I just spent 45min+ in a 4.59 Rebound. After being 3 v 1'ed and surviving it was me and 1 guy left, he had 20Hp and I had 115 and some solid weapons but he kept running and I wasnt getting any bumpers so I saved and didnt fire and it kicked me. Whats the save limit? 3? This is infuriating, there isnt even a counter to show you how many times you can save before you get kicked. Im seriously so f'in angry right now, I got randomly DC'ed yesterday after 50min+ and now I get booted for saving. I realize bots are a problem but please add a counter for saved turns or figure out some other afk mechanism. Or at least give a warning.
Firstly it doesn't count as 'saving' it counts as you being non responsive. Secondly it is 3 times in a row, and if someone doesn't shoot in that amount of turns I think they deserve to be kicked
There should be a "skip turn" button that can be used up to 5 times per game depending on the match length.