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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Candor

    Candor Forum Peasant Moderator

    Dec 17, 2012
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    im thinking of a wep that is basically just a buncha balls from diff sports being launched

    for example in the order of Basketball, Soccerball, Football, Baseball, tennis ball, golf ball, and they will be shot one after the other.

    the damage im thinking somewhere between 15 - 20 each ball
  2. Old Amsterdam

    Old Amsterdam Corporal (5) Member

    Feb 17, 2013
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    On the damage, it should be a set damage. Goes up 10% with each lvl, like the other bouncers. You'd want to put it roughly half way between the starting out damage for the 1 bounce and 3 bounce (I forget what they started out at, though).

    That would be a good idea, actually. Include the 2 bounce, 4 bounce, 6 bounce. A 0 bounce would be redundant, we already have that in a way. I call Bounder that, personally. Either doesn't bounce at all, or it hits.

    If you wanted to get crazy, you could even make a Dbl Crazynade or something. That would fire similar to Dbl Bounceplode, but act like Crazynade. Just an idea.

    Didn't realize the second quote reply was a double post, so edited and deleted old post. In case someone is wondering.
  3. Hobbo97

    Hobbo97 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Name:Sniper Splitter
    Damage:80 each sniper +5 each level up
    How it looks:Like a splitter but with snipers... Hard to remember right? :p

    Name:Mad EE Bomb
    Damage:50 +10 when you level up the weapon.
    How it looks:You know when you shoot a EE bomb it shows a smiley face once it explodes? Well the Mad EE bomb shows a mad face instead of a smiley face.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
  4. Gulchistykemeyer

    Gulchistykemeyer New Born (1) Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Name: Snake

    Damage:10 dmg. per shot, 1 more damage each shot per lvl

    How it looks: like the snake from the retro snake game, can be made of squares of circles it doesnt matter

    Details: the snake gets bigger the longer it's in the air, more shots are added from the tail.Starts with 2 shells.

    Name: Water Balloon

    Damage: 15 + 4 per water shot (whatever you call it :p)

    How it looks: Like a water balloon, maybe changes colour the higher level it is :eek:, then water looks like the same shots from stream/river

    Details: Water balloon like regular shot, then on impact it explodes and sends water shells everywhere

    Name: Rock Slide

    Damage: Same as boulder except 25% less damage

    How it looks: Uses a flare shot (like air strike or rain, etc), then 3 boulders come down and bounce around and cause damage, alike the boulder shot except x3

    Details: ---

    Name: Anvil

    Damage: Does more damage the higher it goes - I'm not sure how much it should be

    How it looks: Like an anvil...

    Details: The whole point of the shot is to shoot it as high as you can so it does more damage. It would be cool if it also made an "anvil landing" sound effect when it landed too!

    Name: Spleaker (Feel free to change the name)

    Damage: 15 each shell impact, 6 impacts in total (splits then breaks)

    How it looks: Maybe half yellow half green? I'm not sure..

    Details: You either have to choose whether to use the splitter or breaker part against someone unless it's a group!

    Name: Molotov

    Damage: Molotov impact does 20, then each fire bit does same damage as blaze (lvl 1)

    How it looks: Like a molotov cocktail, then fire bits all around a certain radius, like sprouter except without the shots going up first.

    Details: ---

    Hope you guys like my ideas! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
    gummibearderek, Towel and Staple like this.
  5. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    They are great ideas but if you could confine them to one to two posts that would be great.

    DERPFACE Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Weapon AVALANCHE

    shoot this little flare at your desired point, it sticks and dispears like a sticky bomb and in it's place a stone rolls down a hill , interesting thing happens when you shoot this flare on slanted hills, it creates an avalanche (if you shoot it on flat areas it does nothing) i'm thinking the higher and longer/slant the higher the damage done as the stones pile up.. so shoot at long slanted hills for ULTIMATE stone production... the stone production stops when the land either reverses altitude or levels off.

    Massive amounts of stones can be produced when map allows you to (think dic map) hit the top of it on the propper side and watch as a massive avalanche happens throwing stones all around down that hill. good for killing people in pits as well, if you hit the lip if the pit just as it decends you can get a lot of stones to fall into the hole your enemy is in. hit flat land and it does nothing, hit it on a SMALL hill and your lucky to get 1 or 2 stones to fly off. But get a BIG HILL and your cooking with fire!

