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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Puncture bullet
    Base Damage: 25
    Base Critical chance: 20%
    Base Critical Damage: x3
    How it looks: a blue shot with a long trail
    Description: "Hard hitting weapon than leaves noone alive whenever it hits the weak spot.
    Details: Shows a blue number if the Base Critical procs. Number Turns gold when Base and Tanks Critical hit.

    Seismic waves
    Impact Damage: 50
    Wave Damage: 20
    How it looks: A flat bullet green colored. It leaves mid-sized waves on the earth and damages any tank within these waves.
    Description: "Safety? Better hit everything."
    Details: On impact, the bullet leaves a very small explosion and releases a fast spreading seismic wave on the ground

    Void bomb
    Impact damage: 100
    How it looks: Kinda a black hole fired at your opponent.
    Description: "Dealing high damage but makes the target invulnerable until your next turn"
    Details: Dealing huge damage, and sending any tank affected into the void, where they cant damage you and you cant damage them.
    Exceptions: Any indirect hit weapons can hit both, such as Earthquake

    Magnetic waves
    Impact damage: 10
    How it looks: Creates a magnetic field around the area and pulling any bullet towards the center.
    Description: "Sucks up any bullet coming to close"
    Details: Pulls any bullet in range into the center of this field. This magnetic field holds for 1 round.

    regards ~
    Lemondude617 likes this.
  2. pogrmca czasu

    pogrmca czasu New Born (1) Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Lighting Gun : Deals 15-20 damage, it shooting 8 times thunders on enemy in line.
    How it looks: normal thunders :p
    Description : If you use that better have lighting rod.

    Pac-Man : Pac-man deals 25 damage and after him goes 4 ghosts deals 35 dmg.
    How it looks: Pac-man and green, red, purple and blue ghosts
    Description : Om, om, om, om, om.

    Notes : One of 10 notes dealing 25 damage.
    How it looks: it spawn treble clef and then goes notes
    Details: (it will be funny because if you shot this you can hear: do, re, mi, fa, sol…)
    Description : Time for music lesson
    Taylor and Blue Phantom like this.
  3. Blue Phantom

    Blue Phantom Sergeant (7) Member

    May 6, 2015
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    Name: Rainstorm
    How it works: Imagine shots from the Sprinkler coming down over a part of the map from a Rain cloud.
    Damage: 10 damage per shot
    Tier: the Fountain tier, number 4
    pogrmca czasu likes this.
  4. Ted87552

    Ted87552 New Born (1) Member

    Jul 5, 2015
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    • Double Post.
    //NOTE: This weapon is very much power based and designed similar to a real railgun. It might be difficult for kChamp to implement into the game, but it's fresh from my head.//

    Name: Railgun

    How it looks: It's the same size as a heavy shot, but coloured grey, and the physics are the same as the Gravits. The explosion grows and the fall speed decreases as you fire it with more power;
    1-30 power - Falls like bottom Gravit
    31-55 power - Falls like second biggest Gravit
    56-75 power - Falls like middle Gravit
    76-90 power - Falls like second smallest Gravit
    91+ power - Falls like smallest Gravit

    Explosion size:
    Up to 10 power - half the size of the projectile
    11-20 power - full size of projectile
    21+ power - +1 pixel explosion diameter

    1-20 power - 25
    21+ power - +1.2 damage (rounded) per 1 power

    Description: This weapon is not for the mathematically unskilled...

    Tier: Seperate tier


    Name: Vaccuum Bomb

    How it looks: A black oval with a fin at the back

    How it works: After it bounces off the ground to a small height, it sends out a shockwave, draws it back, and starts a double sized black hole effect. It also slowly draws tanks within a 150 pixel radius.

    Bounce - 25
    Shockwave - 10 damage
    Reverse shockwave - 20 damage
    Black hole - 30 x 2 damage

    Description: A deadly singularity is in your hands.

