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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    carbon i merged your posts and fixed your spelling error. keep in mind that there is an edit button that you can use rather than spell checking in a separate post.
  2. dalelaroy

    dalelaroy Private E-2 (3) Member

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Cat, with a spray of Kittens. Kittens run towards Cat and explode on contact with tank. Cat explodes after last Kitten. Spray of Kittens is random but covers same area as Sprinkler.
  3. dalelaroy

    dalelaroy Private E-2 (3) Member

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Tar and Feathers

    Spagetti class weapon, but Tar precedes Feathers. Tar is not affected by wind and does same damage as Meatball. Feathers are affected by wind even to the point of being blown across screen like rollers. Tar can be set on fire by Flame, Blaze, Napalm, etc. for an additional twice impact damage.
  4. Credipede

    Credipede Forum Administrator Administrator

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Name: Banana
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 per explosion.
    How it looks: Like a banana.
    Details: This weapon goes banana. It flys up and at the highest point of the shot it randomly splits into 7 to 10 bananas which do 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 damage on a direct hit. The explosion radius of this weapon should be like a heavy shot.

    Name: Bananasplit
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 per explosion.
    How it looks: Like a bananasplit.
    Details: This weapon goes banana. It shots a bananasplit which explodes at the highest point of the shot and splits into two bananas. Those bananas should fly like the Double Palm in air and explode once again. Both bananas split into 7 small banana pieces which do 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 damage per hit. The explosion radius should be like a shot.
    GhostKing1239 and Old Amsterdam like this.
  5. aZtec Chief

    aZtec Chief Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    i got a few

    Name: Flying kick
    How it looks: a foot flying in the air rotating 360 degrees as it goes for the enemy
    Details: the foot can look and maybe include the foot to knee and maybe have a sandal? something funny

    Name:Superman Punch
    How it Looks: a fist flying in the air
    Details: the fist has a cape.

    Name: Armageddon
    Damage: N/A
    How it Looks: 3 "2012" like how "pinata" is to "fiesta"
    Details: 3 "2012" one can bring hail, another one can bring asteroids, 3rd one does earthquake, or maybe lightning, snowball, other
  6. aZtec Chief

    aZtec Chief Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    yes that wat i meant. the Fiesta isnt that accurate either. you might only get 2/3. thats why the damage is N/A

    edited above so can make more sense***
  7. aZtec Chief

    aZtec Chief Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    • Double post
    just had another idea. instead of "flying kick" how bout "roundhouse kick"? :D
  8. Focaccina

    Focaccina New Born (1) Member

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Name: SHIELD
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 0 damage but the area size increase with the level
    How it looks: Like a bubble all around the tank
    Details: It's a shield that deflects enemy attacks. You can use it on the hill, so it's like a wall (if everyone is shooting straight and you put the shield in front of you, you can deflect every attack.

    Name: Inverter
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): same damage as earthquake or megaquake
    How it looks: see the details
    Details: It's a sort of quake that immediately invert the map. Look at what i uploaded. The black part (the sky) will be the new "mountain" while the blue one will become the new sky! But this will affect the map immediately, not at the end of the turn like the quake...Think about the case you are in a hole and the enemy is launching grenade or 2012 or 3bounce; with this weapon you will switch atop of the mountain so you will defend your tank!

    Sorry for the bad english. Anyway i think this idea is great.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
    GhostKing1239 likes this.
  9. Csumbi

    Csumbi Corporal (5) Member

    May 4, 2013
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    Name: UFO Strike
    Damage: 50/55/60/65/70
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoots a green-blue flare and after it has bounced 5 times 3 Satellite will come from the air side by side.

    Name: Molotov
    Damage: the explode: 24/26/28/30/32; the fire: 3/3/4/4/5
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoots a Molotov cocktail. On impact, it explodes, and 5 fireball from each side fly out of the ground. Each fireball does 3/3/4/4/5 damage per second for 3 seconds.

    Name: Tank Coins
    Damage: 15/18/21/24/27
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoots 5 Tank Coins one by one in a similar direction.

    Name: Decagon
    Damage: 30/33/36/39/42
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoots a decagon which splits into 10 triangles that go very far before impact. Each triangle explodes with a medium radius.

