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Goomba's Suggestion Party Mix

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Goomba, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Goomba

    Goomba Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    So here we go, this has been something I've been working on a lot lately, day after day, I've been taking my past forum posts for SSL2 and editing them to fit more of the new Shellshock Live Steam game, rather than to completely start more threads about things that were already posted, but since nobody would bother going through to see what's updated and what's not. Here it is, a directory to show everything of mine I've accomplished over the years here. The following are the links to different posts, mind the titles of posts, they may not all be still appropriate. Same goes for comments, but even though they are old posts, feel free to comment on the new suggestions !

    Also, if you have already checked them out in the past, feel free to check them out again, because a lot has changed.
    And an X indicates that it was something old in the post that is not currently relevant, but for the sake of archiving, I kept it in.

    Some Ideas Post:
    Things that will be found:

    • New Game Modes
    • New End Game Bonuses
    • New Item Crates
    • More Game Options
    Bumper Bonus (Single-Player) Post (Completely Changed):
    Things that will be found:

    • Single-Player Ideas
    • Exhibition Games
    • Missions in Shop
    • Custom Missions
    Achievement Redux Post
    Things that will be found:

    • A link to a large list of potential in-game achievements
    Perks Galore Post
    Things that will be found:

    • Item Leveling Aesthetics
    • New Perk Items
    Complete Weapon Revamp Collab Post @RumMumMario

    Things that will be found:
    • Suggestions for every weapon currently in game.
    • Moved, removed, and adjusted weapons.
    • Details of new weapon ideas and tiers.
    To Come:

    Finish the Pocket Tanks Weapons

    Things that will be found:
    • All weapons in Pocket Tanks, how they are related to SSL weapons
    • Suggestions for more PT weapons in SSL

    More Tank Parts
    Weapon Skins
    Variations of Gears
    Suggest-A-Weapon: Starter Pack
    Suggest-A-Weapon: Aerial Pack
    Suggest-A-Weapon: Variety Pack
    Suggest-A-Weapon: Illusion Pack
    Suggest-A-Weapon: Smash Bros. Pack

    Other than that, I'm about done here, these are all my ideas. Feel free to look at them at your pleasure, I'm not forcing you to look at every single one, or visit every one of my google documents and read them word for word. I would appreciate feedback, and if this gets positive reviews, I'll keep it updated in the future with more of my suggestions (But more than likely it will end up getting pushed down anyway lol)

    See you around,
    ~ Goomba
  2. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I didn't even fully read the thread and was like this shit deserves a like.

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