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Things From New People That Annoy Me Greatly

Discussion in 'Talk Area' started by referee11, Feb 21, 2016.


Are the new people hurting the game as much as they are helping it grow (overall)?

Poll closed Mar 6, 2016.
  1. Yes, they are hurting the game as mentioned in this thread.

  2. Yes, but the effect is overexaggerated in the thread.

  3. I don't know/ I don't care, I only play with high levels anyways.

    0 vote(s)
  4. No, but some of the information in this thread is true.

  5. No, the game has only improved since they came here.

  6. Ducks.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    The following is a list of things that are said/done by the new people which really anger me. Let's go from most annoyance to least annoyance, shall we?

    1) This game just came out. How are you such a high level?
    This one gets me every time. Every. Time. Never have I joined a multiplayer game with such a huge amount of people claiming it is new. When a new person join Rocket League or Team Fortress 2, or even a smaller multiplayer game like Tiny Tanks, no one EVER says "Wow, great new game!". It's listed on the store page it has been out since March 2015, but they can't see that for some reason. So, why is it happening now? It's annoying to always have to say that this game came out a solid year ago, almost.
    Then, people are like "Level #[insert number >70 here]! HACKER!". This angers me so much on a far more personal basis than the other reason above. I actually don't know much at all about programming, or technology as a whole. For them to say that hurts me more than it would others for that reason. People shouldn't just assume people are hackers and ask "How did you get such a high level?". Are there people like that? Yes, I'll delve into that in another reason. However, this applies to most of the new users, so I deal with these all of the time, as I am sure you guys do, too. The rest of the reasons are for a large portion of users, but not all users do them like they do this one. These could be two different reasons, but I combined them because they come one after another.

    2) Change all of the achievements and missions! They are all too hard!
    This one gets me, too. Play the game and you will get them. You aren't going to win missions based on sheer luck, especially Partitions and Hot Hot Hot. You actually have to play strategically and use the terrain to win while making your shots do good damage. It takes a few tries, but you will get it if you don't give up after 4-5 tries. Go 10. Go 15. Go 20. If you've gone 20+ tries without getting it, READ. THE. GUIDES. Real people put HOURS into making that Official Mission Guide. The fact you have resources to complete every mission in the game is amazingly lucky, and you STILL complain about the missions being too hard. That's as disrespectful as anything. If you really want to automatically win missions, just read this. Seriously guys. No missions need changing. If you don't have the time to read a stupid guide, you don't have a reason to play this game. So GTFO.
    Now, some of the achievements are a little out of whack after the level shifting (like 1,000,000 for Chopper, which is now lvl 100+ some). However, aside from that one, all achievements are earned by playing over time. Again, no achievement besides the one listed and maybe Dev Destroyer needs changing. I firmly believe that anyone not willing to put in any work should not have picked up this game. Again, this isn't every user, but there is a strong population of users that think this way. This leads me to my third reason:

    3) Shellshock Live Steam attracted the wrong people.
    Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good people who came. Roar85 is a Twitcher who became a great friend of mine because I helped him in the chat during his streams. There are good users out there, like him. However, I think we got a lot of lazy people and trolls. Like, more than we anticipated. I initially thought the troll count would be in the 200s. Reasonable, so I thought. Instead, I think we've gotten trolls in the 600-800 range. These are the people who suicide when you're one shot away from killing them, leave before a single shot is taken without good reason, rage whenever the game turns its face against from them, claim you're a hacker, have no sportsmanship, and the people who tell you to die in a hole whenever you win. I'm sure there is even more than that out there you guys have seen. I mean, we've attracted the wrong people, for sure. Again, there are plenty of good users, but a 1:1 good user/bad user rate is not one we'd like to see in this game. The community, after being up for a little bit, has plunged down lower than it was before. This is less annoying as it is disappointing. That's why it takes
    Holy2334 and xXTacocubesXx like this.
  2. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I get asked how I'm such a high level a million times. I've been called a hacker I think once so far :rolleyes: Most of the other times though they just ask me for tips on how to level up and I just tell them it requires lots and lots of grinding, find a buddy you can grind with and do lots of 600 hp deathmatches, or assassin if you have 3 or more buddies.

    Now I can understand if new players are a little lost and they don't know what to do on how and when to beat missions, so they get frustrated and complain before looking for some of the very comprehensive and intuitive mission guides out there. I know Meowr Power has made a video guide on these missions, which I think deserves some recognition. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAOXH4pGO3TbRQQuclHnTp_ojCGVIuTqw

    I've seen a lot of weirdos in this new bunch but that doesn't surprise me. I obviously haven't met a lot of the new folks joining the game, so I can't say a whole lot about them. I don't think I've seen any team killing trolls yet but it's only a matter of time once some kid realizes how easy it is to just shoot his teammate just to be an idiot.