    Tier: Seperate tier
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2015
  5. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Some weps Ideas: pt.1 (most coming back from 2 applied to steam)

    F-Bomb/F-U-Bomb/Cluster Funk/S-Storm
    Damages:10x4/10x7/8x10/2x2(for each pellet)

    F-Bomb: From SSL2
    F-U-Bomb: F-Bomb with 7 explosions instead of 4 to add YOU in.
    Cluster Funk: Fires !@#$%& in a shotgun pattern. (10 random symbols)
    S-Storm: Fires like rain however with brown Pellets that stick after they land and makes the fart noise after each impact.

    Cork Screw/ Gravesters/ Orbiters
    Damages: 25/20x2/20x3

    Corkscrew: From SSL2
    Gravesters: From SSL2
    Orbiters: Adds a red shot that fires like normal in the middle of the gravesters twisting motion.

    Pasta/Mac & Cheese/Spaghetti and Meatballs
    Damages: 2x10/4x10/4x10 + 20x2 for each meat ball

    Pasta: Fires like mac and cheese but is just pasta. Pretty lame actually.
    Mac & Chesses: From SSL2
    Spaghetti and Meatballs: From SSL2

    Pause/Fast Forward/Instant Replay

    Pause: Fires a green shot. Pauses in mid air and hits target (similar to moon weapon in ssl2)
    Fast Forward: From SSL2 but with green shots instead of red.
    Instant Replay: From SSL2
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
  6. ComplexOri

    ComplexOri Sergeant (7) Member

    Nov 12, 2014
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    These Weapons Are For ShellShock Live For Steam
    Name: D-Bomb-> C-Bomb-> B-Bomb-> A-Bomb
    Description: It is F-Bomb from ShellShock Live 2, but D-Bomb does 2 explosions that does 20 damage each and each increasing tier increases the explosion by 1, so C-Bomb does 3 explosions that does 20 damage each, etc.


    Name: Synthesis-> Photosynthesis
    Description: Synthesis-> Fires a Sprouter and 1 of the Solar Flare's far reaching thing is dropped down where the Sprouter landed
    Photosynthesis-> Fires a Blossom and 3 of the Solar Flare's far reaching thing is dropped down where the Blossom landed with equal angle and distance of the top 3 Solar Flare has
    Penguin likes this.
  7. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Some more weps ideas: pt.2 (New stuffs)

    Hunter Drone/HD Pack/Swarm

    Damages: 25/20x3/15x?

    Hunter Drone: Fire a drone into the air and after a few seconds, it will find the nearest target and hit it. Like a homing missile.
    HD Pack: A flare weapon that calls 3 drones to come down and strike the target.
    Swarm: A flare weapon that calls in a bunch of drones to strike a target.

    Harpoon/Burning Harpoon/ Exploding Harpoon
    Damages: 30/30+2x5/30+30

    Harpoon: Shoots a big harpoon straight across.
    Burning Harpoon: Shoots a harpoon that is on fire. Will burn the tank on impact.
    Exploding Harpoon: Shoot a harpoon that sticks to your enemy first, then blows up.
    Taylor and Bencrocker like this.
  8. Bencrocker

    Bencrocker New Born (1) Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Weapon ideas!

    Bubbles/Bubble Ambush

    Bubbles: You fire a blue bubble which goes straight through the ground at the angle it hit the ground at, when it reaches the bottom of the map it sticks there and releases 7 bubbles from under the ground which rise up and pop as they hit the ground, each bubble does 10 damage.
    Bubble Ambush: Like bubble but the original shot is larger and there are 15 bubbles which rise from under the ground twice as quickly, each bubble does 8 damage.


    Garden: This weapon works like spiker in that it hits the ground and then 3 flowers rise up a certain distance beyond the original shot with spaces in between, angling themselves with the angle of terrain. However, there are 3 types of flower, the garden consists of 1 of each, a sunflower, a tulip and a pansy, the sunflower sends out a shot which works like fireworks and sends out bullets in every direction, the tulip sends out 5 shots one after the other in a row which arc like normal, and the pansy sends out a bullet which works like spaz, moving in every direction, but moves much less eratically. Sunflower and tulip shots do 10 damage, the pansy one does 30 (it doesn't change like spaz, the area of explosion doesn't either)