    STONES DO STONE DAMAGE. one stone is produced every 2-3 tank widths.

    Weapon POP ROCKS

    This weapon is like crazy balls except the balls come in 2 colors and are shot out in 2 bursts of 8 each like salt n peppa(lets say yellow and blue) they bounce around like crazyballs and act just like them ( disapearing when still, dissapearing after damaging opponent) yet if opposite colors touch they set off POPS which explode like big shot and does big shot damage... cool yes?
  7. Gulchistykemeyer

    Gulchistykemeyer New Born (1) Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Name: Storm/Tempest

    Damage: 2 per raindrop, 30 per lightning strike

    How it looks: Uses a flare, then rain comes down (1 1/2 x radius of rain w/ more rain) and a couple lightning strike come down in random spots inside the radius

    Details: Flare looks like rain flare except a deeper blue, and maybe rain looks darker too

    Name: Dynamite

    Damage: 40, 5 more dmg per lvl

    How it looks: a piece of dynamite w/ a fuse that burns out over time

    Details: When you shoot it, there is a time limit before the dynamite explodes (hence the fuse) even if the dynamite isn't settled yet, although it has a large explosion radius.

    Name: Geyser

    Damage: 30, plus 7 per water drop thingy

    How it looks: like a bulger shot

    Details: Makes hill then a fountain appears on top!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
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  8. Hobbo97

    Hobbo97 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Name: Dove
    How it looks:It looks like a seagull but it is larger,has wings,and does not poop.

    Agent I know you loooooooooove birds especially doves so I made this weapon. :D
    Staple likes this.
  9. Tanx a lot

    Tanx a lot New Born (1) Member

    Apr 4, 2013
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    name: banana splitter
    damage inflicted: 10, 5 more per level. despite it's low damage it can cause any tank it hits to slide down the slope it's hopefully on and land in a hole!
    how it looks: exactly how it sounds like, a banana that splits in mid air.
  10. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    How about a weapon pack entirely made of cat weapons?

    If anything we need themed weapon packs.
  11. Hobbo97

    Hobbo97 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Weapon Meow 1 :D

    Plus I agree towel :p
  12. Old Amsterdam

    Old Amsterdam Corporal (5) Member

    Feb 17, 2013
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    Dmg: 25 (+3 per lvl)

    Basically a Big Bulger. However, the land change will be more drastic, and will make a mountain peak at the center of wherever the shot lands. Will look like Big Bulger, just with a more ice-color to it. Would make it a tactical wep, with traction playing a part, and could be used for a combo a lot better than Bulger or Big Bulger due to the more sheerness of the incline.
    supermario likes this.
  13. CHEESE1

    CHEESE1 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Inspiration has struck again!

    Sinker -- It looks like a red Megatunneler.
    It burrows underground, but it follows normal physics unlike most underground weps.
    When it impacts the surface, it makes the ground sink sharply... Think a hole 1 1/2 times deeper than a wall, with sides 1/2 as steep.
    Upon impact without going underground it does 40/45/50/55/60 Damage per level, and does not deform terrain. If it burrows underground, it explodes with 20/25/30/35/40 Dmg.

    Crazy-Stroids -- You shoot a dark purple and black flare, and the Asteroids are black and dark purple.
    They fall from the sky much like asteroid storm, but the asteroids are smaller, do less damage, and have a much wider spread. Upon impact they create a Heavy-Shot sized crater, and deal 18/19/20/21/22 damage per level.

    Cactus Bomb -- You shoot a ball that looks like a cactus, but behaves like a grenade.
    Upon detonation, it will behave like Tri-Nade, exploding into three nades. Each of those nades explodes in mid-air, spawning 4 cactus balls. The explosion of the grenade itself creates 4 cactus balls. Each cactus ball does 4/4/5/5/6 damage per level.

    Sub-strike -- You shoot a flare just like Air-Strike, but the smoke is dark gray.
    The weapon is pretty self explanatory, it behaves exactly just Air-Strike, but the bombs come from the bottom of the map.

    Ants -- Shoots 10 red pellets, and 10 brown pellets.
    Upon impact, the terrain is slightly raised, about 1/2 that of a Bulger.
    The red pellets burrow underground and explode in a pattern similar to moles, causing Shot sized explosions.
    The brown pellets also disperse like moles, but they explode underground, also causing Shot sized explosions.
    Red pellets do 3/4/5/6/7 Damage each.

