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A Message to SSL and kChamp

Discussion in 'General Game Talk' started by BLACKED.com, Dec 30, 2015.


Will you wish luck for this game next year?

  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

  3. I really don't care.

  1. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    So it's the end of 2015. I hope you all had a nice holiday break. SSLS was released this year, that's a fun year. I decided to just throw in some rant-ish stuff on what the hell is wrong with this community and the game as a token of "good luck" for this game next year. In other words, "moral of the year"

    The purpose of the community on PC games is to help the developer make the game better (for the most part). However, everything this forum says is completely flaw and meaningless, almost all. (I say bullshit sometimes, not gonna lie about that). But what you guys are doing is not making the game better, it's just giving more cancer to a patient who suffers liver cancer. I don't want this game to die and nobody does, it means something to all of us, it's our favorite game. If some people are wrong, tell them. If the ocular proofs given to you are nonsense, tell us. That's what an average gaming community does and that's how they thrive and grow peacefully. If you refuse to do that and only respond to things that you're confident in posting then by all means, you're not being honest to yourselves. Calling people names or playing it cool by saying 'lol' makes you seem worse than trying to defend your side with goods to back it up, or simply admitting your failure.

    I'm trying to change the community's views towards this game because it's not helping this game at all. It's basically my last effort in making this game a better game. This ain't easy with a developer like this lol. Kissing the game and developer's butt won't help. Never ever, especially if the developer doesn't know much about what he's doing. If we really want to make this game better, successful, exuberant and alive, we all need to face the reality especially because it's such a tiny group of people living here. We can't afford constant destruction of each other. None of your opinions will matter at that moment because I really like this game too and I got 300+ hours recorded into it, but I know that if I keep lying to myself and to the game/dev, it's not going to help anything. It's okay if you want to keep telling yourself that this game is fantastic, but that's only if the developer knows what he's doing. Face it.

    Besides, me and few others have been saying that what Kyle has been doing and what the community wanted was wrong ever since the release. Look at the game now, almost a year since the release, it's rather becoming worse than better. That means nothing to you guys?


    You too, you need to understand what you are doing with this game. Just because you have dozens of fanboys kissing your butt constantly, that never makes you an any-better-developer. I don't know what you're thinking or trying to achieve with this game but I'm just going to assume you simply want to be an average indie game developer. If you want to make a multiplayer game better, you're going to have to put in a lot of effort man. I think the update frequency is fairly slow but I understand that you are a lone developer. But if you're doing something like tournaments and pointless tiny additions to the game like daily rewards, that's a problem. If you have that time and energy to work on something so big then why don't you actually spend it on things that matter to this game the most? You said you didn't want drastic changes to the game, it honestly doesn't have to be. For example, as mentioned on another thread where a Youtuber made videos on SSL, 200-300k people did not buy the game because they simply thought the game was not worth the price. $7 is pretty cheap dude, and barely any of them bought it when this game probably has more content than other successful games like Portal and Gunpoint. You can notice there is something severely wrong with this game that's resisting thousands of people from purchasing it and I'm not going to write them all down because I can create a novel by just doing that.

    Also for the love of God, Christ, whatever the hell you believe in, post on the damn forums. You won't believe how many dilemmas and drama could have been prevented only if you did what you should've done as the leader of a multiplayer game. Regardless of the topic, this is your game. For example if we're arguing about how messed up the updates are and if you said "Well I'm just practicing C# with this game" we probably would all shut the hell up and quietly step back. Don't be blinded by the fanboys who have sacrificed their souls to you. I would say 50% or more of the reason why this community is rotting is your fault. Seriously, how much of an effort, is posting a single paragraph - or even a sentence or two. If you have to spend 40 hours a day to think about what you should post then that means you don't even know what you want to do with this game, which also shows how much of a joke this game's advancement on Steam is. Don't be offended, there is a fine line between being serious and rude.


    @Google567 and others who aren't content with people who share my thoughts, be glad there is still few people who bother to drain their energy for the sake of this game's success.

    Apologies for the wall of text, grammar or any other stuff that I messed up on. Didn't have much time to organize.

    Please don't reply. I honestly don't want to hear any of what you think about this and I already can tell what kinds posts will be down there. We, including those who have left the forums, are all sick of the bulls**t and hypocrisy that occurs.


    Merry Christmas boys, happy new year and good luck to this game next year ;).
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
  2. 15Galaxy15

    15Galaxy15 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I'm not a fan of yours in here, I gotta say. I also have avoiding replying to threads like this one, but lets make and exception.

    I see your point... You dont say the bad things in game to put it down, but to show to Kyle what he should do or change to make it better. We all know the game has its failures, but also has good things (which i cant say about both cause i dont play the game anymore, as you know my comp sucks)...
    Maybe changing the way u say certain things would help to be understood. Remember that once u talk to a public, u gotta make them understand you it doesnt matter if it's drawing, singing or whatever. You gotta a public, make them understand you.

    I know you really dont wanna replies for the (correct) reasons u just said. The games is not that good, Kyle doesnt listen those who play it and have really good ideas for it, that are there since the beginning etc etc etc. No offenses here and no need to answer me.

    Again, i see your point.

