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Future of the Game

Discussion in 'General Game Talk' started by Towel, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    SSL Steam might be hitting a wall in the future.

    Let’s start with the statistics.

    According to steamdb.info, the peak player count yesterday was 36. That means the most people playing the game at once on the day of the Early Access release was 36. That’s not a lot of people. Not at all.

    Now, moving onto the Steam achievement stats, there’s a couple of achievements for XP that were obviously gotten through somebody exploiting the game. I’m going to make an assumption here and say only one person exploited the game for those achievements, as the % for both of those achievements was the same. The % of players that achieved that achievement was 0.8%. With some simple math, knowing 1 player makes up for ~0.8% of the entire playerbase, I can conclude that the game only sold about 125 copies on day 1. Steam takes a minimum of 30% of revenue, so Kyle probably made around $1,312.50 on the first day.

    For a comparison, this obscure bare-bones platformer with a title that makes it impossible to find peaked at 62 players playing at once. That’s almost half of the entire SSL Steam playerbase.

    That’s not good, not by a long shot. Especially for a multiplayer based game. Sure you can play out the missions, but that’s only going to entertain you for so long before you run out and have to turn to an empty multiplayer lobby. The missions alone aren’t worth anywhere close to $15.

    So why was the first day such a flop? The game is solid, there’s no jarring issues except for the typical Early Access buggery. It can’t be a problem with the quality of the game.

    I have some theories.

    1. There's no marketing
    It feels like absolutely nobody outside of the current SSL community has any idea this game even exists. Pretty much everybody ingame on Early Access release day was a member of the SSL2 community. Kyle needs to reach out to new audiences, it feels like he only advertised this game on current SSL websites.

    2. It’s not unique
    And as I’ve stated before, on the cover it’s not unique enough from all the other tank games out there for people to even give the game the time of day. An average consumer would just think “why not just play one of the dozens of free online tank games, rather than spending my $15 on this one?”. There needs to be a good selling point, to which SSL Steam doesn’t really have one.

    3. It's too expensive
    To a lot of people, $15 is quite a lot to put down for a tank game of the likes they’ve probably already played before. Even $10 could be a hard sell. The only people I can imagine putting down $15 for a turn based tank game are crazy people like us who’ve been loyal to the game for years. And even a good portion of the dedicated SSL2 community is turning their noses from the Steam version because of the price tag. It’s too high

    So that’s my thoughts on the game as a product to sell. If you want to hear my opinion on the quality of the game as a game to play, here it is: I like it. It’s a good game. I just wish more people would play it.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
  2. emilio1973

    emilio1973 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    You are so right in all points spec the third 1. ,Im not a idiot to pay for a simple tank game like this 15 and more dolars cos i hew 3d tank games online for free. Im a loyal ssl2 player but what is to much is rly to much!!!!
    And this game on steam will be real disaster, cos ther wiil not be more then 100 players total online in this game.
    Im rly soory for all ssl2 comunty cos this is what you get when you try to be gridy!
    this game shud be free on steam, maybe 5 dolars max cost.
    kyle shud stay whit this combo like ssl2 now FREE GAME but if you wanna some extra fitures buy tank coins or somthing else.
  3. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    yeah 15 dollars is kind of iffy

    as ive said, theres a whole lot of really good reputed games for that cost, especially on steam sales. like borderlands 2, bought that for 5 dollars

    but 10 dollars, id probably consider it, if the reviews were good, and if there were at least 300+ players.
    emilio1973 likes this.
  4. emilio1973

    emilio1973 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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  5. Bronco

    Bronco First Lieutenant (16) Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Bear in mind that this is kinda like beta testing for the steam version. The "official release" isn't until April. I imagine once the official version is released he'll put more into the advertising. There are some selling points to this game, but I agree that Kyle isn't really doing anything advertise them(something I hope he starts doing in april). Also, I feel like the price is a bit high, but I'm also getting a game with no extra purchases to be made in-game. If Kyle made the game cheaper, it would make him want to implement in-game purchases. Also he doesn't want to attract bunch of hackers before he's fixed the bugs in the game. (Talking to you, emilo :p)

    Just puttin' it out there, but a great way to advertise would be for Kyle to put a link to SSL2 on the steam page so that people can get a feel for what SSL Steam might be like.

