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ShellShock Live - Complete Weapons Revamp

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RumMumMario, May 23, 2015.

  1. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    By: @Goomba and RumMumMario.

    A while ago, I noticed that the game's biggest flaw was the weapon system. I have interviewed many people over Steam and ShellShock Live regarding this, most if not all have agreed that the weapons were extremely unorganized, crappy weapons unlocked at higher levels, not creative, over-powered, etc etc...

    To make @kChamp 's life easier, me and @Goomba decided to make a complete, organized weapons list and unlocks. In my opinion, this will make a vast change to the game's reputation, as 'weapon' is one of the biggest aspect of the game. Any suggestion/extra notes is greatly appreciated :)

    Weapon damages; slash means the damage is distance based, from closest to furthest.

    very close/slightly close/mid-range/very far or very close/mid-range/very far.

    NOTE: As of now, we have only revamped the level unlock weapons. If the thread gets enough attention, we'll plan on adding in the mission/challenge weapons as well.
    NOTE2: Also, if some of the links don't work, please remove the * at the end of the url.


    Shot - Heavy Shot - Massive Shot
    10dmg - 20dmg - 40dmg

    Three-Ball - Five-Ball - 11-Ball - 25-Ball
    20 - 10/13/15/20 - 2/3/5/6

    One-Bounce - Three-Bounce - Five-Bounce - Bounstrike - CrazyBalls - Crazy-Nade
    30 - 35/45/70 - 40/60/80 - 18 - 2/4/6 - Explosion: 60, balls: 4

    Digger - Mega-Digger - Spligger - Brigger - Excavation
    *MegaDigger with 6 explosions*
    *Brigger - Breaker that breaks into two diggers*

    12 - 12 - 8/12/30 - 13 - 6

    Grenade - Multi-Nade - Holy Grenade - Grenade Storm - Shrapnel
    50 - 20 - 50 - small: 8, big: 50 - exp: 50, shrapnels: 8

    Stream - Creek - River - Tsunami - Flood
    *Stream has no spread. River spreads wildly.*
    *Flood - Water version of Gatling-Gun, but much more shots and greater spread*

    2/3/4/5 - fine as it is - fine as it is - fine as it is - 0.5/1/2/3

    Flame - Blaze - Inferno - Fire Tornado
    *Fire Tornado - Shoots a cyclone that is pure red, a tornado scrambles the position of a person a bit, knocking them back or forward. When the tornado lands it travels forward creating the effect on anyone, and all the while is shooting napalm.*
    fine as it is - fine as it is - fine as it is - Tornado: 30, flame: 6

    Roller - Groller - Dual-Roller - Hotwheel - Minions - Spreader
    *Hot Wheel - A red and orange roller that sprays napalm everywhere. When it rolls, it leaves a trail behind it while also throwing it in front of it. Finally when it hits a target it explodes into a bunch of napalm.*
    20 - fine as it is - fine as it is - Fire: 5, exp: 40 - 10 - fine as it is

    Back-Roller - Back Groller - Back-Hotwheel - Cowards
    *Cowards - Minions, but rolls backwards*
    The damages are identical to the Roller tier

    Splitter - Double-Splitter - Super-Splitter - SplitterChain
    20 - 10/15/23 - 5/8/12/18 - 5/8/12/18

    Breaker - Spreaker - Super-Breaker - BreakerChain - Breaker Madness
    *Spreaker - Splitter that splits into two breakers*
    20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 15

    Twinkler - Sparkler - Crackler
    *Twinkler, Sparkler and Crackler have their own sparkle-colour. Also have wider range.*
    Fine as it is - fine as it is - fine as it is

    Sniper - Sub-Sniper - SmartSnipe - Bullseye
    fine as it is - fine as it is - fine as it is - same as SSL2

    Cactus - Cactus Strike - Pyramid - Sandstorm
    *Pyramid - Flare. Drops 20 little bulgers that eventually build a triangle*
    *Sandstorm - Similar to rain, but wider range, lasts longer and much more aggressive. Meanwhile the storm, Darude - Sandstorm is played in the background.*

    10 - 18 - 13 - Rocks: 20, dust: 5, wind: 1

    Bulger - Big Bulger - Mountain - Volcano - Mauna Loa
    *Mauna Loa - http://shellshockliveforums.com/threads/prestige-weapon.1830/*
    *Mountain - Enormous bulger*