    Mad Hopper -- Fires a grayish-blue ball that bounces and explodes.
    It basically behaves like Bounsplode, but the ball continues forward two tank-lengths every time it explodes.
    It deals 12/14/16/18/20 Damage per explosion, and it explodes 8 times.

    Lancer -- This pierces any and all terrain, exploding every time it enters and exits the ground. The shot itself is green, with a red tail.
    The shot does not disappear when it hits a tank, and it explodes 6 times before disappearing. The explosion size is comparable to that of a Heavy Shot.

    WildStrike -- This behaves like Lightstrike with a massive twist. Every time it hits ground (not tanks) it explodes and doubles, and the two new shots take off in random directions. When those two "Child" shots hit the ground, they explode and split into four(!) new shots, for a total of eight.
    They do 20/23/26/29/32 damage per bullet.

    Hillbuster -- This travels like Lightstrike, but it can pass through terrain. This weapon can be considered the upgrade of the Lancer.
    When underground, it creates a Massive Shot sized explosion every tank-length. If a tank is hit by this, it takes 15/17/19/21/23 damage per level.
    Upon exiting the ground, it creates an explosion slightly smaller than that of Holy Grenade. This explosion does the same damage as a normal sized one.

    Chaingun -- It functions similarly to Gatling Gun, but with 70 bullets instead of 40, and a much wilder spread. The bullets would be silver.
    The leveling system would be the same as Gatling Gun --- Think of this wep as the upgrade.

    Railgun -- This wep does 40/45/50/55/60 Damage per level, and functions like sniper... with a twist. The bullet is greenish-blue, and it pierces through tanks... and deals double damage if it hits a second tank, and triple damage if it hits a third!

    Hyper-Breaker -- This weapon functions much like an unstable Breaker-Chain, and goes one step further.
    When it impacts, it follows the same split pattern of 2/4/8 like Breaker-Chain does, but it splits one more time, making for a total of 16 shots. Also, when these shots split, each shot released takes off in a new direction.
    The shots do 10/11/12/13/14 damage per level.

    Hyper-Splitter -- This weapon functions like an unstable Splitter-Chain, and it goes one step further as well.
    In the air, it follows a pattern of 2/4/8/16 per split. Like Hyper-Breaker, each time it splits, the new shots take off in new directions.
    Damage is 9/10/11/12/13 per level.

    Feel free to add, edit, and criticize. Sorry if any ideas, names, or effects are stolen.
  14. Gulchistykemeyer

    Gulchistykemeyer New Born (1) Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Have 2 ideas now instead of one! xd

    Name: Clone

    Damage: Less damage is decreased the higher the level (goes down to 10%)

    How it looks: A grey ball

    Details:This may be complicated to create.. :/ - Clone basically clones the attack shot by the previous enemy, except with less damage (30%?), and either shape-shifts to look like the previous weapon or stays looking like the same grey ball(s)

    Name: Laser

    Damage: 20 per tank

    How it looks: like a laser, about as wide as heavy shot.

    Details: Reflects 2 times, and goes through tanks. If a tank is hit by the laser, they take damage. Laser is not affected by gravity.
    Staple likes this.
  15. DuantingRogue

    DuantingRogue New Born (1) Member

    Apr 7, 2013
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    name: drill rush

    damage: same as fountain.

    how it looks: like tunnelers

    details: it's like fountain, only it shoots tunnelers.

    name: tesla tower

    damage: 10, 5, then 2s.

    how it looks: blue light goes up, then spreads to nearby tanks.

    details: basically emp, but it doesn't have an interface screw. it also is a pillar upwards from where it hit the ground.

    the wall

    damage: 100

    how it looks: a smaller, taller wall

    details: basically a better sniper!
  16. DuantingRogue

    DuantingRogue New Born (1) Member

    Apr 7, 2013
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    just had another one.

    laser armageddon!

    damage: 5-10 per second, or 12 per second.