    A lot of these new people have treated me nicely for the most part, and I try to be nice to them. At least until I get kicked. Overall I've had a positive experience with the recent popularity spike. I don't expect everyone to be perfect, know what kind of questions to ask, know where to find and how to use resources, and play this game like they're supposed to. Especially if they've never played a game like this before. I guess it's just one of those annoying things we have to deal with. I do wish a lot of them will see this thread and take note of what's annoying us. But I doubt many of them will ever know this forum exists.
    Taylor and referee11 like this.
  3. MeowrPower

    MeowrPower Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    If i had a euro for every time I was called a hacker I could buy all the Train Simulator DLC
  4. Dryykon

    Dryykon Second Lieutenant (15) Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    2 things:

    • I hope you realize to some extent its a meme to overreact and call people hackers, ect.
    • I also hope you realize for a small indie game like this, there are no bad people; there are only people. Any population boost is a good thing.
    BLACKED.com likes this.
  5. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If they did, I would feel so bad for the moderators, @Black Widow and @Incredipede as they would probably never sleep trying to take care of the more vulgar users. Like, we already get some new ones now who can't figure out where to post their problems, but if a bunch of them came here I wonder how bad it would affect the small niche community that we have here already.

    If anything we just know A LOT more about the game than the new people do, so we just need to be patient with them and can't get too mad at them. Although, I did have my steam username as "Wep Xp Farms Don't Work" for quite a bit and trolled around in those games just to be called an idiot for not joining in the stack and having to explain multiple times why they don't work and even have some scrubs question me about it like I haven't been playing the game for awhile or anything. So I just troll harder instead.
  6. JohannZim

    JohannZim Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Sep 2, 2013
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    Haha... like Meow said... if i cared everytime i was called a hacker (regardless of lvl) i'd stop playing over stress long time ago... its so usual that i dont even realize if i was called or not lately... the only thing happening is people asking about my rating (asking if i never lose or something LOL). But if you are patient you just need a short explanation... after all they are just new players.

    About things that annoy me with new players... yeah it can be annoying that they don't know how old the game is among other things... but OFC it doesnt hurt the game... the game needs more playerbase even if its meh players. I wish the game was more tweaked before that happened but ok... honestly i just think 1 thing is REALLY lacking for the "official release" that is tweak the weapons dmg... you lvling a wep and the dmg is almost or exactly the same makes no sense.
    Taylor and xXTacocubesXx like this.
  7. Oehler

    Oehler Corporal (5) Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    When getting called hacker I just take it as a compliment and think to myself: "Poor kiddie/Noob..."
    Taylor and xXTacocubesXx like this.
  8. Son_Of_Death

    Son_Of_Death Private E-1 (2) Member

    Feb 18, 2016
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    I think the community of the game is going to change.. Instead of having people that play on their browser we now have people that will come in from steam. The people of steam (at least most of them) are vulgar and they complain a lot. Some of them play hardball some are trolls.

    It's going to be a big change for the veterans.
  9. Mr Synikal

    Mr Synikal Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    I've been called a hacker and a few times even asked if I was a Dev. It doesn't bother me because they are starting to understand the game has been in EA for close to a year.

    What is annoying though, is all the stacking I've had to endure. I understand it's their only defense but to be accompanied by filthy mouths and rage quitting, this is something that most cannot tolerate.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
    SubZero and referee11 like this.
  10. Qpozcvuu

    Qpozcvuu Unconfirmed Member

    Yes, they're not exactly the most charming people, but writing a wall of text about the obvious and polling others' ineffectual opinions seems both pointless and hyper-reactive.
  11. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Dude haha I was wondering who that wep xp farms guy was showing up on my screen whenever you came online. That is on point! Seriously though. I've only been in one stack game (I had no way of knowing until the game started and a few people merged together in the center) and the stackers didn't believe me when I told them it didn't work. You'd think they'd believe someone who is of a higher level. *facepalm*
  12. banna

    banna ★The Sheriff★ Moderator

    Jan 13, 2013
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    After i read all of this, i think this thread is only here to compliment ourselves saying how we are all powerful high levels comparing to these new levels.

    I myself think that these "New People" is the best thing happened to this game since it was released, and if you (plural) don't like them, then set your level limit and play with someone who is close to your level, so you don't get called "Hacker" or whatever.
  13. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    This was not the purpose of this thread at all. The point is that though it might seem unimportant now, when they reach a high enough level to join us in our games, you're gonna have to either a) come up with a plan to hold them back or b) tolerate them. Remember, they outnumber us ~1000-~33. You're gonna have to play with some of these trolls. Saying that we're more powerful than them was not the point of this. Believe me, there WILL be threads in the future complaining about these new players when they reach level 70+. There will be tons. If the main lobby chat means anything, we're going to have a challenge on our hands.
  14. JohannZim

    JohannZim Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Sep 2, 2013
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    Yeah i see your point... but didnt we deal with trolls back in SSL2 also? Emilio, Shagg, Bib, Beagle and several others. Trolls will always exist no matter where (like some people pointed it out already)

    So if the purpose of the thread is the concern with this future i have 2 suggestions for you:

    1) The simple one - Just kick who you dont want in your lobby. Thats very effective... you dont need to play with who you dont want.

    2) The more complex one - Instead of wonder what to do with the trolls (how to change them) think what you can do yourself... how can you play with them without stress? If you are just cool... people will end up liking you instead of trying to troll you... but if they are really annoying you can just mute them. You can dislike someones attitude without disliking the person itself.