    Name: Multi-Bounce
    Damage: the five bounce: 40/42/44/46/48; the three bounce: 30/32/34/36/38
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoots a five bounce, when it has bounced 5 times, it explodes and dealing damage. Then, 3 more three bounce come out of the original 5 bounce that explode with a small radius on impact, dealing damage.

    Name: Chain lightning
    Damage: first hit: 40/45/50/55/60; second hit: 20/25/30/35/40; third hit: 10/15/20/25/30
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoot a lightning chain which will jump from one hit tank to two others, and it damage them.

    Name: Railgun shot
    Damage: 30/35/40/45/50
    How it looks: at other stuff
    Other stuff: Shoot a very big green laser that go straight through everything, and deal damage. The wind ineffective at this.

    sorry for bad english, im hungarian :)
    supermario, Gate123 and Staple like this.
  10. Gate123

    Gate123 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Name: Switcher
    Damage: 40 on a direct hit and 10 outside the direct hit.
    How it looks like: an arrow with a bomb on the tip
    Other stuff: When it hits the player it deals damage and with a small outer circle that does 10 and the player who shot it will switch spots with the player that got hit.
    supermario likes this.
  11. aZtec Chief

    aZtec Chief Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    iv seen this been mentioned a few times. but its not as ridiculous as the rest.


    Name: Kamikaze
    How It Looks: you yourself have to roll over to the enemy and detonate inflicting damage to you and anyone else
    Details: the explosion of the Kamikaze cant be bigger than the tank. and plus there still chance of shrapnel damage after the explosion from dying
  12. trazzer101

    trazzer101 Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    Big Tank

    Shoots a tank like a mini-tank except bigger. Shoots a shot the radius of a massive shot which does 50 damage. The tank itself does 75.
  13. asdfas

    asdfas Captain (17) Member

    May 11, 2013
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    how about a tank that shoots more than once, or it shoot one of the other weps from the game (shot, stream, nuke, whatever...)

    though i think this has been said before, or am i remembering my own ideas?
  14. wazooman

    wazooman Brigadier General (21) Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Its a wheel of white gloves, that spin in a circle, with 8 gloves on the wheel.
    8 damage per glove/slap.
    when you fire it, right before it hits the ground, it stops, and spins, and each glove slaps the tank/ground.
  15. gummibearderek

    gummibearderek Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 18, 2013
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    Damage: Slash: 20, 22, 24, 27, 30. Droplets: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

    Details: Shoots a white heavy ball wearing a straw hat. Upon impact, the ball disappears and a white slash appears though the point of impact and scatters 3 red shot sized balls. Only the balls affect terrain.


    Damage: (per spirit) 3,4,5,6,8

    Details: Shoots a gray tombstone that bounces around. After settling, the tombstone disappears and 10 shot sized "spirits" appear at ground level. The spirits are shaped like mini fireballs (not the weapon). The spirits move straight up and offscreen, and they can appear in a 3-tank wide diameter at where ever ground level is. If a spirit touches a tank, it takes damage, and the spirit does not disappear.


    Damage: (per bolt) 20, 22, 24, 26, 28.

    Details: Shoots a green-tinted plasma grenade. Just before impact (think cactus) the grenade freezes in place and rapidly flashes 10 (also green) lightning bolts in a massive shot explosion radius, 2 at a time. After the 9th and 10th bolts, the grenade vanishes without impacting the ground. If a bolt touches a tank, it does damage.


    Damage: (per missle) 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

    Details: Shoots a cluster of 5 missles that fly in formation until their peak, then split apart, each following it's own corkscrewing path with a randomly determined radius. The missles have the size and explosion of a heavy shot. The radius can be anywhere from non-existent to about 2 tanks wide.

    I just relocated these with minor detail revision from one of my posts in a forum thread from Kongregate. Same person, peeps. I just thought of barrage and added it.

    Catastrofeline (made with excessively large amounts of help from wazooman)

    Damage: (bolts) 10,10,10,11,11 (cat) 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 (napalm) 2, 2, 3, 3, 3

    Details: Launches a massive-shot sized space helmet that bounces around before settling and vanishing. Calls down 3 lightnings in a row over a 3 tank wide area, with only 1 lightning visible at a time. Then a bigass cat falls down and spreads napalm everywhere after exploding.