    5-8 lasers rain down from the sky in random places, each lasts 2 seconds. the lasers are either white, glowing blue, which does 5-10, or black, glowing red, which does 12.

    kind of rare, not very accurate. doesn't damage the ground much, but knocks it down a little with the blue-white. a gamble, maybe, but it looks awesome.
    Staple likes this.
  17. Gulchistykemeyer

    Gulchistykemeyer New Born (1) Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Grape shot

    A cannonball followed closely by a barrage of grapes, 4 to each side [30 dmg for cannonball, 5 dmg per grape]

    Mexican jumping beans

    A pepper-like shot of 14 red and brown beans, about shot size that bounce around very high and explode within radius of enemy tanks (shot size explosion) [5 dmg per bean (lvl 1)]


    An explosive that sticks to wherever it is shot, and explodes on the enemy's turn when they are within radius (massive shot radius) [40 dmg]


    A small rocket that heads towards enemy tanks within a certain radius after being shot [35 dmg]


    A purple shot that splits into 8 before touching the ground from the original shot (splitted shots are launched a little more than fireworks length) [15 dmg per shot (8)]


    The floaters from SSL1 except they look like space invaders! [10 dmg per shot (8)
    Hobbo97 and Staple like this.
  18. GhostKing1239

    GhostKing1239 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Name: Pie-Fling
    Damage: 50/53/56/59/62
    How it looks:looks like pie!(shoots 3 pies) When it hits a tank purple goes splashing in the air like foutain and if it hits somebody it does 3 dmg (even if you level up the weapon the purple fountain stays the same dmg)



    How it looks:You shoot a ball of web and once it stops bouncing 2 spiders come down out of nowhere and 1 spider goes to the left and the other goes to the right.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
  19. Mark103

    Mark103 Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    I already posted this before.

    Damage: 25 per tank, 50 per shot
    Shoot a flare that looks like a tank. 3 mini-tanks fall from the sky and explode on the ground. Oh, of course, they do let out that shot as they fall.
  20. carbon5985

    carbon5985 New Born (1) Member

    Apr 22, 2013
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    blackhole: suck up the ground while moving and do 100 damage

    whitehole: pushes the ground and push other players 100 damage

    black and whitehole: suck up and comes out of the white hole you got lucky the tank will go into it again 100 damage

    wormhole: fires two bullets and anything comes to the worm hole will be apear in other side
    (last for 2 rounds) 60 damage when you sunk into the hole

    quasar: bigger black hole 150 damage

    event horizon: does 120 damage and bouce of some where in the map

    black strike : 3 black hole will strike the map random 80 per each

    void: makes a void it will create a vacum even bullets will sucks up 40 damage

    jet: makes a burst radius of nuke does 80 damage but grond will be gone!!!!!!!!gone!!!!!!

    contracting disk : an air strike that will make 4 astroids and a large spinning disk astroids 30, the jet 70damage

    please make these weapons i used 6 hours of my time to do this
  21. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    gee you're a slow typer
    GhostKing1239 likes this.
  22. wazooman

    wazooman Brigadier General (21) Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Lawn-mower, its like a roller, but as it goes along, it makes the terrain pointy/bumpy, and when it hits the target it does 50 damage, at lvl 1. it looks like a push mower.
  23. Mark103

    Mark103 Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    Shoots a tomahawk that can do some serious damage if it hits a tank. It can bounce if it misses, but loses 10 possible damage per bounce until it hits a tank or gets to the point of doing no damage and explodes.

    It may sound a bit confusing at first so here's an example.
    If I shot a level 3 tomahawk at a tank and do a direct hit, it does 100 damage. But if it bounces once THEN hits the tank, it does 90 instead.
  24. carbon5985

    carbon5985 New Born (1) Member

    Apr 22, 2013
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    name:anti matter
    looks:nuke with a cool sparkles
    etc things:eats the ground for 10 times doesnt bounce off or effect by the wind

    name:bounce wheel
    range:1 bounce
    looks:4 1bounce on a roller
    etc things:first rolls about 2 sec and explode and bouce off for 4 times

    range:1.5mini tank
    looks:mini tank with a tiger strip
    damage:shoots massive shot and 100
    etc things: almost same as mini tank
  25. Old Amsterdam

    Old Amsterdam Corporal (5) Member

    Feb 17, 2013
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    That would be a bit overdone, I believe, with the way it works. Too many bounces come the end. I'd personally make it drop 20% per bounce, making it possible to bounce it 5 times max. Otherwise, I think this is one hell of an idea, well done indeed.

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