I expected something good coming but my expectations got betrayed. This is like a bounsplode-river, he just changed the bullets to brown bounsplodes.... I don't think all these months of waiting was worth getting this weapon.... grammar fail edited at 2014.04.03
It averages around 80-140 level 1 :b And they aren't like brown bounces plodes at all really, just bounce somewhere random (a tiny bit) once you get to use it yourself, you'll understand it better.
It's good that it does a great damage that rewards the Pr.5, but it's not creative at all. I know you like it, it's powerful, 20XP easily earned, but now the WPs seem more creative and great than this weapon. Indeed it's not exactly same as Bounsplode, but quite similar.
...not creative... That's why I've been wondering if kChamp has even been taking a look at the 'suggest a weapon' thread >_>
True...if he even made it, which I don't even know who did...and look at the thing, it has like 50 pages...I mean I wouldn't expect him to look through them all, but he has over 50 pages to choose from! ._.