    20 - 40 - 30 - fine as it is - see here for damages

    F-Bomb - Zits - Area Strike - Deceiver
    *Deceiver - same as SSL2, but much more explosions that occur at an incredibly fast rate*
    same as SSL2 - 15 - 15 (more accurate) - same as SSL2

    RapidFire - Shotgun - Burst-Fire - Gatling Gun
    *Shotgun - spreads violently as it travels further. Higher damage up close*
    *Gatling Gun - Instead of passing through the tank and trap the tank in an incredibly deep hole, explosion occurs when it touches the tank.*

    fine as it is - 6/5/3/2 - 4/5/6/7 - 4/5/6/7 - 2/3/4/5

    Tunneler - Yin-Yang - Torpedos - Tunnel Strike - HellFire
    30 - 20 - 9/10/11/14 - 20 - 20

    Sweeper - Horizon - Sinkhole
    20 - 11 - 8

    Air Strike - Kamikaze - Helicopter Strike - AC-130 - Artillery
    20 - same as SSL2 - 20 - 35 - 30

    Flower - Bouquet - FireFlower - Propose
    *FireFlower - Red flower, each explosion spews out molten lava*
    *Propose - Shoots a flower bucket flare. Drops a whole bunch of flowers with varying explosions, damage and colour*

    20 - fine as it is - Exp: 20, flame: 5 - Random damage, maximum dmg per flower is 30 total

    Earthquake - Reversion - Fukushima
    *Reversion - Reverts map to its original state*
    *Fukushima - Changes the map entirely*

    10 - 15 - 20

    Snake - Python - Lost-Twins - Anaconda - Stalker
    *Anaconda - Swallows the tank and spits it out somewhere on the map*
    *Stalker - a smart snake that follows where your mouse is pointed at. Can also collect flying crates. Total explosions: 15*
    *Lost-Twins - two snakes, if you're lucky and they meet together, they detonate a huge explosion.

    10 - 10 - big exp: 60, normal: 10 - Swallow: 20, spit out: 40 - 5

    Penetrator - Bounsplode - Bounder - Double-Bounsplode
    10 - fine as it is - 40 - 10

    Dead Weight - Dead Riser - PayLoad - Magic Shower
    30 - 30 - 30 - fine as it is

    Builder - Mega-Builder - Construction
    *Construction - builder version of excavation*
    *Mega-Builder will build 6 times*
    12 - 12 - 9

    MoleHill - Moles - Swarm
    *Molehill - Just like it was in SSL2*
    Moles -Like molehill, but summons three random moles after explosion*
    *Swarm - Molehill, but after explosion, summons 20 moles with different explosions of bulging.*

    50 - 20 - 5

    Hover-Ball - Heavy Hover-Ball - Sinker
    *Heavy HoverBall - hovers longer*
    *Sinker - It hovers when you shoot it downwards*

    50 - 40/50/60/70 - fine as it is
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
    AntonyBoys likes this.
  2. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Rainbow - MegaRainbow - Nyan Cat - Rain Bow
    *Rainbow is same as SSL2*
    *Nyan Cat - Exactly the same as Tangential Fire in SSL2. But instead it fires Nyan Cat that fires rainbows. Also plays Nyan cat's theme song*
    *Rain Bow - a flare that rains bows*

    50 - fine as it is - same as ssl2's tangential fire - 20

    Ultraviolet Wave - Pinger - Gamma Ray
    *Ultrasonic Wave - Lightstrike in SSL2, but is much wider and looks like a wave. Plays disturbing sounds*
    *Gamma Ray - PingFlood, affects terrain.

    50 - fine as it is - like PingFlood

    Bolt - Lightning - Thunderstorm - 2012
    *2012's thunder releases napalm*
    30 - 20 - same as SSL2 - same as SSL2

    Spear - SpikePit - Spiker - Temple
    *Spear - Shoots a spear that stabs tanks*
    *SpikePit - Digs as much as 1/3 sinkhole. Then spears will appear from the ground piercing the tanks and deal continuous damage.*
    *Temple - Like SpikePit, but much wider pit with more spears filling in the pit. On both sides of the pit, flames will splash. After, this Golem face will fall, acting like a boulder but less bouncy.

