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Tips to Save the Game: BROADCAST!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by referee11, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    We all know the story at this point. There is no reason to elaborate on the fact our player base hasn't increased very much at all. People are leaving, and people aren't buying the game. This has all the proof:
    But we knew this already.
    Now, this game can't be saved by us alone. We've given kChamp suggestions and everything he needs to improve the balance, but he doesn't do anything.
    But there is one thing no one EVER does which could help out big time: BROADCAST.
    Broadcasting is essential to helping this game out. For those who are unaware or don't know about broadcasting, it is a setting within Steam which allows you to stream your gameplay. You can choose how you want to stream, with the ability to change the quality of your stream, whether you active a microphone, change the volume of the microphone, and more. This can be found in the Steam settings. If anyone wants a guide to broadcasting, I will extend it onto this post.
    With that done, broadcasting allows people to really see into the game. Most of the videos are really dated, and incorrectly show the game. They show bugs and glitches which aren't there anymore, and don't show the weapons which have been since implemented. Worse, even the trailer uses old footage. kChamp probably doesn't care about it, but it really matters. What is the easiest way to get people who are viewing a game to see if they want to watch gameplay without buying it yet? That's right, broadcasting.
    Now, I'm aware I'm going to get comments saying "If they look at the broadcast and don't like it, they are more likely to not buy the game!" If they don't like what they are seeing from the broadcast, they would probably run from the game once they bought it anyways. More likely, broadcasting might bring out the good in the game. They would (hopefully) show good sportsmanship, decent graphics, and a game worth buying. That would mean we would have to become a more positive community, but it IS possible. Regardless, it would be nice to give this an attempt, even if this fails. Remember: There is a great chance that someone who doesn't like the broadcasts probably wouldn't like the game if they bought it anyways. We'd be saving them time.
    Now, those are my thoughts. What do you guys think? Is this worth trying? Do you need a guide on how to set up a broadcast to suit you and your individual computer? Are you willing to give this a try to try and save the game? I would love to hear your feedback below.
    This is my last legitimate attempt to save this game. I know it's small and may not work, but this is pretty much the last straw for me.
    GooodHerb and Taylor like this.
  2. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I like this idea, and I'm all for a more positive community, but how will I get anyone to watch my stream in the first place? I've actually kept steam broadcasting on every moment I play the game. But this is the most I've ever gotten while streaming Shellshock Live: [​IMG]

    Edit: Just got one tonight. Goomba decided to hop in and watch the "gameplay" of me sitting around waiting for someone to join. Special thanks for breaking my personal viewer count record for Shellshock Live!
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
    DinomanIV, referee11 and Taylor like this.
  3. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    I've noticed quite a lot of people can't view others broadcasts (at least friend's broadcasts) cause some how Steam screwed this up.
    I've tried making fit my computer and internet as well but no progress.

    Often you get a message saying it couldn't connect or the persons internet wasn't stable enough without dropping out after a few seconds.

    I'm like Taco where I have mine on but I only know one person that can watch mine without any problems which fascinates me.

    Steam is aware of this but they hardly care to help people have functioning broadcasts.
    It's a shame but not even waving money in thier face would get you anywhere if you could.

    Great idea though. :/
  4. Goomba

    Goomba Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    high quality steam streams
    Awesume and xXTacocubesXx like this.
  5. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Woah, WHAT! That might be caused by his settings, but that is strange. I see a good picture when I look at my own... That's just so strange...
  6. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Well so much for this idea :/
  7. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Not necessarily. If this doesn't happen to everyone, those who have the better quality streams through the adjusting and whatnot will be able to better showcase the game. My streams have good picture, for example, but lag a little. I think your problems could be fixed by adjusting your settings. You gotta play around with them to make sure your stream doesn't do something like... that. I've never seen anything like that. Keep trying, though!
  8. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    If Steam is too glitchy, just use Twitch.


    I think this would be a pointless attempt. I mean, we already had several Youtube videos with hundreds of thousands of views but nobody bought it. Broadcasting is basically the same as uploading Youtube videos - nobody will watch you unless you're big.

    Besides, broadcasting would be a worse way to publicize the game because it makes the repetitiveness and tediousness of the game a lot more obvious, unlike Youtube videos where video editing can make it seem better. Who wants to watch someone play this game anyways? Like, seriously, a silent guy shooting random stuff every 30 minutes. Even if you're a great commentator it won't make it less of a hardship to overcome.

    This game just doesn't have enough content or depth to it to make "watching" a pleasurable experience.

    Nothing wrong with the community, there is something wrong with the game.
  9. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    ok but


    and watching someone play it is SUUUUUPER boring :(
    referee11 likes this.

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