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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Level 1

    Pocket Cube
    Damage: 68 or 45 max.
    First impact: 20
    Smaller cubes (8): 6 each one (48)
    Secondary hits (if it doesn't break) (5): 5 (25)
    How does it look: Like a 2x2x2 cube. With red, blue, yellow, green, orange (there would just appear 3 colors tho) and white colors with black theme. The main projectile will be big enough to see the cube's divisions. In the air the cube will have an animation where some sides turns. It will have a plastic sound when hitting, and the animation will contain the sound cubes do when rotating sides. The smaller cubes are the pieces that do the cube.
    How does it work: The tank will shot a 2x2x2 cube. After impacting it will leave a wave damage (like Stone hits) to any near tanks, it will also break into 8 smaller cubes that will work like Crazyballs (they will skip teammates and explode on the enemies) but the differences are that they are slightly bouncy, and when their bouncy time runs out they won't explode, they will simply disappear. The cube will just break if the force impact is strong enough (like an in real life cube would do) and the smaller cubes spread will be like Shrapnel projectiles. If it doesn't break it will work like a Stone bouncing 5 times, without exploding at the end tho.

    Level 2

    Name: Magic Cube
    Damage: 103 or 55 max.
    First impact: 25
    Smaller cubes (26): 3 each one (78)
    Central piece: 12
    Secondary hits (if it doesn't break) (5): 6 (30)
    How does it look: Exactly like Pocket Cube, but it's a 3x3x3 cube instead, with a kind of bigger size (smaller cubes are the same size). It also has a central piece, which looks like Rubik Cube's central piece. The animation is slightly faster.
    How does it work: Exactly like Pocket Cube, but instead 8 cubes they will be 26. Between those small cubes there will also be a bigger piece (the cube's central piece) which will be heavier and more harmful than the smaller cubes.

    Level 3

    Name: Master Cube
    Damage: 157 or 66 max.
    First impact: 30
    Smaller cubes (56): 2 each one (112)
    Central piece: 15
    Secondary hits (if it doesn't break) (6): 6 (36)
    How does it look: Exactly like Magic Cube, but it's a 4x4x4 cube instead, it also has a bigger size (and the smaller cubes are the same size along with the central piece). The animation is slightly faster.
    How does it work: Exactly like Magic Cube, but there are 56 small cubes instead. If it doesn't break it would bounce 6 times instead.
    Mr Synikal likes this.
  2. Shockerron

    Shockerron Private E-1 (2) Member

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Trophy Points:
    Name:The Fridge
    Look:Like a fridge,has ice particles behind its traverse.
    Attack Pattern:The Fridge flattens out the terrain it has hit,then will release a blast of ice.
    Damage:10 main hit,5 secondary hits
    Description:Mmmmm,the fridge,where we hide our food,get our midnight snacks,and shoot them out of tanks to flatten out enemy tanks and the terrain,be careful! It is full of ice shards!
  3. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Fountain Tier IV

    Name: Hydrant
    Damage: 90 max.
    First impact: 10
    Secondary impacts (20): 4 each one (80)
    How does it look: It looks exactly as the previous tiers
    How does it work: It works exactly as the previous tiers, but after impact it will throw all the water up in a straight line (approximately Slammer's height) and it will fall down on an area approximately Summoner's size one.
  4. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Name: RPG-7
    Damage: 45 (1)
    How does it look: It's a very fast prjectile, so there's smoke only.
    How does it work: It works exactly as the guns (Glock, Uzi, M5), but instead a straigh line it leaves smoke, and it does a small explosion on impact.

    Name: M20
    Damage: 60 (1)
    How does it look: It's a very fast prjectile, so there's smoke only.
    How does it work: It works exactly as RPG-7, but the smoke trail and the explosion radious are bigger.