    50 - Exp: 40, spear: 3 - Exp: 10, spear: 3, flame: 1, golem: 15

    Boomerang - Poomerang - Enchanted Boomerang - Flamarang
    *Poomerang - returns upwards instead of down.*
    *Enchanted Boomerang - Boomerang wich is not affected by gravity*
    *Flamarang - Boomerang which drops flame as it flies and splashes flame on explosion*

    10/20/35/50 - 20/31/43/60 - 50 - Exp: 10/20/35/50, flame: 3

    Flying V - Flying Wedge - Ranagenst - Migration
    *Flying Wedge - Flying V, but more filled in*
    *Ranagenst - Flying V sandwich! Both above ground and underground.*
    *Migration - Flying V, but it's a filled V essentially forming a triangle ---> ▼*

    15 - 10 - 15 - 8

    Confetti - Fire Cracker - Fireworks - Grand Finale - Pyrotechnics
    *Fire Cracker - Like Pinata. It stops and sparkles mid-air and drops sparkling flame. Just like IRL sparkler*
    *Confetti - SSL2 version of floaters, but colour is rainbow*

    18 - Sparkle: 30, flame: 8 - fine as it is - fine as it is - fine as it is

    Magnets - Polarizer - Attractoids - Betraygnet
    *Polarizer - A magnet that splits into N magnet and S magnet. If both successfully hit two separate tanks, the tanks will attract to each other; they come very close to each other.
    *Betraygnet - Shoots an N magnet which can only stick to blue tanks because S magnets are blue, meaning it can only damage teammates. However you still get XP for this*

    15 - 35 - fine as it is - 40

    Driller - DrillBits - Hotspring
    *Hotspring - Larger driller. As soon as the drilling ends, hot spring will violently erupt from the hole*
    fine as it is - same as SSL2 - Exp: 10, water: 5.

    Jumper - Gymnast - Stomper - Ground Pound
    *Gymnast - http://shellshockliveforums.com/attachments/aimjumper-gif.5419/
    *Stomper -
    A shot that will keep bouncing as long as it's hitting tanks, with each consecutive hit damage increases by x1.3, once it misses a tank, it will explode*
    *Ground Pound - Slammer*

    20 - 22 - starts from: 20 - same as Slammer

    Pinata - Taco - Fiesta - MeGusta
    *Taco - Jumps up like palm, then the taco shell opens, shooting whole bunch of ingredients*
    *Fiesta - Shotgun, but the shots are maxican food.*
    *MeGusta - Me Gusta version of EE Bomb. But meanwhile it travels across the sky it plays this song.

    6 - 13 - same as shotgun - 40

    Numbers - Counter - PiggyBank
    *Numbers - http://media.giphy.com/media/3vDS4dRYOj13EqdEkg/giphy.gif
    *PiggyBank - Shoots as much shots as your XP. Each deals 1 damage.*

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - same as SSL2 - 1

    Sticky Bomb - Plasma Grenade - Sticky Trio - MineLayer - Sticky Rain
    *Sticky Rain - The flare sticks*
    All damages are fine as they are. Plasma Grenade does same as SSL2

    Rain - Hail - Monsoon - Icicles
    *Monsoon - So much Rain! Some rain particles are mini-sprinklers*
    *Icicles - Sprouts icicles on the top of the map each with varying size. They then fall, acts similar to mini-driller.*

    4 - 8 - 2 - 12

    Napalm - Molotov - Oilcan - Campfire - Wildfire - Firestorm
    *Molotov - Shoots a molotov cocktail. Breaks into shrapnels with fire splashing*
    *Oilcan - A flaming oil can that applies real physics, it will roll down hills and ramp off of jumps, on contact it will explode into a napalm eruption*
    *Campfire - Shoots many wood branches that pile up together. Then shoots a fire which will light up the branch pile into blazing fire*
    *Wildfire - Shoots a burning cigarette. On contact, it sprouts burning projectiles that releases napalm.*

    fine as it is - shrapnel: 10, fire: 4 - oilcan: 40, fire: 5 - 8 - exp: 10, flame: 5 - same as tsunami - fine as it is

    Moonball - Lightstrike - Sunburst - Solarflare
    *Moonball - screen turns dark except this one which glows*
    *Solarflare - stops at peak and shoots laser flares from left to right*