    Damage: (tomatoes) 8, 8, 9, 9, 10 (rose) 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

    Details: Shoots a heavy ball with a top hat that bounces around. After settling, it rights itself and gains a brown cane. It hops up and down twice for aesthetic reasons, doing no damage. Then 5 heavy-shot tomatoes and a shot-size rose appear anywhere on top of the screen and home in on the heavy ball. Only the tomatoes affect the ground, exploding with a heavy shot radius. The rose only damages on the first hit but bounces once like mad birds.


    Damage: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8

    Details: Shoots a sparkly blue heavy ball that bounces around. Then drops in 15 shot-size snowflakes from the sky in a 2 tank radius over 3 seconds (the heavy ball dissapears). The snowflakes stack on each other, but after the 15th they all turn to land. Tanks are only sent to the top of the affected area after the snowflakes terraform. Before that they are behind the tank. It's like rain in a smaller area with bigger balls, with the balls stacking up and then materializing.

    False Darkness

    Damage: 50, 52, 54, 56, 60

    Details: Shoots a yellow ball that bounces around before settling. As soon as it settles, the screen goes white and slowly fades back to normal, revealing a yellow, wavering column located where the ball was. The column fades and narrows in time with the brightness of the screen, until fading out completely with a "blink" where it pops into a bunch of sparks going in random directions for the width of a tank, purely for cosmetic effect. The sparks then vanish. The damage is made up of accumulated ones that continue until reaching the correct number for False Darkness' respective level. Thought up of while watching a kid play pokemon at the mall.

    It's called false darkness cuz of an experience I had with a slow-moving strobe light in a game of laser tag. Since I was in a dark room the strobe looked completely white while it faced me, and when it turned away completely I had this circle in the middle of my vision that looked completely black even though there was decent light. Hence, false darkness.
    supermario and Staple like this.
  16. wazooman

    wazooman Brigadier General (21) Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Um... I don't understand that wep THAT much, but it sounds decent :3

    Dog, and Super Dog

    Dog: its like the dog in cats and dogs, and does 50 damage

    Super Dog: like supercat, but its a dog, like from cats and dogs, but like one of the large ones. Does 85 damage.

    "Cannot think of a name": Its like spligger, but its builders, and not digger.

    Sorry if these weps have already have been suggested.
  17. gummibearderek

    gummibearderek Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 18, 2013
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    oh okay thnx for feedback wazoo. lemme try again.

    Bullet Time

    (per arrow) 8,8,9,9,10

    Details: Glowing green clock appears around tank, which then shoots out 5 transparent green arrows. The arrows progressively slow down relative to how long they have been on-screen, until they all stop stacked up 1 tank behind the point of impact. The arrows then "rewind" progressively speeding up until they reach the tank that shot them. They deal damage both coming and going, so you get 10 hits. The screen will tint more green as the arrows slow, and then untint as they return to the tank. Lemme know if this is just too unclear and i'll stop trying.
    wazooman likes this.
  18. Nougat

    Nougat New Born (1) Member

    May 19, 2013
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    Time Bomb
    Damage is 30,30,40,50,60
    It shoots out a bomb and it explodes on contact the explosion size is the size of heavy/massive. When it explodes a clock (yes a clock) for the animation just spins backwards in a cool dramatic way. Once it hits you are sent back to the last spot you were in. If it hits the ground it just makes a massive-sized shot in the ground

    Exploding Cow
    Do you really need to know what it looks like?
    Shoot out a cow and explodes on contact, it does 40,50,60,70,80 damage right there but when it explodes about 15 shots and those do 5,6,7,8,9,10 damage each. Another option for the Exploding Cow is explodes on contact AND and if hits the ground it walks towards the nearest enemy.

    Ninja's Calling
    Shoots out a flare in the shape of a ninja star, one it settles 5 stars come from the sky (x x X x x) and do 20 damage each, explosion size of shot.

    Laser Beam OR Laser
    Damage: 5s,6s,7s,8s,9s,10s (60,70,80,90,100,110)
    Shoots a red beam completely straight [more accurate than sniper] so just like this : --------------- but it can't bend so it goes directly straight and is for higher levels but the laser is very small (about the size of sniper) so it has flaws too :)

    Most of these my items are for higher levels
    supermario likes this.
  19. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    The next time you suggest weapons, please condense them all into a single post. The Edit function on this forum is pretty handy.