    Name: FGM148
    Damage: 75 (1)
    How does it look: It's a very fast prjectile, so there's smoke only.
    How does it work: It works exactly as the M20, but again, the smoke trail and explosion radious are much bigger.
  5. ComplexOri

    ComplexOri Sergeant (7) Member

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Turn -> Steer -> Drift
    Damage: 45 -> 60 -> 75
    How it looks: Turn is a Moon sized projectile that looks like a grey steering wheel, Steer is a little bigger, and Drift is even bigger but black.
    How it works: It works like Proximity Shot, but the higher the tier, the further it will go. Turn will go to the target at a 1 tank radius, Steer 2 tanks, and Drift 3.
  6. AlphaSpider12

    AlphaSpider12 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Kitty Pounce
    Level: 1
    Damage: Big Projectile: 30 Small Projectiles: 6
    Details: Shoots a projectile the size of a Heavy Shot that shoots two lines of 3 smaller projectiles each out from above it with the height of a Digger that fall in a rotational matter to the large projectile towards the nearest enemy tank. The smaller projectiles will have an explosion radius of a normal Banana and will appear 1.5 seconds after one another. Then, the large projectile will explode in the size of a Hover-Ball explosion.
    Unlock: 200 Damage in a single hit with Super-Cat

    Name: Jaguar Leap
    Level: 2
    Damage: Big Projectile: 50 Small Projectiles: 15
    Details: Similar to Kitty Pounce, however, the small projectiles are shot higher into the air and have an explosion radius that is slightly bigger than the previous level small projectiles.
    Unlock: 1750 XP

    Name: Lion's Pride
    Level: 3
    Damage: Big Projectile: 75 Small Projectiles: 20
    Details: Similar to Kitty Pounce, however, the small projectiles are shot MUCH higher into the air and are increased to 5 per volley, as well as the Big Projectile shooting upwards and to the direction it was shot in at a 45 degree angle, before locking onto the nearest enemy in front of it and homing in on them. The "jump" has an effective range of 15 tanks before it fails to find a target and instead acts as a normal shot. The small projectiles have the same explosion radius of the small projectiles of Jaguar Leap.
    Unlock: 3600 XP

    Name: Rotation
    Level: 1
    Damage: 40
    Details: Shoots 5 shots close together that follow a set path determined by the shot that is closest to the ground; the path is determined by the point of which the lowest shot has the highest arc before they start falling. The shots are all lined up vertically at the top of the lowest shot's arc, and they rotate around a point in below the middle of the lowest shot's flight path. Each shot has no explosion but is the size of a Bouncesplode. The rotation point is lined up with the surface of the ground.
    Unlock: N/A

    Name: Circulation
    Level: 2
    Damage: 35
    Details: Same as Rotation, however, any shot that doesn't hit will act as a Tunneler and the new shot that is closest to the ground surface if the old closest to the ground shot hit will act as the "top" of the arc.
    Unlock: 1100 XP

    Name: Fallen Angel
    Level: 1
    Damage: 18
    Details: Shoots a Heavy Shot-sized black winged projectile that stops above an enemy at a 60 degree angle and spawns 6 Tadpole-sized black projectiles that home in on said enemy. The initial projectile then flies upwards off screen.
    Unlock: Shop

    Name: Arch-Angel

    Level: 2
    Damage: 25
    Details: Same as Fallen Angel, but shoots 8 projectiles instead of 6.
    Unlock: 2800 XP

    Name: Anti-Angel
    Level: 3
    Damage: Big Projectile: 80 Small Projectiles: 25
    Details: Same as Arch-Angel but the initial projectile also homes in on a random enemy.
    Unlock: 7000 XP
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
  7. Millsy

    Millsy New Born (1) Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    Weapon Name: Corrosion
    Damage : Each Drop is 5 , 6 ,7 ,8 , 9
    What it looks like: it is a Bottle W/ a skull and cross bones
    What it does: when it hits the ground it breaks into Lime green drops (Kind of like water balloon) and those drops sink into the map corroding the ground (Kinda like desert).
    Please get back to me and consider this weapon (this is useful when you want to set up for a grenade and put the other player in a hole
  8. Terrashock

    Terrashock New Born (1) Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    Name: Void
    Damage: 50 on Explosion
    What it looks like: A Black Hole.
    What it does: Sucks nearby enemies closer to it and explodes shortly afterwards. The aim is for you to get them sucked into its AoE and damage them.
    (How to obtain it - 100 Black Hole Trickshots.)

    Name: Abyss
    Damage: 50 on Explosion
    What it looks like: A Cosmic Rift.
    What it does: Upgrade to the previous weapon, "Void". Does the same thing but the AoE is bigger.
    (How to obtain it - Upgrade "Void".)

    Name: Tropical Paradise
    Damage: 10 per hit
    What it looks like: Pyrotechnics but its a 4th palm upgrade.
    What it does: Spews up 6 palms into the sky in a triangle formation that break into 5 seperate parts each, each part doing 10 damage per hit.
    (How to obtain it - Upgrade Triple Palm.)