    35 - 20/35/40/60 - fine as it is - 18

    Wobbler - DJ Bomb - Thug Life - Gin Shot
    *Thug Life - Shoots several rap discs that move like DJ Bomb, a rap song is played in the background*
    *Gin Shot - Shoots a potleaf and summons Snoop Dogg saying smoke weed evrday. Big explosion.*

    30 - 40 - 20 - 50
  3. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    O Attack - X Attack - Tic Tac Toe - XOXO
    *XOXO - Shoots a big heart! :D*
    fine as it is - fine as it is - same as SSL2 - 50

    Egg - Seagull - Hawk - Owl
    *Egg - Shoots an egg that explodes into an oval radius*
    *Hawk - Shoots a spinning hawk with a sharp mouth. The tip has tiny radius and else is average.*
    *Owl - Shoots an owl with glowing eyes, the screen darkens meanwhile. The owl makes calm sounds and damages the tank without noises*

    30 - same as baby seagull - Mouth: 90, body: 35 - 60

    Toy Arrow - Bow - Crossbow - Marrow
    *Toy Arrow - Shoots a toy arrow that sticks to the enemy or ground then falls off.*
    *Bow - It's like a shot with high wind*
    *Crossbow - low gravity effects. Very fast, needs precision.*
    *Marrow - Arrow that homes to tanks*

    Before falling: 40, while falling: 20 - same as Boomerang - 50/65/80/95 - 35

    Starfire - Shooting Star - Galaxy - Black Hole
    *Black Hole - Terrain are destroyed into many tiny chunks and are sucked into the black hole. Small chance of sucking in a tank dealing 100 damage.*
    fine as it is - fine as it is - same as cats and dogs - 100

    Chunker - Ghost Bomb - Ghostlets - Phantom
    50 - 30 - 8 - 55

    Mini-Map - Mini-Tank - Mini-Final Boss - Mini-Buddy
    *Mini-Map - Shoots a map that bulges the area, the bulge looks like the map.*
    *Mini-Final Boss - Shoots a red tank that randomly shoots three weapons. Rarely shoots another Mini-Final Boss.*
    *Mini-Buddy - Shoots an ally AI tank with 150hp. The more XP you earn in this tier, the more accurate the AI becomes.*

    35 - same as ssl1 - tank: 25, the damage for weapon is nerfed 1/3 or 1/2 - n/a

    Asteroids - Asteroids Storm - Asteroids Belt - Meteorite
    *Asteroids Belt - Shoots whole bunch of tiny asteroids at once*
    *Meteorite - The longer it is in the air, the bigger radius and more damage it deals. After a while, it starts to lit up in fire, spewing lava everywhere*

    fine as it is - fine as it is - 1/2/4/8 - damage:5 to 200, radius: sniper to ghostlets, fire: 3

    Fistfight - Rampage - Riot - Rebel - War
    *Fistfight - Skipper from SSL2*
    *Riot - More, faster rampage*
    *Rebel - lots of rampages but each with different speed and gravitational effect. When one touches with another they collide together forming a bigger shot.*
    *War - Shoots an underground, overground and sky rampage. UG shoots homing torpedos, OG is the standard ramapge and sky is helicopter strike but the shots drop like tunnel strike.*

    15 - 13 - no collison: 5, collided: 5/10/20/40/80/120 - torpedos: 3, OG: 10, sky: 12

    Clover - Four-leaf Clover
    =Tier needs no change=

    Snowball - Snowstorm - Avalanche - Snowman
    *Snowstorm - like this but graphics are snowflakes:www.youtube.com/watch?v=S78vyx-yHmc*
    *Avalanche - 1/2 version of Funnel with snowballs*
    *Snowman - Shoots three snowballs with bounder AI. The first one that touches the tank creates a big snowball and the second and third ones create a smaller one. Then explodes into tiny snowballs like crazy nade, each bounces 3 times.*

    fine as it is - 8 - exp: 30, snowballs: 5, 10, 15 - exp: 30, snowballs: 3,6,8

    Chopper - Fighter Jet - Missile - Homing Missile
    *Missile - The longer it's in the air, the faster it travels dealing more damage*
    *Homing Missile - Follows your cursor.*

    fine as it is - fine as it is - 3 to 140 - 50

    StarFire - Shooting Star - Galaxy - Invincible Star
    *Invincible Star - Gives you double fuel for the turn, tackling enemies by moving towards them will damage them continuously! Your tank also becomes like when Mario catches a star.*
    fine as it is - fine as it is - same as SSL2 - 5, max. damage on single tank: 120