    EDIT: Thank you.
  20. gummibearderek

    gummibearderek Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 18, 2013
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    Damage: (mini beams) 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (large beam) 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

    Details: Shoots 3 small plasma grenades with neon blue centers and grey outsides, then a larger one with the same color theme, like a fiesta followed by a miniturret before activation. All of them will bounce around and settle. The 3 smaller plasma grenades vanish and call down flying saucers that then perform mini satellite strikes and then fly back up, while the large one vanishes and calls a normal satellite strike. Possiblity of a single saucer called UFO.


    Damage: (per spark) 4, 4, 5, 5, 5

    Details: Shoots a larger twinkler projectile, that makes 6 tendrils formed of appearing and disappearing twinkler sparks within a massive shot radius. The tendrils will rotate about a quarter of a circle and then disappear. Works best shot next to an enemy, not on top.


    Damage: (narwhal) 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 (droplets) 2,2,3,4,5

    Details: Shoots a brown heavy ball with a white horn that always points the direction the ball is going. Acts like skipper, tunneling in and out of the ground until it goes offscreen or exits the ground 3 times (then it goes straight down and away). Whenever the horn enters or exits ground 5 blue droplets are scattered like fountain. Horn deals damage when touching tank. Neither narwhal or droplets affect terrain, and the narwhal deals damage if it touches a tank. Also, I like this weapon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
    supermario likes this.
  21. Nougat

    Nougat New Born (1) Member

    May 19, 2013
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    Shoots out a unicorn with a horn charging in the direction where the horn is. Followed by the unicorn is a rainbow and when the unicorn hits contact it explodes dealing 4045,50,55,60 damage, after that skittles (rainbow shots) the damage of 2,3,4,5,6 comes but the "skittles" don't break ground.
    supermario likes this.
  22. wazooman

    wazooman Brigadier General (21) Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Damage: 5, per "pop"
    you fire a very small object, about the size of this "*" or 2x the size of "*" and, after it settles down, it starts jumping around, in small leaps, jumping about 6-10 times, doing damage to the terrain, and tanks, nearby in a shot's radius. It makes small leaps in random directions, and each time it jumps, it does 5 damage. "At level 1" While doing little damage to the terrain.

    EDIT: Oh, I must have missed that you said skipper. :p
    supermario and gummibearderek like this.
  23. gummibearderek

    gummibearderek Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 18, 2013
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    Coffee Bean (faintly inspired by wazooman's "popcorn"(which is a very, very cool weapon.))

    Damage: (for jumps) 1,1,1,1,1 (for pop) 20, 23, 26, 28, 30

    Details: Shoots a shot-size brown, bean shaped object. Upon impact with ground, bean hops 2 tanks straight up, falls, repeats twice in rapid succesion, and suddenly freezes at the end of the 3rd jump before blurring into a non-stop series of 17 more jumps and falls (with sped up falls), before pausing for a second on the ground and then popping, with the radius of a sniper. Jumps are always straight up. Preferable sound effect would be like the noise made after sucking your lips inside your mouth and then blowing them out again. The ground is unaffected. Also, wazooman is a good editor.
    wazooman likes this.
  24. gummibearderek

    gummibearderek Private E-1 (2) Member

    May 18, 2013
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    Damage: (per speck) 3,3,4,4,5

    Details: Shoots a cloud of 15 green sniper-sized shots that follow a normal trajectory. The specks will speed up, slow down, and wiggle a bit, but they will stay in a general "cloud" shape using the original trajectory. Specks that collide with anything in the way will die. If a single speck encounters a tank in a heavy-shot radius, all the surviving specks will gather straight to the tank in a single point without detour. Specks explode in a sniper explosion radius on impact. It's kinda like a swarm of robots that mobs the intruder when one of them sees it. The cloud is the size of a massive shot's explosion, so there are decent chances of specks suiciding on the side of a hill or whatever. Oh and wazooman, i'd appreciate your comments on this.
    supermario likes this.
  25. Nougat

    Nougat New Born (1) Member

    May 19, 2013
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    shoots out a flare, one the flare as settled a ufo comes above that enemy and shoots a laser beam down dealing 50,55,60,65,70 damage
    supermario likes this.

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