I was thinking about adding custom weapon packs, you add all kinds of random weapons to a normal-sized pack (10 weapons) or a large sized pack like a retro pack (20 weapons) First, there will be a side-scroll thing that scrolls side ways, it browses through ALL the weapons in the entire game. Including weapons from weapon packs, weapons from levels 1-50, and weapons from prestiges too. If the player clicks on the weapon and adds it to the custom weapon pack then that specific weapon will be shaded dark to indicate that the player already has that weapon in their weapon pack. As it will appear in the weapon pack area (next). Next, weapon pack area...this area indicates the player what weapons are in the pack. It selects the weapons in whatever was chosen first. Meaning the player can randomly select weapons of whatever which and the order will be by what was chosen first (example,if i were to put stone in the pack, stone will appear there and become gray-shaded. Then if i chose grenade it will choose grenade put right after stone. This will constantly happen until the pack is full). Then, their value, the value of the weapons packs is up to the player. The player is restricted to use the amount of tank coins from 0-19. With that said, 20 tank coins or up are only enabled. Obviously, the player will choose the lowest amount of coins possible enable to get good weapons. If the player is buying their own weapon pack. It will cost 2+ tank coins, restricting the player from buying it for cheaper (seems unfair but it will be considered cheating). If a player buys another players weapon pack, it will cost that same amount as it says. Lets look back at the "that guy buys his own weapon pack" thing, the value will say whatever it costs and a small +2 icon on the side. Last, their name. The player can choose ANY name they wish.They can just type it in. (yes this is the smallest last step isn't it?) NOTE: Where to find them? No problem. In the shop (upgrades) section, there will be a small blue rocket icon and aside of it will be in small bold letters (the letters are smaller than the other words on the shop) it will say "custom wp's".
Yeah, this seems pretty useless to me people will just make custom set of weapons that are too overpowered. As far as anything custom in shellshocklive 2 I'd say maybe custom map themes (color of maps),maybe tanks too but i think that one might be flawed somehow because ''some'' people would try and glitch and bug something on purpose for an advantage.
I like the idea but I sorta agree with Black Widow..I think it would be better if you could choose a limited number of weapons from each category. like only being allowed to pick one prestige weapon per weapon pack you make, and one weapon from every other 5 levels or up to 4 weapons from other weapon packs if you are buying a normal sized weapon pack (10 weapons) or 8 weapons from other weapon packs if you are buying a custom retro pack (20 weapons) that way you can't make it too overpowered and make it unfair to other players. As for the custom map themes, that would be pretty cool too, kChamp offers some good choices for theme colors, but there isn't very many. Other than the themes you get from leveling up (which go away when you prestige) there are only 4 themes that are offered that I know of. I think it would be a cool idea if we could choose custom tank colors..not using hacks...but instead paying maybe at max 30-45 tc per color? and only you can see it in team games, but in ffa everybody can see your custom color
If that bothers you then i will higher the amount to 20 tank coins to buy your own weapon pack....problem solved or is it still "unlikeable" to you?
NOTE TO KCHAMP: (I advise reading the topic above) Please add the custom weapon pack feature if you have time and in the next update if you can (1.6 update). And as Black Widow said... Make a 1.6.1 update that can disable any bugs possible in the custom weapon pack feature.
it would be too difficult.. he would need to code each custom wep individually right? who has the time for that? unless you can make up some kind of quick and easy auto weapon coder
No....your off-topic, custom weapon...no its CUSTOM WEAPON PACKS not custom weapons..... Read more slowly next time....
it isnt a good idea if adding all 4 prestiges need ler 2012,etc... cost same amount of tankoins than shot,stone,rain etc...
I think this is a stupid idea, just another excuse for a greedy player to have just OP weps, oh and fyi when you make a thread in the suggestions department, that mean's people can say weather they like it or not so don't be so rude or sarcastic to people when they don't say what you want to hear.
I like the idea of custom weapon packs, but the cost should be the sum total of the packs from which the weapons come. If only the SS2 weapons are included the pack would have 10 weapons. If only the retro weapon packs are included there would be 20 weapons. If it is a combo of SS2 weapons and retro weapons there would be 15. Thus a weapon pack with selections from RWP 1, WP4, and WP5 would have 15 weapons and cost 280 TC.
thats a good idea,or it can be calculated by max math dmg at lvl 1 between /5 example:needler does at lvl 1 10 dmg X 20 bullets so:20X10:200 200/5:40 tankcoins shot does 10 dmg 10/5:2 tankcoins... and so on and the cost of the pack is the totalprize of all 10 weapons