    Name: G.U.N.
    Damage: 1 per bullet hit, 25 on impact, 10 for each aftermath hit.
    What it looks like: Apache but grey and metallic.
    What it does: Shoots like an Apache, but like Homing Missile it locks onto one person when its in air. It rapidly shoots many bullets (that look like the apache bullets, just grey and faster/more rapid) that do 1 damage per hit onto the target. When it lands it causes an explosion relative to the size of Darkshadow and spews up 8 shots randomly in the air (like what happens when a tank gets destroyed), which each do 10 damage when they hit the surface.
    (How to obtain it - Upgrade Apache.)

    I know an upgrade to a weapon that has already been made has never happened so far, but that doesn't mean it can't be changed.
  9. TheTankLord3dot0

    TheTankLord3dot0 New Born (1) Member

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Don't wait for me to lack of ideas, we'll both die here, waiting.
  10. KittenKatja

    KittenKatja New Born (1) Member

    Jun 24, 2017
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    Name: Frog Rain
    Tree: 4
    Damage: 12 Frogs, 3 Big Frogs.
    How it Looks: Green with a white tail. (that tail, that only is shown, when it flies really fast)
    Details: Like the Rain one, it will Summon Clouds with a slight greenish look to it, from which the Frogs will fall down from.

    Name: Frog Strike
    Tree: 5
    Damage: 3 Frogs, 5 Big Frogs.
    How it Looks: White with a green tail. (that tail, that only is shown, when it flies really fast)
    Details: Like the Air Strike, it will throw down the Frogs from much higher, from the same height as the Air Strike.

    Name: Pocket Bumper
    Tree: 1
    Damage: 90
    How it Looks: Like an inverted Bumper in a Dot shape. (instead of white with pink edges, it's pink with white edges)
    Details: After 1.5 seconds, it will create an horizontal Bumper, which will gives an auto-bumper skill shot.

    Name: Pocket Circle Bumper
    Tree: 2
    Damage: 10
    How it Looks: Like an inverted Bumper in a Ring shape.
    Details: It's like a Lightning Bolt, but it won't do damage on contact. When it is ready, it will place a circle Bumper above it and places 15 little shots with random direction on 75 shot power in it.
    Tips and Tricks: When the Firework is just slow enough to arrive a bit later, all the shots will be "stored" inside the circle bumper, and the lagg party can begin.

    Name: Colourized Earthquake
    Tree: 3
    Damage: 20
    How it Looks: Like the original Earthquake, but with a colour palette in a corner of the icon.
    Details: Next to giving everyone 20 damage and making the ground able to drive on, it also changes the colour of that room to a random one, which it is impossible to draw the current colour. This of course doesn't change the colour set in the map settings, that means the colour will go back to it's original colour when starting a new match.
    Has a 10% chance to have the map displayed in a colour changing spectrum for 2 shots long.
    (chance can get higher when feedback is good)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  11. AlphaSpider12

    AlphaSpider12 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Lunar Strike
    Level: 1
    Damage: 60
    Details: Shoots a yellow flare that summons a moon to hit the general area of the flare. The moon has the same explosion radius as Moons.
    Unlock: Unlock Orbitals and Shooting Star

    Name: Lunar Storm
    Level: 2
    Damage: 15
    Details: Shoots a blue flare that summons 6 moons to hit the general area of the flare. Each moon has the same explosion radius as Moons.
    Unlock: 1600 XP

    Name: Solar Storm
    Level: 3
    Damage: 3
    Details: Shoots a red flare that summons 20 highly inaccurate fireballs which split each into 3 flames. Each flame does 2 damage ticks for a total of 6 damage per each flame. Each fireball looks like flaming Moons and each flame looks like Napalm small flames. This will have to be a very difficult to get weapon, as it has a potential damage of 360 on a single enemy without any modifiers or critical hits.
    Unlock: 12100 XP
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
  12. Platinum

    Platinum New Born (1) Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Name: Cards, Full Hand, Deck.
    Damage (Level 1 - 3): 5, 7 and 9 per card.
    How it looks: Like a deck of cards, then like individual cards
    Details: You fire the deck like a normal shot but when it hits the ground it bounces much like a one-bounce then IMMEDIATELY bursts into a pile of cards the same way skeet does when shot. And of course the cards will have the momentum from the bounce. So if I shot this directly at the ground then it will burst and send the cards upwards in a spread, or if I shoot the deck towards the center of the map from the left side then the deck will bounce/burst and the cards will land roughly around the right side of the map (assuming this is a flat map). The deck bursts into 5 cards at level 1, 7 cards at level 2 and 9 cards at level 3. This weapon does not cause any explosions, only on-hit damage like the sniper