    Icicles - Ice Ball - Polar Bear - Cryotherapy
    *Icicles - Graphics are icicles, but AI is spiker that sprouts from the top of the map.*
    *Ice Ball - Like bounsplode, but everytime it bounces it freezes the area. Frozen areas will not be affected by explosions and will reflect all weapons*
    *Polar Bear - Shoots a polar bear! Freezes the area and damages the enemy.*
    *Cryotherapy - Huge explosion that freezes the area. Whole bunch of ice rocks fall like firestorm, they don't freeze.*

    20 - 10 - 60- exp: 35, ice; 10

    Laser - Plasma Grenade - Railgun - Plasma Rifle - BFG-9000
    *Railgun - A heavy, thick laser that is not affected by gravity. Explodes when it lands*
    *Plasma Rifle - Machinegun version of laser*
    *BFG-9000 - The shot itself is enormous but the explosion is way smaller than it looks*

    same as ssl2 - 40 - exp:50, flame:5 - 18 - 80

    Mini-Turret - Sentry Gun - Flamethrower - Grenade Launcher
    *Sentry Gun - Can be planted anywhere, and can shoot an enemy with accuracy at long distances*
    *Grenade Launcher - Spawns a turret that shoots inaccurate grenades towards the nearest tank. Similar to Mini-Nades in SSL2*
    *Flamethrower - Spawns a turret that bursts burning inferno.*

    fine as it is - 40 - 6 - 13/18/20/23 (distance is set from where the turret is spawned)

    Nuclear Waste - Nuke - Nuclear Missile - Tsar Bomba
    *Nuclear Waste - grenade that explodes into mucky-gooy radioactive waste. It radiates the tank, dealing 15 damage per turn*
    *Nuclear Missile - Sets up a missile launcher on the ground. Then it fires a nuclear missile that flies straight up and explodes enormously, splashing nuclear wastes downwards. Doesn't radiate tanks.*
    *Tsar Bomba - as big as MegaNuke. Around explosionm it spawns outer-shots of solarflares from SSL2. It also spawns 2 or 3 Area Attack explosions on the surface. Radiates tanks.*

    30 - 70 - exp; 50, solarflare; 10, surface explosions; 8


    This sh!t took us like a month.
    Penguin likes this.
  4. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Awesome!! Some of these are out of the box and could be tricky for kchamp to make as well as overpowered but this list is really exciting to look at!
    RumMumMario likes this.
  5. cacadun

    cacadun Unconfirmed Member

    Suggestion: make a word document, it will be much more organised.
  6. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I was going to, but I assumed people are too lazy to click and view the doc.
  7. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I have no problem with the new weapon system and some of the weapons listed seem good, but I don't know if rearranging the entire weapon system would be a good idea.
  8. Goomba

    Goomba Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Looking good so far, will have adjustments and whatnot down the road. And see? That document would have been a good idea :p
  9. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Nice work here but by no means something I'd want to see implemented.
    Scarlet and Holy2334 like this.
  10. Nightwing

    Nightwing Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    A lot of these are sweet and id be excited if they were implemented in the game. Itd definitely draw a lot of positive attention to the game. Nice work! :)
  11. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    kyle should add at least 5 tiers of upgread to bring back weaps like breaker madness,oh and you forgot super sniper from ssl2 but you did a very good job :D
    jgalloway64 and RumMumMario like this.
  12. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Thank you beagle :) Don't forget Goomba worked with me as well.

    Also, sorry if we weren't able to satisfy your wishes on weapons. As beagle said, we tried to make at least four or five weapons in each tier. I know some weapons are fairly crazy and perhaps RPG, but well, we're not geniuses :p
    Penguin likes this.
  13. Goomba

    Goomba Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    There are some things I think need modified: names for some, placement of others, some need to completely go lol (Gin shot) but I'll make a list of changes if you'd like Mario
  14. AntonyBoys

    AntonyBoys Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    wwhat about "instant replay"? that was one of my faves from ssl1

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