    Merry Chrstimas, happy holidays, happy new years and stuff... : p
    Goomba, BLACKED.com and Taylor like this.
  3. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    [Insert really long rebuttal here]

    He's doing a lot better than how ssl2 was handled since I started playing that game. There is also other places to get to Kyle with your concerns other than through the forms like Email which he responds to according to @Google567. More importantly is from this...
    .... which this advice can apply to Kyle as well if he talked often on here. There are little tidbits that he does say here and there which is left open for interpretation, but they often get ignored or misinterpreted. Even if he explained those things more clearly we would know better to whats going on. Again though, it's probably easier for him to discuss via email for him though as it's probably easier to explain to an individual than a whole entire community, but that's just my guess.

    Last thing though...
    FIFY, otherwise we might as well have the thread locked as you're pretty much asking that there should be no discussion here and that wouldn't be fun at all :(
    Taylor and BLACKED.com like this.
  4. 15Galaxy15

    15Galaxy15 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I didnt say it could apply to Kyle cause he never comes talk and share with us here on forums, and when he does he just say what he wants and then leave... At least that was what happened in most of the occasions that I witnessed...
  5. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I know you didn't say that lol. I was just saying that it could apply to Kyle as well if he talked on the forums more often. He does say a few things here and there, but aren't really fully explained or in some cases just ignored in total.
    15Galaxy15 likes this.
  6. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    See if we can have a nice conversation like this without saying "you fucktard stfu ssl is best" it's like awesome man.
    I agree, I tend to be slightly rude when something bothers me a lot. I was patient ;(
    15Galaxy15 likes this.
  7. 15Galaxy15

    15Galaxy15 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I just dont have patience to childish fights... Lol. Well, i said what i had to say... xD
  8. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I wish this game good luck not necessarily because I like it, and I do. I wish it good luck simply because it needs it.

    I believe this game is good and has a lot of potential. But still, after all this time, leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know exactly what this game needs to become successful. I'm no game developing expert. But I do know that @kChamp needs to engage more into this community. I know you say you're trying, but I find it hard to think of any excuse for you to communicate with us as a whole as little as you have been. It would make me really happy even if you stopped by quickly and all you ever told us each day was "Hey! Just feeding the cats!" "This is what I'm having for lunch!" "I'm about to see this new movie! So hyped!" "Taking a break from developing the game this week. All this work has taken it's toll" "So many crumpled up papers with ideas for the game in the trash. My office is a mess... I'm completely lost, help?" I know you sometimes say "I'm going out of town this week, but after that, it's full steam ahead!" Which is understandable. Perhaps part of the reason is that the few times that you do make a major post, like with that new game you were making not too long ago, is that it's met with salt. And I don't blame you. Maybe you're not that kind of person to post random little nonsense like it's Twitter or Instagram or something, but we'd REALLY appreciate it if you tried harder if at all possible. Most of all, I humbly ask that you be real with us and all aspects of your work.

    I won't lie that I've been one of those butt kissers. It makes me really happy and excited when I see you, kChamp in a game or in the lobby hanging out and we get to help test out new things with you. It's all happiness and praise for your work. But there's no denying that I, we are disappointed to some extent with the way things are going now.

    For a while now, it's also been my silent, naive and futile hope that we can all put aside our differences. It does upset me a little bit when I see all the crap and drama that goes around. Sometimes it was initially all with good intentions gone sour, other times it's blatant trolling. For the most part, I've done my best to stay away from it all and not make enemies. I don't expect it all to stop and be rainbows and unicorns. I just hope we can all understand that we're all good people (more or less) who are trying our best to keep this game alive and all that good stuff.

    So here's to the new year! So from the bottom of my heart, good luck to kChamp, Shellshock Live, and everyone in this community! Love you all!
    kChamp and Taylor like this.
  9. Mr Synikal

    Mr Synikal Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    There are many players that don't believe in clans or the competitive aspect of tournaments and that's fine. For myself, I enjoy being part of a group of players that are good friends and share the common bond of our camaraderie with the desire to succeed against other clans. However, the most disappointing factor for me as a Clan Leader is what has happened with the SSLS development since we all made the jump over from SSL2. Because of kChamp's lack of progress and neglect of providing substantial developmental content, I have lost a few members due to boredom and a lack of interest. Kyle is mainly responsible for this. Any current members that still remain are also bored yet hopeful, but sadly, there are some that have fallen inactive. This is not what was expected when kChamp hyped up the SSL2 community and charged $14.99 for a great colored game. Kyle doesn't realize that he has been doing more harm than good to the SSL community in these last 9 months. The game is dead with no thanks from many.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  10. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Main issue with Kyle is that he doesn't know time management when it comes to game development. He spends very little time on necessary things but shuts us all up by saying "fammy I'm busy". Here we are, working on an apparently very complex update, tourneys! And guess what? That so-called tough project, he finished it in less than 2 weeks.

    Can we just confirm that he only wants to do easy updates, in other words, lazy. Because he neglected the weapon collision idea for the sake of tourneys. Former is obviously a lot more complex than this.

    He doesn't know priorities.
    That's nothing. I spent nearly $20 because Canadian money isn't as worthy as USD ;-;
  11. Goomba

    Goomba Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    I would say something, but I'd just be wasting my time because it's nothing more than what I've been saying since the beginning. Nothing has changed, and it'd take a miracle for something to. We as community members have done all we could, we just have to wait for Kyle to work with us.
    Credipede, kChamp, Oehler and 3 others like this.
  12. Mr Synikal

    Mr Synikal Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    SubZero, banna and Oehler like this.

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