    Germination: Like garden (same damage) but 2 of each plant

    (Probably a prestige weapon :p)
    Pac blast/Pac attack

    Pac blast: You shoot a flare which looks like a flashing pac man pellet, it bounces around and then disappears, 4 big ghosts (like the length of 2 tanks put together) of each colour fall from the sky and pass through the terrain, this is over a relatively large radius (so it is possible for ghosts to miss even if the flare hits exactly). Each ghost does 30 damage

    Pac attack: Exactly like pac blast, except the ghosts are all blue (like when pac man eats the power pellet) and after they hit, a massive pac man (the entire radius of which the weapon works in) drops down with his mouth at the bottom opening and closing, he eats through the entire terrain under him, the length of the pac man (right to the bottom!), ghosts do 30 damage, pac man does 50 damage.

    Single die/double dice/Yahtzee

    Single die: You throw it and it bounces around on the ground, each time it bounces it changes which side it's on (it starts on 1 with one dot in the middle, and gets an extra dot each bounce until it gets to 6, then after that it goes back to 1 and starts again) the number it stops on after it's finished bouncing determines the attack.
    If it lands on 1: It explodes with a radius of shot and does 10 damage
    If it lands on 2: A lightning bolt hits it and destroys it and does 30 damage
    If it lands on 3: A satellite hits it and does 50 damage
    If it lands on 4: Like grand finale, the 5 shots which burst into shots in every direction are sent out from the die
    If it lands on 5: A nuke drops from the sky above it
    If it lands on 6: Each of 1-5 occur (it explodes like shot first, and then a second later there is a lightning, a second later there is a satellite etc) BUT the damage for each weapon is halved
    Each weapon does the normal damage the weapon normally does

    Double dice: The dice are thrown with slightly different powers and angles, same as single die but there are 2.
    1: The shot does 8 damage
    2: The lightning does 20 damage
    3: The satellite does 35 damage
    4: Each shot does 6 damage
    5: The nuke does 60 damage
    6: Half of each of the above (satellite does 18)

    Yahtzee: You throw 5 dice, at slightly different powers and angles.
    1: Shot does 5 damage
    2: Lightning does 15 damage
    3: Satellite does 25 damage
    4: Each shot does 4 damage
    5: Nuke does 40 damage
    6: Half of each of the above (shot does 3, lightning does 8, satellite does 13)

    Paper plane/Bomber plane/Destructo Plane

    Paper plane: You shoot a paper plane which fires normally until its peak, after it reaches this it begins to glide down at an angle of 35 degrees, it explodes on impact with a mega shot radius (it bounces off the sides of the screen)
    It does 60 damage

    Bomber plane: The same as paper plane but it has camo paint on it, except as it glides down it drops shots like seagull, but these bullets are black and bounce around slightly before exploding on impact.
    Each bomb does 15 damage
    The plane still does 60 damage

    Destructo plane: The same as paper plane but it has black paint with a red target on it, except as it glides down it shoots shots out at every direction at low power which burst into shots in every direction in midair (like fireworks) before exploding on impact.
    Each shot does 8 damage
    The plane still does 60 damage
    Lemondude617 and Penguin like this.
  9. LL99

    LL99 Private First Class (4) Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    My ideas for home set (i hope Kchamp see this he will see the damage)

    9=will launch 9 balls and form a diamond, freezes close to the floor and launch a white ball that Spreading the balls and then defrost(hit then frost or defrost)
    8=launch 15 balls and form a triangle, freezes close to the floor and launch a white ball that Spreading the balls and then defrost(hit then frost or defrost)

    Pinball>Brutal Pinball>Pin-Madness
    1=shots a silver ball when touches the ground go very fast ricochets wall and hit the ground 10 times in the 10 hit will explode
    2=shots 2 silver balls
    3=shots 3 silver balls

    Marble Ball>Bag of Marbles>Marble War
    1=Shots Marble that brakes in the ground works like Shrapnel but only 8 pieces
    2=The Bag will Brake in the ground that releases 3 Marble Balls
    3=Shots 9 Marble balls