    The second one gives more trouble but it works fine for me... theres people i have to share space with that have attitudes i dont aprove... it doesnt mean i hate them or dislike them... just be cool bro ;) mute them and let them play with you and have fun in their own way. Hope this is helpfull.
    Taylor, xvio and Mr Synikal like this.
  15. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Jesus Christ people...
    This. So much this.

    Cancerous players are inevitable in almost every multiplayer game. Especially considering the majority of the people come from Twitch and/or Youtubers who says similar bullshit all the time, we just have to get over it.

    We are lucky enough to have this many players in SUCH short period of time. There is no room or reason for us to nitpick about every little thing we're not happy about. Be grateful everybody, there are far worse players in other multiplayer games who say things that are a lot worse than the ones you see. Making the community absolutely perfect with zero vulgarity is like stopping crimes from happening ever again in the world. You can't control everybody.

    I also don't understand why being called a "hacker" is such a stress. As Dryykon said, it's merely a meme. It's like teasing your friend by calling him a nerd whenever he gets an A on his test or something. I usually just have a little fun chat with them when they call me that, although it gets repetitive, but when it does I just say "Haha yep" and change subject. Besides, you can always ignore or mute or whatever. I'm tired of seeing dozens of threads that complain about trolls in-game when the only solution that exists is to either kick, mute or ignore them.

    This is internet. You will meet trash people no matter what you do, where you go or what others do. Get over it or stop using it.
    Dryykon, Holy2334 and Hells Fury like this.
  16. Shagg

    Shagg New Born (1) Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Dude, what are you talking about? trolls? Do you even know the difference between messing around and trolling? i don't even see any point of saying that at first, it was really pointless.
    BLACKED.com and referee11 like this.
  17. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    What on earth are you talking about? I played with emilio, shagg and beagle many times but they've never been what we call "trolls" in the game. Emilio was a troll, a little bit in SSL2, but not anymore. Beagle, he's just a guy who doesn't speak English very well. He's a nice guy. Shagg, he's again a chill guy in-game, he never trolled in any of the matches I've been in.

    Just because somebody else is not in your clan or your friend does not automatically make them guilty.

    I think some of us are confused about what troll means and what they do.
    Shagg and referee11 like this.
  18. referee11

    referee11 First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    This thread has definitely gone beyond what it was made for... though I agree with these new "troll" points, this isn't what I wanted when I made this thread. Just sayin'.
    Taylor and xXTacocubesXx like this.
  19. Mr Synikal

    Mr Synikal Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    In all defense, JohannZim doesn't think this way. Respectfully, you're pinning him for something of your own opinion. He may be speaking of years gone by and nothing more.
  20. xXTacocubesXx

    xXTacocubesXx Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    (Lol yet another dumb wall of text from me get this loser out of here) I think the main purpose of this thread was meant to discuss some of the things from new players that annoy us, not the things that are awesome about them. Someone could certainly make a whole new thread about things from new players that are awesome if that would make everyone feel better. I certainly hope I'm not included in the bunch that are only here to compliment how high level we are. Yes, it admittedly feels good to show off how op I am to lower levels, but I never want to talk down to them and make them feel bad about themselves or anything. I want to play fair and make sure everyone can have a good time. Because to me it's important that all these people don't leave because they hate having to play against high leveled jerks. Yes, we could simply set a level difference. But I don't like having the community seperated like that. At least not too much. I think it's healthier to be able to talk to low levels, give them advice, and they can see what they can look forward to when they get to your level. Rather than having mostly seperate low and high leveled player groups talking bad about each other. I think we could all agree that the bad things mentioned about the new people do not outweigh the great benefit they have provided for the game and the community. None of these issues are even capable of destroying the game anyway. It's all pretty much about people asking, saying, and doing things that are merely annoying to us. And that doesn't always make them a bad person by any means, they just don't know it annoyed you. Which is why this thread has been titled "Things From New People That Annoy Me Greatly" not "Things From New People That Are Ruining the Game" Sure, some of them might be stupid, but that's what makes you that much more of a better person. Which is why we shouldn't have to complain so much.
    referee11 and Taylor like this.
  21. Taylor

    Taylor Brigadier General (21) Former Moderator

    Jul 17, 2013
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    I agree these options work for the most part.

    Some though have a problem with these options being used on them, some even very verbal about it.
    Like you said though thats their problem if they take offense cause no one has to play with who they don't want. (That is why the mute button and kick button exist, even the friends only option.) So overall I'd say 80% of the time it works and there is no problems on both sides.(Sorta cause they have no idea lol)

    These things worked on SSL2 as well so you got that right.
    I hardly ever see even the trolls that crossed over from 2 to Steam version or have really trouble with them while doing the above.
  22. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Meh, in this game Kchamp needs to tweak a few things to make that better (Like muting people in game if that's still not possible) but he's really on top of taking care of those issues so that the innocent people don't get driven away by all of the poor talk going on. Like he added an option to disable chat, and removed big text from appearing to stop trolls from abusing it recently. He's getting there though! :D

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