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Steam Story

Discussion in 'Talk Area' started by xXTacocubesXx, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    So being a Skyrim player with lots of mods, of course my game had stability issues. So I looked up tutorials on youtube to help resolve some of these things. Turns out, I failed at the most fundamental, common knowledge things. I recently found out it's a bad idea to have steam and my games in the program files x86 folder. So I unsinstalled and reinstalled steam from there and put them in a seperate folder in my D drive. I then found out the drive didn't even have enough storage to hold my games plus skyrim mods. So I reinstalled steam again, this time reinstalling it into a seperate custom folder in my C drive that isn't program files/ program filesx86 within the main drive and I named it "Steam". I then noticed my other drive still had all the steam and game crap still filled with it. So I ran the uninstaller for Steam WITHIN the drive I was trying to take it out from, not the main drive with the newly reinstalled steam. So then naturally, the shortcut for steam on my desktop which I made sure the destination was in my C drive disappeared. So I thought, hmm no biggie. I could just find the steam.exe from the C drive folder I made and then copy/paste back to the desktop. Except when I ran the copy pasted executable, it propagated a clusterbang of files from steam onto my desktop. Not only that, but apparently, my games showed as uninstalled. I believe this was caused when I copy/pasted the executable. It might have changed the destination from my C drive to the desktop, causing the clutter of extra folders, and steam being unable to access my games and other things from my C drive because the C drive wasn't the destination anymore. So I decided to redownload steam AGAIN, making sure it's being downloaded to the correct destination that I want it, this time not bothering to uninstall or delete anymore steam crap. This time I was successful and the steam client is in the correct drive and folder, it works properly and immediately has my downloaded games ready to play. That's my steam story. And with that, I am going to launch Shellshock Live Steam and play for a bit!
  2. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    By the way, I'm not making seperate game shortcuts on my desktop, I'm preferring to keep it all within the steam client.
  3. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    thats cool i guess
  4. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Moving steam stuff over is just difficult to begin with. I had to move my steam over to the bigger 1TB hard drive so that I don't accidentally download any games on the 100GB hard drive.

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