    Notes>Piano Notes>Musical Notes
    1=Shots 7 notes in sequence that's go Do,Re,Mi,Fa,Sol,La,Si
    2=Shots 13 notes in sequence that's plays a random piano song
    3=Shots 20 notes in sequence that's plays a random musical

    Pizza>Italian Pizza>Perfect Pizza
    1=the shot will releases toppings like hexagon in every 1 second
    2=the shot will releases toppings like octagon
    3=the shot will releases toppings like decagon

    1=shots a tv that then hit the ground go up 3 channels (ex.tank network)
    2=shots a pc that then hit the ground go up 5 Sites (like tankbook,tankiter,etc)
    3=shots a multi-system that then hit the ground go up 8 things (mix pc and tv)

    Cards>Cards Tricks>BlackJack
    1=shots 7 poker cards
    2=shots 14 poker cards that to some tricks
    3=shots 21 cards poker cards(if the first three cards are equal to 21 fires a win like the tic tac toe)

    Book>Bible>Magic Book>Holy Bible
    1=shots a book that will release 3 papers in hit that is papers to zig zag
    2=same as book but add 2 papers(total 5 papers)
    3=that 3 papers will be a random magic(release flames,to a small rain, etc.[Kchamp can call me for that)
    4=same as magic book but add 2 papers

    Corpse>Corpses>Corpse Party
    1=shot 1 dead tank that will release 3 bombs in hit
    2=add 2 or 1?
    3=add 4 or 2?

    Lemon>Lemonade>Lemonade Stand
    1=the lemon will turn 4 drops of juice that does not damage the ground
    2=in hit will turn to 2 lemon
    3=in hit will turn to 2 lemonnade
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
    Lemondude617 and Penguin like this.
  10. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    hi i m not suggesting a weap but it would be nice if kyle add a weapon about ice cause for now there are only snow ball and snow storm that are actually old weaps.
    i mean he added a weapon about cats/money/spaggheti/chees/snakes/dogs/spazxD/rain/EVERYTHING POSSIBLE so i would like to see a weap about ice :D
    ps:very nice ideasLL99 :p
  11. Lemondude617

    Lemondude617 Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jul 10, 2015
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    Added weapon upgrades to my previous post ^^
  12. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Pony>Flaming Ponies>Flaming Brony Storm

    Tier 1

    Name: Pony(aka one trick pony)
    How it looks: It looks like a miniature version of a horse. Much how kittens looks in comparison to Cat.
    Sound: When you shoot it it would have a "Neigh" horses often make sound affect to it.
    Details: Can be a pale white horse or to add uniqueness it can be like water balloons and come in many natural colors you'd think of when you see a horse.(White,Gray,Black,Brown,etc...)
    Its damage base damage would be 20.

    Tier 2

    Name: Flaming Ponies
    How it looks: it would be a group horses thats on fire with an orange glow to it. Flames would glow as if really on fire for an extra animation. Would be a group of 3 miniature ponies.
    Sound: The group would all make the "Neigh" sound slightly after the first one does so in order but pretty quick like kittens. Until impact is what I think Cat does. They would also have the sizzling sound since they are on fire.
    Details: Each pony does a base of 15 each. (Hit all 45)

    Tier 3

    Name: Brony Storm
    How it looks: Multicolor ponies raining down in the form of cats and dogs put falling straight down while on fire. 5 Ponies total along with some other minimal things like sparkles and a rainbow that loops over from left part of weapon radius to the right. Not that big of one but enough to look like rainbow on game. So the ponies alone would do 100 if all hit along with bonuses from whatever you get from flames and sparkles hitting.
    Details: This idea is based off the my little pony show and I thought would be a hilarious twist as a final tier. For how the ponies should look, as forum members such as Tavi or Amaterisu for help. Each pony would deal 20 if they hit something. Rainbow would be just for visuals. The sparkles would do the the same damage as one hit of twinkler would. After impact of pony the remaining flames could smolder damage point for each hit of flame on the enemy.