    Bruh. Stahp. Sounds to me like you're worried that people will leave ssl2 and your name will be forgotten.
    JohannZim likes this.
  6. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    for the peeps that still play ssl2, is there any mention of ssl3 in the game
  7. emilio1973

    emilio1973 First Sergeant (11) Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    dude im not worried at all cos only betwen 50 and 100 ppl will yoin steam version for this huge mony :p:p:p:p.

    Do you call me a hacker????
  8. MeowrPower

    MeowrPower Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    The game is said to be in beta for 3-4 months before official release (I am pretty sure anyway)
    Bronco likes this.
  9. cacadun

    cacadun Unconfirmed Member

    Completely agree, also its 15e not dollars ~16$ just a note.
    emilio1973 likes this.
  10. MeowrPower

    MeowrPower Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Here is an idea, of you want more people to play it then we as a community should get the game out there and help to get more people. Like I will and do tell people about the game through face to face conversation and on the interwebs. It is not all on kyle to get the game out there, the players are just as important at publicizing the game if not more important
    Holy2334 likes this.
  11. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Like I said is it worth than other games that has the same cost. If this is 19.99 it better beat angry birds trilogY

    it's says coming to steam April

    Ik how to get this game going to worth what's it's worth

    EDIT (some may be repeated by towel for emphasis)
    1. Needs a Marketing Director

    2. Needs a team to do this game
    If he does it shouldn't take that fast to create a game taking that he started when he announced ssl will be on steam. The more the better the game will be.

    3. Needs to expand bigger
    constricting this game as like pocket tanks or just the basics of ssl wont be worth much even with some new tweaks. Expand it to adding helicopters to the game. Instead of just controlling tanks you can control helicopters supporting your teammates and testing the opponent's ability of arcing.

    4. CLANS
    This may be the most supporting feature to ssl but it has to have a reason why anyone should join not just joining clan for nothing which did affect one member of Tasty Tanks to leave. Add an automated system to control clan challenges and operations. Completing them will award u clan xp which unlocks unique awards for in game like X2 xp earned or colored rims

    5. Virtual World
    That's right, virtual world. No not like battlefield or call of duty but make the map bigger, better. Extend the left and the right side of the map. The bigger it is the more modes it can support like capture the flag, one in a chamber.

    6. Different fights.
    Only ground battles, LAME. Add some areas to it like space, air, underground. Different scenarios of the battle. Combine air and ground battles.

    But all this doesnt have to be included. Ssl could be unique as it is already is. Just to add some spice to the game to make it more long lasting.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
    cristianjoserd and 15Galaxy15 like this.
  12. JohannZim

    JohannZim Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Sep 2, 2013
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    Ill just say one thing... wait until the official realease and see ;)
  13. Towel

    Towel look mom i have a custom title Former Moderator

    Dec 16, 2012
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    Since my post was super negative I guess I’ll say some more positive things about how things are going.

    One really good thing is that the few people who are playing the game now are the few people who would be able to put hours and hours into the game. That means that although we might’ve peaked at 36 on day 1, that number isn’t going to fall too fast like many other games. Hopefully this means that the number of players will be easier to grow than to decline.

    And yes, this is Early Access too. Maybe the goal here is to have a smaller player base during this beta period to keep the game fresh for those who discover it during release. This likely would work because the only people who are going to discover this game in its current state are the ones who really care about the game, making them the best to beta test. It might be an open beta on the cover, but its obscurity is what makes it “closed” to the few that care.

    And for the price tag, there is a game on Steam called “Planetary Annihilation”. When that game was released to Early Access over a year ago, it had a whooping price tag of $90. People complained, but once it was fully released, it was marked down to the reasonable price of $60 instead. Hopefully that’s a similar situation for SSL, as a lot of games will have an increased price during Early Access so it’s just the people who really care about the game who will buy it during that time, making them the perfect game testers. I’m no marketer, but I think the ideal price to sell SSL at for full release would be $7.99.

    And for how unique the game is? The game really is unique. The problem about what sets it apart from other 2D tank games is how on the cover it seems just like any other, so many potential buyers would dismiss it. The best solution to this would simply be in the marketing. Really push why this game is better than the rest, and people will buy it. Not at as crazy a price as $15 though.