    (And if possible or if you think it'd be a good idea. Add a small chance for a special card like an Ace to be in the burst, dealing double damage)
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
    AlphaSpider12 likes this.
  13. AlphaSpider12

    AlphaSpider12 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Pen
    Level: 1
    Damage: 85
    Graphics: It looks like a pen. Duh.
    Details: Pen works similarly to Arrow, but with no lingering damage.
    Unlock: Shop

    Name: Caseless Pen
    Level: 2
    Damage: Pen: 70 Ink: 6
    Graphics: A pen with no case. The ink looks like... ink. Duh.
    Details: Works similarly to Pen, however, the Pen projectile will now drop Ink on the terrain like Seagull Droppings. The Ink has the same explosion radius as Seagull Droppings, but will drop with a little less frequency than Magic Shower.
    Unlock: 1300 XP

    Name: Pen Case
    Level: 3
    Damage: Case: 20 Fragments: 6
    Graphics: A pen case with no pen inside of it.
    Details: Pen Case works somewhat like Shrapnel, as it will explode into fragments. However, it explodes on contact with the ground into 10 to 18 fragments, which each look like Shrapnel fragments. Pen Case has the same explosion radius as Big Shot, while the fragments have the same explosion radius as Shrapnel fragments.
    Unlock: 2800 XP

    Name: Broken Pen
    Level: 4
    Damage: Pen: 75 Ink: 3 Case: 20 Fragments: 3 Cap: 20
    Graphics: A pen with no case, followed by a pen case, followed by a pen case cap. The ink looks like ink.
    Details: Broken Pen is divided into three parts.
    Part 1: The tank fires a Caseless Pen that drops Ink as frequently as a Seagull drops Seagull Droppings.
    Part 2: The tank fires a Pen Case about a second after the first part that explodes into 7-15 fragments.

    Part 3: The tank fires a Pen Case Cap (Cap for short) about a second after the second part that has the same explosion radius as a Shot.
    Each part after the first part would have 0 to 3 spread away from the first part.
    Unlock: 6600 XP
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
  14. AlphaSpider12

    AlphaSpider12 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Toxic Waste
    Level: 1
    Damage: 15
    Graphics: It looks like a barrel with a toxic waste symbol on it.
    Details: Toxic Waste splits into 6 projectiles upon hitting the ground that look like Acid Rain acid, and spread out in a small radius, before hitting enemies for 2 ticks of damage.
    Unlock: Get damaged by Nuke and Acid Rain in the same turn

    Name: Radioactive Rain
    Level: 2
    Damage: 12
    Graphics: It looks like Toxic Waste, but blue.
    Details: Upon hitting the ground, Radioactive Rain will blast 10 projectiles into the air, looking exactly like Acid Hail acid, which come down in a spread similar to Rain. Each projectile hits for 2 ticks of damage.
    Unlock: 4500 XP

    Name: Nuclear Meltdown
    Level: 3
    Damage: 25
    Graphics: It looks like a flaming green ball, surrounded by a black casing with cracks in it.
    Details: Upon nearing the ground, Nuclear Meltdown will violently tear itself apart into 12 fragments, which will then continue the original path of Nuclear Meltdown, spreading out in a manner similar to Skeet. Each of these projectiles has no explosion radius, and is the color of the center of the weapon.
    Unlock: 11000 XP
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
  15. Katrtlen

    Katrtlen New Born (1) Member

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Replay - Comeback in form of shot after accurate shot. Unlike other weapons in game, this one kind of prevents player from abusing it in close range.