    Tweaking could be done to this weapon set to make it better of course but user feedback from the users stated and myself would help make it clearer.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  13. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    (Edit:Thanks Kyle for looking at this. Cool to inspire a weapon that we get to use at level 95. Even making it a Prestige Weapon. You make my baby so pretty and even copied the 4 tier idea. Believe it or not it was called Lottery before but changed to slot machine.)

    Gear>Pot of Gears>Gear Storm>Gear Slot Machine

    Tier 1

    Name: Gear
    How it looks: Looks just like the gear we are awarded in SSL Steam and even is the same size.
    Sound: The sound of impact is the sound we hear when he hover our mouse over a fallen gear.
    Details: Does 12 damage

    Tier 2

    Name: Pot of Gears
    How it looks: Size of Mad Bird. Black pot of gold except with little gears in it. When you shoot it any distance a rainbow trail follow behind it. Has to be shot at an arc.
    Sound: N/A
    Details: Damage has a base of 15 to 30. Like Spaz its completely random what you will get in between those numbers..

    Tier 3

    Name: Gear Storm
    How it looks: Looks like rain and follows same layout except its with gears instead. Gears that don't hit an enemy when they hit a surface they can roll left, right, or off of surfaces for a time period before disappearing. I think of the the rain on "Cover Orange 2" which I think even has grey gears as their rain. Each gear would do 4 damage each. Unsure yet how many should fall but perhaps the same as there is droplets on current rain weapon.
    Sound: Refer to the rain noise on "Cover Orange 2". At least something similar to that. You know the tapping of rain on a surface and regular rain sound when its falling.
    Details: Radius would be as big as Hail. Could be initiated by throwing a blue colored gear on the target or near them.

    Tier 4

    Name: Gear Slot Machine
    How it looks:It looks like a little grey slot machine. It would feature 3 continuously rotating slot squares that keep spinning during the duration of the shot until impact.
    Sound: Slot noises of the squares spinning. Once impact of weapon happens you would hear the 3 clicking squares locking in to place after spinning.
    Details: As slot machine flies in the air during shot squares are continuously spinning through combinations on the little slot machine. Would be nice if above your tank it would show the slot machine visual of the 3 squares spinning as well during shot and then after shot impact show them slowing down and locking onto their resting spots. If you got 3 different symbols you wouldn't get any prize and the noise would be a try again one. If you got 2 of a kind you'd get a gear. If you some how got all 3 to be the same you'd get 3 gears as a bonus. This weapon of course would be random and like spaz have a minimum and maximum as its base damage.
    I was thinking 30-80 but like spaz is not known till it happens. A possible feature could be that damage probability could have a higher chance based off what you got on the slot machine. I like how this weapon can actually give the user gears aside from the ones they may get from hits with it. (Damages can be played around with)
    Awesume and SubZero like this.
  14. Lemondude617

    Lemondude617 Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jul 10, 2015
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    Looks like Kchamp is listening:

    He added my "Quicksand" idea
    and Lucalima's "Notes" idea

    I hope this continues :)
    (for everyone's ideas, not just mine :p)
    Taylor likes this.
  15. lostlong62

    lostlong62 New Born (1) Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    1. Rain > Hail > Icicle Storm
    Icicle Storm: Like a FireStorm, but shoots snowballs (like the weapon snowball) instead of the 2 comets, and also plummets down hail.
  16. nicolasrene

    nicolasrene Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    1 - Lag Shot > Glitch Shot > Chaos Shot

    Lag Shot: Shoots a shot that explodes before it lands. Does 20 damage.

    Glitch Shot: Shoots a shot that dissapears and explodes 3 enemy tanks. Each explosion does 17 damage.

    Chaos Shot: Shoots a variety of shots that turn into one massive shot. The shot explodes into 3 random shots from the game. The main Chaos Shot does 30 damage while the other 3 random weapons can only do a maximum of 30 each. If they have reached their maximum limit they will disappear. The maximum cap is increased after each level up.
    Taylor likes this.
  17. muffinasdf

    muffinasdf Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Plate > Waiters cart > Kings table
    Plate: shoots two food weapons mac and cheese, and spaghetti

    Waiters table: adds one more food weapon chicken

    Kings table: adds two more food weapons popcorn, muffin
  18. nicolasrene

    nicolasrene Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Decoy Tank > Shield Tank > Juggernaut Tank

    Decoy Tank: For one round, a tank will shoot a shot at a random enemy while you are attacking. 50% chance: shot, 30% chance for one bounce and 20% for splitter. Leveling up increases the chance for one bounce and splitter to appear.

