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Reasons why i feel the game is failing

Discussion in 'General Game Talk' started by Mallard King, May 7, 2015.


Do you agree with this points?

  1. Yes, alot of changes need to happen for the game to recover and ultimately thrive

  2. No, the game is fine how it is

    0 vote(s)
  1. kChamp

    kChamp Developer Developer

    Nov 23, 2012
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    The $9.99 price tag would give us room to do discounts and sales in the future, but maybe a $7.99 would be more appealing.
    49erfan7, Holy2334, Towel and 5 others like this.
  2. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Thank you for responding Kyle.(Glad I gave you the link twice and you looked at it)

    Cool to see the blog happening. I can't believe you wanted to do that although it would be so beneficial. Back when King and I suggested that along with many others things you still have in a conversation some where here it seemed like a dream. I wish you would of started when this beta was released instead of this late but better than not having it planned.
    I think the suggestions will help greatly get us closer to the game play evening out. Its also nice your showing more people can approach you with ideas and you'll listen. Many felt like you didn't and glad I don't have to be the relay man.

    This just crossed my mind but a valid point to consider. For those of us that purchased the game for others(say those of us that payed for 1 person, more than 1 person, or the 4 pack deal), will we get a bigger reward?
    On the same point, do those of us that were gifted the game get the reward as well?
    Batgirl likes this.
  3. kChamp

    kChamp Developer Developer

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Anyone who owns the game before the adjustment (whether you purchased it or it was gifted to you) will get the Early Adopter status. I can't reward those who gifted the game to others more.
    Dryykon, 49erfan7, Credipede and 3 others like this.
  4. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Alright I just wanted to know what you meant and how it would work.
  5. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I have been scared that this game is going to die, but upon reading kChamp's recent posts, I am extremely relieved! I am excited to see the new features you plan on adding, especially the reduced xp level requirements and the 80-100 prestige levels for those who spend a whole lot of time. I'm glad to see you are rising up to the challenge. You did mention the consensus that you only care about money, isn't true. If that's the case I think everyone who spent money in ssl2 deserve some form of compensation (Like giant tank coin jackpots or something. I understand giving them back the real money they spent would be messy) because obviously the value to have everything in ssl2 versus shellshock on Steam is extremely different. I know you need to focus on making shellshock live steam a great game, though I believe a huge tank coin reward added to our ssl2 accounts who spent money would be a simple thing to add. The amount rewarded should depend on how much money they spent. Thanks kChamp, we appreciate your hard work!

    And as I finished editing this post, you have added the new update! A testament to how much you really care about your game and the community! Kyle Champ, you are the best person in the world right now!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2015
  6. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Its pretty cool and now the gap between lower and higher is larger. xD
  7. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    I mean, not to mention the promised changes to make the games themselves more balanced, not just levels...
    49erfan7 and referee11 like this.
  8. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well, he just dropped the price down to $7 USD and the 4-pack to $20 which is $5 per game.
    Dryykon and Taylor like this.
  9. smb718

    smb718 Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Nov 12, 2013
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    A suggestion I've tried to incorporate into some of my posts is to set the game up for different playstyles (ex: special perks). Currently, the only system to do this is the order of tank upgrade coins. However, in the end we are mostly clones of eachother doing the exact same thing over and over.

    Some of the more successful games allow different play styles. Dota and LoL have a gazillion different characters so you can play lots of different ways. I know people who have play well over a 1000 hours of these games, and I suspect this is a large part. I feel a such a system could definitely be incorporated into this game. As for how, you can probably come up with a way better idea than I can. I would definitely have it somewhat based on unlocking, such as through lvling or gears. If distinct visual changes could be made as well (not just making the barrel a bit skinnier, but an entirely new look based on what they are using), that would be awesome.

    To summarize: add a method for players to express some uniqueness.
  10. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    I want to like this post more than once, but I can't. Instead, here's a gold star of approval:
    Batgirl likes this.
  11. cristianjoserd

    cristianjoserd Private E-2 (3) Member

    Jan 2, 2013
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    i do not agree with most of what u say here, for me in the first paragraph you are saying that its ok if someone with no experience at this game (low levels) can beat a high level, is not a matter of the weapons. if u put a prestige 10 and a lvl 10 with the same weps it wont be hard fot the high lvl too crush him even if they had the same weps
  12. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Well which means that the armor and/or criticals are giving unfair advantage. We should make them rewards to be used during the next match or something.
  13. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Level up system is there for a reason, to be stronger.

    The game has an enormous gap so we have to narrow it down a bit. Changes in tank upgrades isn't needed, however I agree 300 armor is a little bit absurd.
  14. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Then it's the leveling up slow problem
  15. KingKyd

    KingKyd Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Well la dee da, finally the big boss listens to the people that actually care about his creation.

    I've been watching from the sidelines for some time now, seeing if things would go swimmingly or if this franchise would take a nosedive for the worse. It's good to see you're actually interacting with people now instead of ignoring them. That's what gets you a bad rep with people like me that don't just accept what we're given. I understand your game has not officially been launched yet but the fact that you decided to put the game up for $15 without it even being completed yet, only to come here and disperse the criticism of that by lowering the price and attempting to make up for it with a fake currency, is honestly one of the worst smoke and mirror illusions I've ever seen. Thankfully you're lowering the price now but it really should have been that low from the get-go, and then if you chose, heightened when the game got officially launched.

