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Should I buy SSLS 2015?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Reepile, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Reepile

    Reepile Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 19, 2015
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    1. I have a couple questions. I went on steam and saw Shell Shock Live on Steam. Everything looks really neat and I love being grindy, but I wanted to know is it worth to buy instead of staying with the free SSL2 Version?

    2. And is it being worked on/updated regularly currently? I liked the huge range of weapons, going from 100 to 200 etc. I like that kind of stuff.

    3. Are there "packs" Like in SSL2 version in the steam version that you have to buy with real currency apart from the current £4.99? (I'm British)

    4. What is the Shellshock Live 4-Pack for an extra £10? Is it worth it and what does it do?

    5. Is the game still early access? I have seen a thread about this and wanted to know if everyone would be too OP and I would be quite noobish. Would all stats and accounts after early access reset?

    6. Generally. to sum it up, should I stick with the old version or buy the new, and why should I get the new.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
  2. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I have 350 hours in this game;
    1. In my opinion, no. Its player base is extremely tiny and you're lucky to play a single round per few hours. The game is extremely unbalanced and I strongly recommend you to not buy it unless you're into grindy games and up for matches against players who will destroy you in seconds, with literally only 10xp awarded to you per match. Updates are lazy and frequency is extremely low as well.
    2. As I said, not really. Currently he only makes updates every few weeks if not months and each have very little content. Almost all updates are about weapons, too, greatly lacking in variety.
    3. No, everything in the game is acquirable for free, as long as you're willing to spend hundreds of hours.
    4. It gives you one copy of SSLS for yourself and three others to gift it to your friends. You can save more money by getting it rather than buying copies separately. You also cannot get the 4 pack once you buy one for yourself.
    5. As of now you should stick to the flash version. As I said, barely anyone is playing the game except two or three people, and most of them are Lv90+, you're really aren't going to like it for the first 150 hours. Game play hardly differs from SSL2 except the portals that appears in-game. It's literally a glorified version of flash without pay-to-win aspect.
    Hope this helped.
    Batgirl, Taylor and Reepile like this.
  3. Reepile

    Reepile Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 19, 2015
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    Thanks for this. I love being grindy so I guess I wouldn't mind being destroyed! I added a new question for .5 about the early release and stuff. Could you please answer it? Thanks again!
  4. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    1)SSL is the main game now. SSL2 gets a new pack here and there but its basically to satisfy the still pretty good population there and to continue the cash flow as well. In the end SSL2 will be the same as it is now just small updates spread out over a lot of time.

    2) Yes the game is being worked on all the time and updates are becoming more and more frequent.

    3) No, Every weapon on the game is earn-able through time played. Same in essence if you played long enough you could unlock,buy, or max every weapon in the game. Also new weapons are always being added so you'll always have something to strive for.

    4) That is 4 copies of the game in a bundle. Its cheaper then buying 4 indivual copies of the game but at a slightly lower price. Its intended for you to be able to give free copies to your friends as gifts on Steam.

    5) You should get the new cause its constantly being updated. Kyle is very active on it and constantly open to ideas to implement into it. The game is based a lot on user input and hes even using the suggest a weapon thread to make many of the in-game weapons. He also is listening to potential ideas. You said you like to grind and although there is a 100 level cap here compared to SSL2 endless Prestiges levels, you'd have a lot of fun if you have friends that like to play SSL2 or any of the previous installments. Also the graphics put the old games to shame and leave you scratching your head why you blew so much money into the old ones. Its also nice it isn't pay to win but you earn everything through game time the way it should be. You can still play both though cause many do that still and there is nothing wrong with that.
    Penguin and Reepile like this.
  5. Reepile

    Reepile Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 19, 2015
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    Another question 7. So there is no prestige and the max level is 100? Does that mean once you are level 100 you are the maximum power you can ever be? (Apart from the new weapons you try and obtain). And will the level cap ever increase? Leading onto another question, do you think that there will be set rounds for minimum level 1 and maximum something like 25, then 26-50 51-100 101-150 Etc? That could make battles fair when the new come.
  6. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Yeah pretty much Lv100 is the cap.

