Just two suggestions I just thought of.. 1: Fog- appears like bumpers and x2s, prevents you from seeing certain places on the map, always close to the ground. 2: Increased Chance of Prestige Weapons- I find it really annoying that I spent so long getting to prestige, only to get firestorm once every 10-20 games. If the chance for getting it could be increased, but lowered every other time you prestige I think the prestige 1s could actually get a chance to level the weapon up.
I agree, I'm already halfway across prestige 1 and my firestorm isn't even level 4 yet, it's really annoying. Worst thing is, whenever I get it, it's on maps where it doesn't help, like map 10 or 16.
As for the fog - great idea, hopefully this one goes in-game! The only thing I have to add is it should mimic smoke and increase as the game goes. The weapon thing - seems okay to me the way it is. I mean I'm prestige 1 level 24 and my firestorm is just barely level 4. That said maybe you're right and I just can't see it (other than deluxe I don't yet have any weapon packs).
1: Fog- I disagree, I don't want this to be in the game. It seems like a cause of the lag. Nice idea, though. 2: Increased Chance of Prestige Weapons- I agree.
I have a suggestion and I hope it's not suggested before - stats. Just for checking how much times you lost, won, killed, making this game more addicting.
Maybe not exaggerated - I have no weapon packs but deluxe and get one every 6 or 7 games - although I did get 3 in a single game once (2 I started with, the third came from a supply drop)