    But hey, if everyone else is fine with it I guess I should be too. At least they get something in return.


    One of the best solutions to your balance issue, which you probably won't listen to me on because why start now, is this: Have an in-game tracker that averages all of the other player levels people play against in a single round. If that average is higher to that player's level, allow that player's pick-ups and other perks to work more efficiently and/or acquire nicer items in crates in that round. If that average is lower to that player's level, initiate the opposite where that person's perks don't work as well in that round. This will allow the high rankers to not be so overpowered when clearly facing new players for grinding or just to be nuisances, and award any player that plays against higher ranked people which gives them more of a chance to win.

    This doesn't mean there needs to be such an edge that low levels are killing high levels every game, just that it would discourage newbie grinding and help make the game more fair. Plus, more dramatic and thus more entertaining. If the high rankers lose and are frustrated they might stick to playing high levels more.


    As for your developer communication problem, honestly I've been saying this for a year now: HIRE PEOPLE TO HELP YOU. Whether it be just for detailed ideas, or for graphics, or whatever you may need, you trying to do it all on your own is a joke at this point. Offer up fair money for services you find fit and then utilize them.

    If you seemingly can't read everything here despite coming into this thread anyway and blatantly reading it, then I imagine @Google567 could do like always and send this to you. And on that point, if he speaks to you so much, have him come here and ask people with the abilities to create things to help you, as well as send you details on suggestions you would find suitable for the game. I'm sure many would be more than welcome to help you for free if you need it, just like I did with my various deeds previously.


    I try not to come off as so pessimistic and arrogant, but that's really difficult to do when you go unnoticed for so long yet have the ideas and abilities to do things many of your peers deem profitable and convenient. But maybe I should just shut up and climb back out of the pit so everyone has more room to be frustrated while still unquestionably supporting you, since you want them to "keep it to themselves ;)."

    Have fun.
  16. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Honest truth deserves likes.
    This deserves likes.
    Like it people!
    Holy2334 likes this.
  17. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    The price lowing is a good thing to everybody, and it appears the people who bought the game for $15 are inclined to agree as there has been a surprisingly lack of complains. Honestly, I didn't even care about the "rewards" we were given for buying the game at twice the price, there's no way those actually amount to $8 but why should they? We bought the game for $15 because we believed we would get $15 worth out of it. The important thing is that the game is much more easily accessible to new folks, giving us plenty more new faces to play with. I think that's what most of us wanted anyways. But who am I to speak of the entire current SSLS community, I may be completely wrong.

    When we say that we want a better balance between the highs and the lows, that doesn't mean "close the gap completely". We mean "close the gap to give the lows a chance". Making it so everybody is averaged to the same level when they play completely nullifies that Skinner box high of finding new toys to play with. Why care about leveling up as a low level if you can just hitch a ride on a high, and why care about leveling up as a high level when you're going to have that taken away by the lows? Surprisingly, a big part of the game is the Skinner box, we just don't want the Skinner box to be drawn so thin that we don't have a sense of reward. It removes the "uniqueness" of each tank, and there wasn't too much to begin with anyways. Plus, on a practical level, how on Earth would a system like that work with so many different variables? The proposed system of making every weapon separate is likely to narrow the gap, and even if it still is way off kilter, weapon damage tweaking will always be a thing. There's no need for the nuclear option.

    And to your third point, I see no reason to "hire" a messenger boy to relay select information from the forums. It's not that daunting of a task to catch up with forum happenings, especially for how small this forum already is, and it's apparent Kyle already does it anyways. Also, dare I say but Google isn't the best option to be put into that kind of position. Kyle should be able to read posts on his own, not rely on somebody else to select only the points that they like.

    That's all, I guess.
    Dryykon, Holy2334 and rb ahole like this.
  18. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    i don t know if it s only a lucky case but after the updeat there number of player increased very much,look a moment upload_2015-5-9_17-31-35.png personally i never saw all this players and i usualy play at this time(17 :32 europe fuse) i don t know if it s for updeat and lower price but it s sure that i never saw game so full
    Taylor likes this.
  19. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    It hasn't grown at all yet. I've never seen a change in # or rooms in the lobby.
  20. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Plus, if you look at the chat, it looks like someone is upset with kChamp. Really, the audacity.
  21. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    maybe beacause we are in differents fuse and we don t play at same time but for the time wehn i play usualy i never find all this peoples in game,i know that when it s very late (1 am or 2 am europe fuse)there are much players. oh and taco you may have reson xD never saw peoples so angry with kchamp,when i played with some high lvls they told me that they want find kchamp in real life xD
  22. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    ok thats really the first time i saw it upload_2015-5-9_20-0-40.png 2 pages of games
    xXTacocubesXx likes this.
  23. TheOnlyGod

    TheOnlyGod Major (18) Former Moderator

    Dec 12, 2012
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    I'll keep this short and simple. Price adjustment is great. New Leveling is great. I love the prestige levels. Keep it up Kyle! this is what we need for a thriving game. I'm definitely hopping back on the game today.
    Dryykon, Penguin and Holy2334 like this.
  24. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    totaly agree with that,ssl steam got a very big power up with that updeat for me
  25. 007

    007 Sergeant (7) Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    • irrelevant to thread/Off topic
    are we able to buy tank coins?

    even if we are not, then are we able to full the stats?

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