    Also, the game is still in beta. At this rate full version will probably not release in a while, at least not by the end of this year.
    I really hope you're joking.

    EDIT: http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=326460 If you take a look at that link, update frequency is not THAT bad. But considering each has very little content, usually a dozen new weapons, is fairly pathetic. The updates kChamp makes besides weapons is basically additional mechanics that the flash version has.
  7. Reepile

    Reepile Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 19, 2015
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    Is there any FULL evidence that stats will reset once it's fully released? Because I hate putting +100 hours into a game and then loosing all the progress. I like keeping progress I have worked on.
  8. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    People keep saying stuff faster than I can type. So I'm just gonna hold off for a second.
    Ok I think I can say stuffs now. I shall start with this:

    You can't have your cake and eat it too. You want the updates to come in frequently, but the updates you want are fairly big and would take time. Kyle has said this in your suggestion that it would be a big project which means it would take a while. (Which you should check because he needs some clarification on things)

    The game may be out in beta for a while sure, but there are games that have definitely been in early access longer and definitely some of them still in early access now, so I don't see why being in early access in a long time is a bad thing. Besides, it's definitely doing better than the COD BO III beta did XD
    Taylor likes this.
  9. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Mario basically wants updates which aren't boring, unoriginal weapons which add no depth. He wants updates which add to the game. However, most of the updates since he came back have been weapons, which won't really help the game much. Certainly kChamp can make the game more fun in the time he can add weapons. I agree.
    Holy2334, BLACKED.com and Batgirl like this.
  10. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Something that has been done before like adding weapons is different than doing something new, so it's gonna take a bit of time. Remember he's added weapons to the game 300 times already. Doing something totally different is totally different.
  11. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    for me you should buy ssl steam for this reasons
    1 it seem you are dedicated and this game need dedication
    2 don t have to spend lots of money
    3 better grhapics
    4 that something that nobody cares but here in that ssl there are much more bumpers and there are portals.Those things are great for game play cause you will have huge variety to use weapons and test your skills.If your shot will hit enemy that will give you 5 xp that is a good reward :)
    5 IMPORTANT POINT: in ssl2 every weapon does very much dmg and you can do up to 300 hp max.In steam weaps does less dmg and there are more hp.that may seem no logic thing but belive me game play is way better than ssl2 cause death match are not 2 turns = you won
    6rum mum like alaways exagerated(sorry for that) but it's not true that there is an update everymonth that happened for a month where there was only 3 updates and not 1 like he said.Uusually there are 5 + updates a month.

    ps:Rum can i ask you why you hate that weaps are added in game?man 95%of ssl2 updates are based on new weapons and the game still works fine i dunno why you think thats a bad thing adding weapons.And plz don't say lies/don't exagerate cause he is a new player and he asked our opinion cause he don't know so don't say *****

    don t take it seriously but i think that i should say the truth to new players
    here a list of his lies
    -there is only 3% of active players that are over lvl 90
    -udpates are not alaways about weapons also grapichs and some other stuff is getting added.For example better graphics/ new challenges/ steam trading cards /small in game changes/new thems and probably more gear shop items in future.How it's only about weapons? maybe weaps takes 50% BUT SSL1 AND SSL2 WEAPON TOOK 95% OF UPDATES.
    -updates are not once every month there are way more ones and you have to calcualte that in ssl2 there was 1 or 2 updates A YEAR.SSL steam has way mores and like google said now kyle is more active there was only a month with few updates but those updates where still big
    -thats not exactly a lie it's true that ssl steam is unfair about higer lvl = win.But ssl steam is still MUCH FAIR if you take ssl2 as example.ssl2 is like 100% luck based game cause who gets some OP weaps wins in 2 turns ssl steam isn't cause there are a few OP weaps that still do less dmg of ssl2 and there are also more hps that makes the battlefield longer and not that ridicoulous ones that there was in ssl2.I still dunno how people can think that ssl2 is better about game play.