    Not necessarily true. Making the game cheaper would sell more copies, meaning a lower price would actually make him more money. The upgrades in SSL2 being ridiculously overpriced doesn't justify the high price point of the current game as an "all-in-one" pack. It's a new game being sold to a new audience.
    Doomsday and Batgirl like this.
  14. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    anything but f2p

    maybe pay for things like miscs or accessories that are just visual are fine
  15. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Like having a guest account?
    Bronco likes this.
  16. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well the game isn't that bad. Marketing seems like something to invest time in, but its hard to market a buggy game that hasn't been tested yet. What is more important is that I don't think this was a flop at all. The first people he told about the early access was us, and he just announced it on greenlight today so I just think not a lot of people knew about it because we were looking at April.
    buyingtime likes this.
  17. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    the majority of the small p2w games instantly die in the dust anyway. the problem is just popularity, its not like every person on steam knows about the game. i have like 90 people on my steam list and like 5 know about ssl on steam. they all came from the forums

    but yeah, i do agree 15 is too much, for the ones that actually do see the game
    Batgirl likes this.
  18. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Here's the thing with the market situation. What he's doing is actually a very smart thing to do and can be quite beneficial to ShellShock Live.

    By keeping it to a small audience (The Forum, who is very dedicated to SSL) they can help him discover bugs so he can crush them out of the game, and give him time to develop the game at the same time.

    If he threw the game out in the open the way it is now, it wouldn't get anywhere. The game would look somewhat decent, but buggy and incomplete. This would rack up negative reviews very quickly. Trust me, as a Steam user when a game has low reviews, it makes me not really want to play it. So by doing this, he can keep it to an audience, who is already dedicated and understands and while having time to make it look better; so it's a much more decent looking game when it's ready to be released out in to the world.

    Now I know this is what Kyle is doing, because I talked to ********** and told him, that he should let Kyle know he should update the SSL2 News Feed. Shortly after Kyle responded that he's waiting for the game to be more developed before releasing it to the public.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    paul1999, Sammik, buyingtime and 2 others like this.
  19. Awesume

    Awesume Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Awesumeness Popcorn.
    3 for 2.00 or 1.00 each. One size only.

    Who wants to buy popcorn?! Only a dollar a bag!

    Hot and fresh buttery popcorn!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
  20. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Can I get it for free *puppy eyes
  21. Awesume

    Awesume Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    50 cents then for u. ;)
    Mr Synikal and Batgirl like this.
  22. Holy2334

    Holy2334 Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    That's probably why he told us the day it came out and told the rest of the people a day later so that all the initial very noticable problems could get fixed and we wouldn't criticize as hard for it. Now he announced it to everybody so I think we'll get more ppl now.
  23. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I disagree with the marketing thing. Why would anyone advertise an early access game? 36 people are enough to report bugs and glitches.

    Also, even if it caught people's attention, I'm pretty sure they'd play SSL2 instead of an unfinished $15 game.
    1. Ok
    2. Ok
    3. No! No no no no no no!!! This game was never meant to be a World War 3 simulation game. It's a tank game, it's fine as it is.
    4. I think we should just remove the entire idea of clans for now until the game begins to become popular.
    5. It's fine as it is. Also, how on earth would you be able to implement a capture-the-flag mode in this game??
    6. As I said in 3, we don't need to make a major major major change to the game that it's not SSL anymore. What's the difference between underground and surface? Space and air?
    jgalloway64, Bronco and Batgirl like this.
  24. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    different style of shooting i mean the reason why people stopped playing ssl2 cuz u just be a tank all day long shooting other players in a tank. tell me why does cod n battlefield is a success in multiplayer besides being the best fps
  25. Credipede

    Credipede Forum Administrator Administrator

    Nov 23, 2012
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    1. Kyle's plan is to squash out all the bugs first and to expand the game before he is going to advertise the game. That's a really good decision of him. He lets us (the forum community) test the game before new players will discover the game. This will attract new players on the release.

    2. The singleplayer itself is unique, and the amount of weapons is even more unique. More unique features (such as tournaments, clans, ...) will (hopefully) be added before the game is released.

    3. That may be true, I think the perfect price would have been $9.99, just like the most of the indie games.

    1. Yeah, that may be true.

    2. Yeah, that may be true.

    3. I think that tanks are enough.

    4. Clans will (hopefully) be added before the game is released.

    5. I don't even know how that would work on a 2D-style tank game.

    6. Flying tanks? Space tanks? Worm tanks? I don't know, that would be weird and would look weird. ShellShock Live is not Battlefield 3 or Battlefield 4.

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