    Shield Tank:For one round, a tank will shoot a shot at a random enemy while you are attacking. 50% chance: shot, 30% chance for one bounce and 20% for splitter. It can also shield your enemy's attacks with a projectile that tries to block an attack (50% chance to block) Leveling up increases the chance to block.

    Juggernaut Tank: For one round, a tank will shoot a shot at a random enemy while you are attacking. 50% chance: shot, 20% chance for one bounce, 20% for splitter and 10% for three-ball. It can shield your enemy's attacks with a projectile that tries to block an attack (70% chance to block). Leveling up increases the chance to block.
  19. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Roman Candle
    (i think you all know what this is)

    Description: "It doesn't only look very nice, it's also very deadly!"
    Damage: 10 each bullet
    Count of bullets: 20
    Explosion size: 10 pixels
    How does it work? Fires a stick (obviously). On its landing position it fires in a small period 20 colored bullets into random directions, 10 pixel explosion.
    Special ability: none

    Sucker (only for steam version)

    Description: "A weapon that uses other weapons, clever!"
    Damage: 30
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion Size: 30 pixel
    How does it work? A slow moving bullet that can absorb/suck up other enemy bullets if available and sends them back with the initial bullet. But due to coding and engine it should be possible in steam version only.
    Special ability: Absorbing other bullets


    Description: "The stronger the enemy the higher the damage!"
    Damage: 30 Base damage, +1 damage for each level of the enemy
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 30 pixel
    How does it work? This weapon fires a usual shot (blue colored) that deals higher damage if the enemies level is high.
    Special ability: Raising damage based on enemies level


    Description: "Mirror effect... don't confuse yourself..."
    Damage: 80 each bullet
    Count of bullets: 2
    Explosion size: 45 pixels
    How does it work? Mirrors the bullet to the other side. If you fire a bullet at angle 45 and power 50, a second bullet will appear at angle 135 and power 50. perfectly mirrored.
    Special ability: none

    Dead above

    Description: "Getting sick being dig into the earth? This weapon is yours!"
    Damage: 40
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: -
    How does it work? This bullet only damages tanks above it... like a limited earthquake. Bad if you are up high, perfect if you are dig into earth.
    Special ability: none

    Death Circle

    Description: "Don't hit directly, just near."
    Damage: 50
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 25 - 45 pixels
    How does it work? Creates a circled explosion with a hole at the center.
    Special ability: no terrain damage


    Description: "Walk along, step on them"
    Damage: 10 each explosion
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 15 pixels
    How does it work? Acts like spiker, but instead of releasing spikes it releases a small chain of explosions.
    Special ability: none


    Description: "Turns terrain into deadly projectiles."
    Damage: 5 each bullet
    Count of bullets: 1+25
    Explosion size: 5 pixels
    How does it work? "eats" a couple of terrain and explodes then into many projectiles which also add terrain again on their landing point.
    Special ability: Adds terrain | Extra terrain damage

    Melee attack

    Description: "The closer the distance, the higher the damage"
    Damage: 100
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 1 pixel
    How does it work? This weapon looses damage the higher the range is. Its a reverted sniper actually
    Special ability: Decreasing damage on ranged attacks


    Description: "Damage yourself to damage the enemy even more!"
    Damage: 250
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 50 pixels
    How does it work? Damages yourself by 100 damage (doesn't give you minus exp) to deal more damage at your opponent. We can count that as "last chance" weapon.
    Special ability: self-damage


    Description: "Shots a splitter that splits into 2 breaker which break into 2 Splitter which split into 2 breaker... confused enough?"
    Damage: 15 each bullet
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 20 pixels
    How does it work? as the Description says, splits, breaks, splits and breaks again.
    Special ability: Splitting | Breaking