    Here typical ssl2 battles
    example 1
    player 1:sub sniper 168 damage
    player 2:digger 105 dmg
    playe 1 : pyro techinics + x2
    example 2
    player 1 :cats and dogs/a weapon that does 200(there are huge amounts of weaps that do 200 in ssl2) = 200 damage
    player 2:mega nuke x2 =280 dmg
    player 1:water bloons
    example 3
    player 1:massive shot(cause yes sometimes you get shitty weaps without ANYTHING good)
    player 2: fire storm + x2
    so by those examples you can say those folowing things
    -who start first mostly win + 1 unfair/luck things
    -who start first and alter get x2 wins for sure + 2 unfair/luck things
    -you get EXTREMLY OP WEAPS or you get EXTREMLY CRAP weaps another + 1 unfair/luck thing
    ssl steam typical game is TOTALY different.BEEING x2 HP who start first don't win mostly cause more hp.You still can get many good weapons or crap weapons but thems are still more balanced than ssl2 for SURE.Game bumpers now count something cause gives + 5 xp shot and there are also portals.If you get a x2 is still a lucked based thing but there are not anymore weaps that are OP and destroy you in 1 turn when you get x2.
    resume:in ssl2 games are too short and luck based you can't enjoy thems as you can do in ssl steam games.also if you have a lvl 50 against a lvl 100 lvl 100 wouldn't beat him in 2 turns like ssl2

    another thing i forgot that makes ssl steam better than ssl2.
    2 more game mods istead BORING DEATHMATCH OR POINTS ONLY.
    And there are actaully 2 rooms to the select mode menu that makes think that before official realase there would be at least 6 game modes.so rum are you sure ssl steam have only better graphics than ssl2???and we still don't count that ssl steam is in a f*****g BETAAAAAA

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
  12. Elebil

    Elebil Private E-2 (3) Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    @beagle99, if you told me those reasons first I wouldn't have bough the game at all.

    If I wanna level high is to become OP and to pwn like in ssl2 prestige weapons do. Thats why you invest hours, to become OP.

    Also you tell a lot of lies in your examples:
    - You talk like on SSL2 u got a x2 every turn, u don't. In SSLS, you get A VERY TON MORE OF x2. I've seen x2 after x2 after x2 after x2 in a lot of times..
    - Also the battles in ssl2 are way more fair, as you say the highlevel can get shitweapons and you can pwn him with flower (lv1 weapon, 140 damage), digger (lv1 weapon, 105 damage) and such, 2012 (u can do 150~200+ damage) and a ton more useful weapons while you level.
    - On this game, unless you're highlevel your weapons are shit. And what if the highlevel has shit weapons too or if the high level weapons are shit, he has invested a lot of skill points in barrier, movement, criticals (full critical set probably) and will destroy you anyway.

    This game is extremely unbalanced to the new players, SSL2 was unbalanced if you hadn't weapon packs, here you're unbalanced without an option at all.

    Also, since like noone play, it's veery hard to find a match to level up.

    And about the "omg new modes!!11", the new modes:
    - Juggernaut: the only real mode, interesting, but it's only everything against a dude with his hp multiplied... this could be extremely original with new weapons or a lot of new items or such, new powers to fight back but no, if you're lv10 and you're juggernaut, you're a lv10 with a ton of hp..
    - Assassin: A FFA where you get told who to kill. If original FFA is unbalanced because at the end there's someone who hasn't been hit much and will win probly, here that happens at the highest potential, since there's always that mostly doesn't damage their target.
    And the other modes are so bad that I've forgotten them lmao..

    This game is worth buying? NO. We would desire a lot of people to join? YES. We have to LIE to them so they buy the game and regret it in 1 minute? NO.
  13. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    What in the world are you talking about?

    Whether someone plays the game or not is their choice, it shouldn't be influenced by anyone saying they should/shouldn't.
    Penguin likes this.
  14. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    lol if you like to be OP just play ssl2 then thats the most unfair game ever if you don't face someone that have your same weapons packs.And like i said you lvling up you will still be stronger and stronger but for sure not as ssl2.And i didn't told ANY lie ssl2 is much much unfair also if players have same weapon packs than ssl steam.I CAN say that cause i' m very experienced player in both games and i know very good ssl2 and ssl steam mechanics.
    ssl steam is a fair game beacause mostly you don't get VERY OP or very crappy weapons,but you aalaways get a medium of weapons that makes starting weapons not all the matter like ssl2 did.Infact i heard very few times in ssl steam"I GOT OP WEAPS" or " I GOT CRAPPY WEAPONS".in ssl2 i heard TONS of times "I GOT SUPER OP WEAPS" or "I GOT CRAPP WEAPS" ssl steam is fair beacause of that starting weapons are not all the matter and thats very very good to privilege skills and decrease luck influence.With that i m not saying ssl steam is fairest game ever but it's way more than ssl2 and it's a fact.I also play both games so i'm sure 100% of what i'm saying
  15. Mallard King

