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Before you relase another crappy weapon pack...

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by soxson, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. soxson

    soxson New Born (1) Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Lets take a look at some of the bugs and simply annoying things that irritate me everyday.

    - The damage report. I am seeing the damage report of someone else's attack when they did not in fact attack. Like seeing an enemy's damage report when it is team shot and wasn't their turn. Sometimes, it completely overwrites my own attack, leaving me unable to see it. Get this fixed.

    - The full screen banner advertising weapon pack 9 constantly spams me even though I already bought it. I also see it in the chat page. Please change the coding of that pop-up so it will not appear to people who already own it. Even better, a 'never show me this again' box that we can check. I also see the same thing for crit and grappling hook perks when i already own both.

    - When someone chats in a lobby while the game is loading, if that chat is up at the top of the chat screen, you will never know what the person said. When the loading bar complete, please have that thing disappear, for a second so we can see what that person said.

    - You are hosting a game. Someone you do not like joins. You kick that person. That person rejoins. You re-kick them. The person joins again. This goes on for a few minutes. Host owners will know the struggle. Idiots who don't take a hint that they're not wanted and think that re-joining over and over will make us let them play. At least set a limit to how many times someone can be kicked from a lobby before they are blocked from joining for 5 minutes. Two times would be fair.

    - W and S hotkeys. We've all raged when we accidentally hit it and switched a weapon and shot the wrong weapon. Give a toggle to disable or remove it completely. Cause who even uses those?

    - Flares still shows from muted people. At least have muting someone mute their flares too. I once muted a lvl 2 or so cause he was shooting like 5-10 flares a minute but even when muted, i still kept seeing them. Please implement this.

    - Substitute weapons. I hate it when I cannot even view my own weapons during someone else's turn because of the randomly chosen sub weapon. At least have the sub weapon show ONLY when it is the sub's turn to go. Even when it is dead, I still see its weapons.

    - Don't let quitters spoil the fun. When someone quits, it ruins the fun and we don't get full xp. When someone quits in team shot or all shot, at least let the tank stay alive but unmanned so you can keep shooting it for xp. Even in 1v1, let the tank be alive but immobile so you can get XP. Sometimes, i cant even play 2 full games with the same person cause they keep quitting on me.

    I am a wallet warrior. I have shelled out maybe $200 on this game. Please do not make me regret spending money.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
  2. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    kChamp is literally abandoning SSL2 except the times when he releases packs. I can be sure none of your wishes will be granted.
    It's actually not that hard. This forum is pretty neatly organized due to its community size, this really shouldn't be a problem unless you're posting on Terraria forums or something.
    xXTacocubesXx and Batgirl like this.
  3. Candor

    Candor Forum Peasant Moderator

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Although it might be true that Kyle has directed his attention elsewhere, there is still chance he will work on ssl2 for those still playing. Feedback is welcome for both versions of the game. Your suggestions and concerns matter. @kChamp Nonetheless if you wish for him to see something private message him or post something with a tag to him as I did.
  4. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    To be completely honest with you, I'd much rather have him focus on his new game rather than the old one. There's been enough setbacks already. Though,I do understand the kicking thing, I can totally relate to that.... But most of these are still minor annoyances, really. You say you spent $200. If you're willing to spend all that money, you should spend some of it on ssl steam if you haven't already. Even if you already heard it's trash and it sucks or whatever. Give it the benefit of the doubt.
    Holy2334 likes this.
  5. Penguin

    Penguin Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2014
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    i'm agree about it that spams of weapon pack 9 and perks are just anoying and really dumb thing thats not hard to do a samll edit putting never show me again(like most of games with micro trasiction does)but it's exagerated saying that the new weapon packs sucks.Actually there are the most orginal wepons ever made in ssl games
    titan98 likes this.
  6. soxson

    soxson New Born (1) Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Bump cause i've added four more things that i'd like to see happen. They've been added to the bottom of the list but above my last sentence. This is a very good game that is slowly becoming worse due to the lack of programmer attention. Please dont let this game die.
  7. titan98

    titan98 Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    No id say the game is only getting worse from the lack of people we actually play with, there still are alot just most of them are new to the game.
  8. 913

    913 Sergeant (7) Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    If kchamp stays active with flash version of ssl2 then maybe it will get more peeps ; Also I will most likely be active if he does which is a plus :)
  9. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    ShellShock Live 2 is finished. What makes you say it's incomplete? Do you really think he will waste his time on an already successful flash game, when SSLS, which is his biggest accomplishment is literally failing?
  10. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Its doing pretty good though for an early access game thats really hard to come across in the steam store that's for sure. The last flash game that I know that went onto steam was Mu Complex and that game died and it hasn't even been out for a month yet. Then again they did pull a fatal flaw just before putting the game out there, which caused it to lose the support it needed for people to buy it. So at least there's that!
  11. Blue Phantom

    Blue Phantom Sergeant (7) Member

    May 6, 2015
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    I liked the room ban on SSL1, good idea:)
  12. 15Galaxy15

    15Galaxy15 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Man, you just said the most problems in game. I totally support you on this.

    One more thing I'd add about drones:

    I think it's fair enough to get xp with them. Usually, when someone quits, people first kill us and only after the drones. If we can play with it, would be fair to get xp and also hit boxes (not necessarily x2, but still).

    Why? When 1 person quits it's already something to rage on, but when both teammates quit? You're the first to get killed and, in the end, you gotta keep playing with drones just to "win the match", but with no xp, cause you cant earn it with drones. Honestly, it sucks. Really annoying.

    Now, about away from keyboards... Kyle really could make it 2 turns to kick the person instead 3, for obvious reasons.
  13. 15Galaxy15

    15Galaxy15 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Btw, I think the wep pack he added is one of the best and original. Dont think it's crappy :p

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