    Description: "Eww... insects! get 'em away!!!"
    Damage: 15 each insect
    Count of bullets: 20
    Explosion size: 1 pixels
    How does it work? This is not Bee-hive. On the landing point several insects are released (like wild one) and have a little proximity trigger... So its a proximity-wild-one
    Special ability: Proximity trigger


    Description: "Well THIS is a S-hot-gun!"
    Damage: 3 x 3 damage
    Count of bullets: 15
    Explosion size: -
    How does it work? Fires 15 Fire bullets in a high scatter, most effective at close range.
    Special ability: Damage over time

    Surprise box

    Description: "Surprise? Yeah, the best surprise for you!"
    Damage: ?
    Count of bullets: 3
    Explosion size: ?
    How does it work? Will release 3 random bullets of a small set on impact.
    Special ability: Random bullets
    Set of Bullets: Digger, Builder, double breaker, double splitter, airstrike, massive shot, sparkler and palm.

    star missile

    Description: "if one missile isn't enough..."
    Damage: 20 each bullet
    Count of bullets: 12
    Explosion size: 40 pixels
    How does it work? On its peak it will release 12 missiles into all directions.
    Special ability: Split


    Description: "be patient, the true damage is revealed next shot"
    Damage: 10 / 150
    Count of bullets: 2
    Explosion size: 10 / 80 pixels
    How does it work? Fires a shot in the first round, then a big and high explosive bullet in the next round.
    Special ability: Auto-turn

    Heart gun

    Description: "Because i love you <3"
    Damage: 50
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 50 pixels
    How does it work? Shots a heart shaped bullet... after that, a heart shaped explosion.
    Special ability: no Terrain damage


    Description: "Woah, hold on there."
    Damage: 10
    Count of bullets: 12
    Explosion size: 10 pixels
    How does it work? Shots 12 shots at your enemy... what is the weakest bullet now?
    Special ability: none


    Description: "create mountains with that one!"
    Damage: 8 x 4
    Count of bullets: 12
    Explosion size: 12 pixels
    How does it work? Like excavation, just with tons of builders
    Special ability: Adds terrain


    Description: "Let's play table-tennis!"
    Damage: 12 each bounce (10 bounces total)
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 15 pixels
    How does it work? Unleashes a white boundsplode which bounces around... with the edges of beacon!
    Special ability: Bullet specific bound-lines

    heavy cannon

    Description: "So heavy..."
    Damage: 60 damage
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 60 pixels
    How does it work? Highly affected by gravity, but deals a great damage.
    Special ability: heavy weight.


    Description: "Damaged the earth at a high radius... but lowly damage tanks"
    Damage: 10
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 200 pixels
    How does it work? Maybe considered as defensive weapon, this weapon eats earth to breakfast.
    Special ability: none


    Description: "Now you can be even more careless with your firepower!"
    Damage: 40
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 30 pixels
    How does it work? Deals no damage to allies or yourself. Keep away stackers! :)
    Special ability: No friendly fire


    Description: "Deals damage in an area but more on direct hit!"
    Damage: 30 + 60
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 50 pixels + 1 pixel
    How does it work? A bit like DJ-Bomb, this weapon fires a bullet with a big explosion size but also with a sniper sized explosion.
    Special ability: none


    Description: "Does a line rider!"
    Damage: 60
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 30 pixel
    How does it work? For those which know line rider, this is a small little game where a man slides on a self drawn line... so here he does.
    Special ability: Graphically awesome!
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
    Lemondude617 and Taylor like this.
  20. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    continued list... cuz 10000 letter limit.