    Mallard King Corporal (5) Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Personally as it stands right now I would not recommend that you purchase this game for the following reasons
    • A very small community: Right now the game is currently in a rut with its player count very steadily dropping, and at this point rarely peaking at 30+ players active a day, so expect to be playing the same people during your time playing.[​IMG]
    • Very little variety of gameplay: Right now there are only a small handful of game types to select from not only that, but odds are unless you plan on doing a quite a bit of waiting or bring a couple of friends to organize a game you will be spending most of your time playing the same preferred leveling setup. Also no matter what mode you choose from it will grow stale after a short while
    • Drama: Be prepared for drama at almost ever corner both in game and on the forums, i won't go into any specifics here but just take the time to read around the forums.
    • Grind heavy gameplay: After completing all the in game missions you will then be playing the same game type for hours on end to level up often with players a much higher level than yourself due to those type of players being the most active so expect to spend your time losing 95% of the time until you eventually get to a level where you can finally hold your own, or you could make the choice of waiting until someone around your level joins your room which could take no time at all or a very long time depending on who is playing.
    Overall I would recommend staying with SSL2 for now as currently its basically the same game but with a few new weapons and a much smaller community.

    People have the right to voice their opinions on whether a game is worth buying or not that's the whole point on why reviews and even this thread exists in the first place. Tell me would you like to live in a world where everything you purchase is a blind purchase due to the fact you would have nothing but the company's word that its a quality product?
    Batgirl and BLACKED.com like this.
  16. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    • Normally when I try to give the reasons on why this game is good, I'll tag on the disclaimer that very little people play it. I wouldn't tell a person that they shouldn't play the game because of the lack players though because that's not helping out the situation if you are driving people away if there is only a few players.
    • The little variety of gameplay is true only because people prefer deathmatch/points over the other two. In which case SSL2 only has those two game modes so wouldn't this be a negative there as well? There is more stuff you can do in steam, but it can be done rather quickly (I'm not sure about this now after the AI update).
    • Drama will happen anywhere you go. Again this forum is part of SSL2 as well so this point can get thrown out. At least the administration is doing something about it now because of how bad it's become recently and it's greatly appreciated.
    • OP said he didn't mind the grind. So your last point is pointless. Although there should be a mode that doesn't require the grind to still do good in, what that would be is still being thought of.
    The big thing ssl2 has that ssls doesn't is people for the most part and that is what it boils down to. Most of the problems that people point out in the steam version can also be found in SSL2 as well as the very well hidden problems in ssl2 that aren't mentioned which are hidden benefits SSLS has. If you are a person who started in ssl2 and wanted to reach 10th prestige in ssl2 or even plan to spend money in ssl2 just get SSLS :)
    Taylor likes this.
  17. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    If you've got extra money to burn, I highly recommend buying it.
    Holy2334 and Taylor like this.
  18. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    hi how are you did you even read or you just forgot your contacts
  19. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    You know what the problem is? The problem is that people got tired of being tanks and shooting other tanks. If Kyle add map transition for that particular map choice it would add lots of modes, fog of war, strategist etc

    So yea if u started long ago in ssl2 stay there unless u want to waste some money and basically start over or if u try something new
  20. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Your just blowing more money on ssl2 just to be on par with others, Also the extreme rarity of updates and 80's graphics are sure to bore you in minutes. At least you have a 6+ page game community endlessly grinding to keep you happy.

    oh and paying how much for each weapon pack every grinder on the game will own along with you?


