is about the graphics), then the grenade will explode emitting more small grenades (the grenade has a medium radius and emits 3-18 grenades when explodes.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    darklegion741 likes this.
  25. Goldschlarger

    Goldschlarger Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Okay so i been trying to think of some sort of really unique weapon idea that i don't think has been suggeted yet. I would really love to see a weapon that can be shot off screen (either the right/left side) and see it enter back on the screen from the opposite side it was shot off from. Here are a few examples of a few weapons that could do this.

    Name- GoldenBall
    Damage- level (1) does 20 dmg, level (2) 30 dmg, level (3) 40 dmg level (4) 55 dmg, level (5) 70 dmg.

    Discription- Simpley like a granade but not as bouncy and it will only work if shot off either the right or left side of screen.

    Name- HypoNade
    Discription- Like a duel roller but more deadly, how it works is you have to (once again this wep can only be shot off screen or it wont do anything) is shoot it off screen and try to land it near an enemy, if you manage to do this in a 3v3 and can hit the middle/or land near the middle enemy it will split in to another to rolling granades hitting all three enemy's.

    Damage- level(1) does 20 dmg (per nade hit) level (2) 25 dmg (per nade hit) level (3) 30 dmg( per nade hit) level (4) 35 dmg (per nade hit) level (5) 40 dmg (per nade hit).

    All i can really say about these weapons are that you can only score/do dmg if it is shot off screen if it isn't then it will just dissapear on contact with and sort of ground.Also i think these are skill weapons for the more advance players do put abit of spice in the game. Hope everyone likes these ideas took me a long time to think of this and all the details :D.

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014

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