    Description: "Keep it long enough in the air."
    Damage: 30 each bullet
    Count of bullets: 1 + 5
    Explosion size: 25 pixels
    How does it work? Splits after 5 seconds into 5 Bullets
    Special ability: Split


    Description: "Releases an X as explosion... i don't get the sense either"
    Damage: 10 each explosion
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 8 pixels
    How does it work? Releases an X-shaped explosion chain that damaged all tanks inside the explosion... deals maximum damage at the center.
    Special ability: none

    Anti gravity ball

    Description: "Seems like its lighter than air..."
    Damage: 100
    Count of bullets: 1
    Explosion size: 30 pixels
    How does it work? Used if you are on hills... this weapon flies upwards instead of downwards. use it carefully!
    Special ability: Anti-Gravity


    Description: "Delicious victory!"
    Damage: 10 + 8 + 4
    Count of bullets: 1 (+4 +6)
    Explosion size: 10 pixels
    How does it work? Fires a cookie... on landing it splits up and releases 4 cookie pieces and 6 chocolate pieces.
    Special ability: Split
    Taylor likes this.
  21. Reepile

    Reepile Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 19, 2015
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    Damage (Level 1 - 5):
    How it looks:


    Damage: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85
    Begins with a stream of milk then shoots out little bumpy cirlce/square like flakes.
    -- A long stream of milk bursts out, as it ends the flakes shoot out, some directly where you aimed for, some a bit higher or lower. Shoots a total of 5.

    Beam Drip
    Damage: 75, 80, 85, 95, 100
    A grey rectangle with a semi transparent red beam upon floor contact and red drops.
    -- A grey rectangle is shot, and once comes into contact with the floor, it will stand upright and bounce up about the hight of palm, and will be split into half, each half going in their direction with the distance again the same as palm. Then a semi-transparent red beam forms inbetween their distance (Horizontally) and red drops begin to fall down like rain, each drop doing 5 damage, from the beam.
    drake28034 likes this.
  22. SubZero

    SubZero Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    May 7, 2015
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    Shell shock history
    Tier 1 nuke from ssl1. Tier 2 Shell shock 2 nuke and a real firestorm. Tier 3 shell shock 2 nuke and breakermadness. Tier 4 3 mega nukes or 1 nuke 1 breakermadness and 1 meganuke.
    ComplexOri likes this.
  23. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    a bit OVER MEGA SUPER ULTRA MEGA AGAIN SUPER AGAIN ULTRA AGAIN POWERED? however the idea of ssl hisyory is cool i had something too.But it would be nice if the weaps shoted are different working between various ssl versions.
    Example:flower in ssl1 just eplosed in 1 big explosion istead various exploion like ssl2 and ssl steam that would be nice if weaps like this that changed over the years get in that mega weapon SSL HISTORY.and there are many weaps that got changed between the version and yhea nuke can be in this version (i remeber that when enemys shoted mega nuke you couldn't play for like 5 seconds cause of the screen vibrations lol )
  24. OrganizationXIII

    OrganizationXIII Corporal (5) Member

    Aug 4, 2015
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    I dont have an actual name for the weapon but i do have a suggestion

    Have ya ever played ratchet and clank? if you havent theres a weapon called R.Y.N.O
    It stands for Ripping You A New One
    what that weapon is, it is a mix of other previous weapon that you can unlock in the game, its basically the most ideally, best weapon in all of history.

    So my suggestion for a weapon will be S.H.O.C.K. and this is the weapon idea for Level 100
    S.H.O.C.K can tier to S.H.E.L.L

    S.H.O.C.K will be a mix of the max tier of the first 50 weapons (lvl 1-50) and it will do a damage of 220
    That sounds op but we are already seeing weapons that can achieve this without a x2

    S.H.E.L.L will be a mix of the second 50 weapons on their max tiers (lvl 51-100) and it will do 400 damage.

    It sounds op but it is the last weapon out of the rest, unless we get more levels it should move to the last level then.
  25. Beck

    Beck New Born (1) Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    1. Chemical Burn > 2. Acid Burn > 3. Lab Disaster

    Tank fires a test tube (1), beaker (2), and a conical flask (3).
    The test tube spills green material which behaves like flame or napalm particles, causing 2 damage per particle. The material spills like the water balloon weapon.
    The beaker behaves the same, but each particle causes 4 damage.
    The conical flask causes a large explosion upon impact (50 damage) and spills particles like test tube and beaker, each doing 5 damage.

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