    Reminds me of the ssl1 now just with more people and not as outrageous for the packs as on 1.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  21. Mallard King

    Mallard King Corporal (5) Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    • For a primarily multiplayer game its perfectly justifiable to not recommend it due to a low player base as players are the life blood of a multiplayer/mmo game that either makes or breaks the games success especially one that you must pay for. If people would not join a free dead mmo what makes you think people would pay for a dying one?
    • If you read my earlier post you would realize i already made this point. :/
    • Of course drama happens no matter where you go, but if the community is toxic to the point the entire forums had to undergo a cleanup/changes and its own moderators being constantly under fire for varying reasons it would be enough to turn off the game to some, and with this being a close knit community its nearly impossible to avoid at least seeing all the drama that goes on as most of the drama you see on the forums ends up spilling into the game itself which is no moderators for presently to control any problems. There are just people out there who don't want to listen to all the BS going and just play the game
    • There is no such thing is pointless criticism unless its not relevant to the game as a whole, as I said in the beginning of my post this is my own personal reasons for not recommending the game I.E my own subjective opinion.
  22. Elebil

    Elebil Private E-2 (3) Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    Well, i am NOT gonna enter again another loop discussion with the very same people (the community for this game is so sad that there's always the same people, to play with, and to talk with on the forums..)

    This game is worth the price right now? consider a yes if:
    - You don't mind joining an empty game in which rarely you will be able to play many matches and level, and specially others than borings 1v1.
    - You will see that those new modes (juggernaut and others) will be there and you will wish for big rooms with a lot of players, but veery rarely you will be able to join one.
    - You don't mind making a room and waiting ages without anyone entering. If you're used to SSL2 rooms being full in 1-2 mins, you're suffer with this.
    - You don't mind playing with people 40 or more levels above you and lose most of the times (since their weapons are MUCH better, also since they've unlocked new tiers of the weapon, the "bad" weapons are also better than yours..)
    - You like SSL and the new graphics effects (it looks cool but not everything is positive, you'll miss things from ssl2)
    - If you come from SSL2, you don't mind finding the very same weapons with versions nerfed and buffed (example, a weapon that had 3 bullets, now has 2, the second tier has 3, the third 4, etc). Mostly all weapons are like this (that of 500+ new weapons or whatever I readed around is a lie).
    - You don't mind getting frustrated at the single player campaign because the AI now since the last update is really OP in a lot of missions and you will suffer (specially on the last rounds of missions, 6 to 8). Most specially on that pinata mission on the 8th round of missions, where you have 20 pinatas to defeat 3 op AI's throwing you the best weapons in the game, mostly never failing a shot..

    If you can live with that, with the hope for a big influx of people if kChamp sells this well, and can enjoy battling whenever you can to grab few xp to level weapons and such, then yes, this game is fucking worth 20$, and its 7$ right now.

    If not, your gonna get frustrated reaally soon.

    Also IMPORTANT: The shooting mechanics have changed, now you need less strenght to shoot things far. This means that the controls are different than SSL2 and if you played SSL2 you will have a hard time getting used to these.. and if you play both, you gonna suffer in both of them lol..
    Batgirl likes this.
  23. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Yeah I know what you mean. I come up in people's conversating in game, even to game even to the point I get game names dedicated to disliking me. XD

    You would think people have better ways to use their time then venting in a way like that but hey its their time. Doesn't help their is no discipline there such as in-game mods to discourage it, its being considered a safe place now for what people can't get away with on the forums sadly.

    True this happened on 2 but with a smaller community its more noticeable.

    All you can do is ignore it cause all they want is attention.
    Just focus on playing and having a good time with friends. I mean thats why we play this game really.
  24. Black Widow

    Black Widow Forum Administrator Administrator

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Let's steer clear of that please, we don't need it on the forums anymore. I would hope people keep that off the forums since it's passed now, we don't want this thread to be derailed/filled with drama. Thanks! Also, glad you all can debate without calling each other names very proud. :)
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
    Elebil, BLACKED.com, Batgirl and 2 others like this.
  25. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    I don't c any problems find a room 4+ and especially 8 players XD

    But yea u would get frustrated cuz the bots and not being like me (u know...)

    And I think the point has been reached so... @Black Widow do your admin job :D

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