    Name: Replay
    Level: 1
    Damage: 20, second 25.
    Graphics: First projectile is a regular sized white but slightly red ball, second one is red with less transparent red thin trail.
    Details: Shoots a simple bullet. If you will hit tank with it, you will shoot one more projectile which has askew trajectory so it's not said you will hit enemy with this one too. Inaccuracy depends on range, smaller distance travelled of first bullet will make second bullet more inaccurate, making hits from close attack still only a chance.
    Unlock: N/A

    Name: Combo
    Level: 2
    Damage: 30, 25, 20, 15, 10.
    Graphics: First projectile like first shot from Replay. Each next projectile is more red with thinner and less transparent red trail.
    Details: Same as Replay, but there will be 4 bullets in sequence instead of 1. Every next bullet has more inaccurate trajectory.
    Unlock: 1200 XP

    Name: Regain
    Level: 3
    Damage: First bullets 5, second bullets 15.
    Graphics: First projectiles are small white but slightly red balls. Second ones are bigger red balls with high contrast thin red trails.
    Details: Shoots 10 bullets almost at the same time with huge spread, enough big to call bullets in air a mess. Every white bullet that will hit enemy will make you shoot second bullet in that direction but still inaccurately. The spread increasement for close range in second shot is the biggest in Regain, making red bullets from close distance having spread like three times shotgun.
    Unlock: 4800 XP
    Staple likes this.
  16. AlphaSpider12

    AlphaSpider12 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Pennies
    Level: 1
    Damage: 15
    Graphics: It looks like a small brown ball, the size of a Snowball.
    Details: Shoots three bullets in rapid succession. They have the explosion radius of Banana Bunch peels.
    Unlock: Hit or get hit by any weapon from the Fat Stacks line for exactly 1 damage

    Name: Nickle Ship
    Level: 2
    Damage: 20
    Graphics: Slightly larger than Pennies and silvery colored.
    Details: Shoots a tight triangle of three bullets with no random spread factor. They have the explosion radius of Banana Split peels.
    Unlock: 1800 XP

    Name: Diamond of Dimes
    Level: 3
    Damage: 10
    Graphics: Slightly smaller than Pennies and silvery colored.
    Details: Shoots a tight diamond of nine bullets with no random spread factor. They have the explosion radius of X Attack / O Attack.
    Unlock: 6200 XP

    Name: Quarter Formation
    Level: 4
    Damage: 25
    Graphics: Slightly larger than Nickle Ship and silvery colored.
    Details: Shoots a tight pentagon of five bullets that slowly revolve around a center point in the middle of the pentagon of bullets with no random spread factor. They have the same explosion radius of Hover Ball.
    Unlock: 15500 XP
  17. Second_Amendment

    Second_Amendment New Born (1) Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    Trophy Points:

    Damage: 120
    In Game Description: Satellite drops a powerful narrow projectile on the final location.

    Graphics: Normal flare, then a blast of light and a narrow metallic-colored rod hits lightning fast where the flare was.
    Details: The rod is as narrow as a sniper bullet, it hits your target and digs an equally narrow hole all the way into the ground, it is followed by a white fading out contrail. If you think hitting a target with sniper is hard, with this you'll have to get a flare to land on the exact location of an enemy for this to do damage.
    Unlocks: at level 45


    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
    DinomanIV likes this.
  18. Gamer12HD

    Gamer12HD New Born (1) Member

    Mar 11, 2019
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    Trophy Points:
    Name: Tornado
    Damage (Level 1 - 3): 50, 60, 65 per Player
    How it looks: Like a Tornado

    This Wep is a Tornado which can destroy the whole ground (depends from where you shot) and hits all Players on his way with the Dmg. If you shot it onto your tank it make also self dmg of course. For the upgrade I would say Double-Tornado and Triple-Tornado (but e.g. the total Dmg of the Double-Tornado is 60 Dmg, without crit)

    The Wep is available in the Gear shop for maybe 1000 Gears or more, so that it is expensiver because it can make a lot of Dmg.
    To Upgrade 8k XP and 18k XP

    I already asked much people and they all would like to get this as a new nice Weapon
  19. xXadeoXx

    xXadeoXx New Born (1) Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Ehm well, how can i post things? xD i know how to reply because its right on the corner of a post but how can i post and not reply?
  20. Rkbtm

    Rkbtm New Born (1) Member

    Feb 17, 2021
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    Trophy Points:

    Damage (Level 1 - 5):
    Egg(1)=5 or 35
    Dozen(12)=3 or 15 per egg
    Hen(Dev amount choice)=3 or 15 per egg layed

    How it looks: Similar to Guppy's, it will break on impact having a 50/50 chance for the egg to become a dud dealing clover dud damage or hatch into the full intended damage. Eggs should be fired in a guppy like cone. Hen should be a bigger egg hatching an adult hen and would start to jump around and drop eggs before she explodes.

    Details: Uhh... Chicken!

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