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Must read : In The World of Chaos

Discussion in 'Fun Area' started by DinomanIV, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. DinomanIV

    DinomanIV Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    An interesting story I created. It is part one, it will get awesome in part two. I had nothing to do, so you can read this also when you have nothing to do. Good reading :)


    *Words in color and with a star are explained below the story.

    Sector I

    It was snowy. Me and Harry hid in a small burrowed snow house.
    - Dino, I never knew Patagonia* was so frickin* frozen!
    - Shut up!
    A moment later.
    - Hey, Din, where are our tanks again?
    - A mile away.
    - And how long is a mile again?
    - Far.
    - Let's go then!
    - Wait till the blizzard stops.
    - What? This place is always snowy! The more layers of snow, the more less chance to find the compass!
    - True... But..
    - No butts*! I'm going in!
    - Suit yourself!
    - **** yourself!
    - I mean put on a suit!
    But it was too late. He disappeared. I waited for hours, but he was gone. I fell asleep. Next morning he wasn't here. The blizzard stopped. I went outside. All I saw was a gigantic layer of snow with a huge mountain in the background. I traveled through everything, till I saw an army of tanks. I ran as fast as I can. They were the Patagonians, a tough army we needed to battle. How did I get here? We - Europartizans, a huge army of Eurasia*, split in half to fight our borders in Eastasia, Bahral Arabia, Georgian lands and Istanbul. They were the most aggressive of all and ruined our borders. The other half (us) flew to The Americas to seek peace in the upper side and fight out the most dangerous army that fought us for hundreds of years in the lower side. That's The South America. TSA. The southern TSA was ruled by Patagonians, that's where we are supposed to head. We departed with choppers, fighter jets and battleships. Right from the Portoalic county, the Lisboa* Port. I chose the Fighter jet because of my high rank. Battleships carried the tanks (vehicles). Choppers carried the ammo and Fighter Jets surrounded battleships and choppers, defending them from the Pacific Army. Overall we reached Patagonia. There we stopped for fuel, in the abandoned town of Punta Arenas*, where according by top secret Telegrams, should be a huge number of large fuel tanks (containers). Unfortunately there weren't. Luckily some battleships carried extra fuel and we decided to rest there. But suddenly a severe blizzard struck. Fighter Jets were covered in snow and Choppers scattered around to look for Patagonians. The blizzard went too severe and it was time to evacuate. But there was a problem. Every chopper lost signal and didn't fly back. The number of tankers, pilots and warriors was decreasing every hour. We needed help. We sent a successful signal to Bahral Arabia where a group of submarines supposed to be. But there was no time to wait, the blizzard already went catastrophic. There was no time and hundreds of warriors died. Thousands were lost. Including me and Harry. Now returning when I ran Patagonians, so I hid in the old deep burrowed snow house. I did hear the sounds, few jets crossing by, I prayed and prayed... Till a gigantic explosion stopped my praying. The sounds were like fireworks reaching the ground and exploding. They were homing missiles. I looked from a tiny hole into the chaos, but I just saw a big mist of smoke. Everything stopped and I heard how Patagonians were occupying our hideout. I just fell asleep in my tiny snow cave*.

    Sector II
    I woke up and heard random submarine sounds. I'm saved! Yes!
    I ran as fast as I can and finally saw my army. The helmsmen* and captains suspected me as a Patagonian, but I explained what happen. Their suspicion was gone. I was sent back to the port of Lisboa and quit the army. It was too much to me. The loss of Harry, close death. I am still mad about those Patagonians, they are strong, but they sure do ruin lives!

    So I went to Ireland. The only place in Eurasia where it is warrior-free. More in part two...


    Patagonia* - a region in South America which is south Argentina and south Chile, so probably it's the southern tip of South America.

    Helmsman* - a driver of a submarine that follows the captain's orders.

    Snow cave* - a little cave made from snow made for surviving a severe blizzard in a remote location.

    Frickin* - a misspell of ''freaking'' to make it funnier.

    Butts* - another misspell of ''no buts'' to make it funnier.

    Eurasia* - a huge continent containing Europe and Asia, just that it's a huge union in the story.

    Punta Arenas* - a real city in Argentina, just that this story pretends to be the future and the city however is an abandoned town.

    Lisboa* - capital of Portugal, but this story pretends the future and it is just a port of pretend Portugal - Portoalic county.

    That's it. Feel free to give a like and comment.
    xXxTnTxXx and BLACKED.com like this.
  2. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I didn't have time to read it all, but great job, I liked it ;)
  3. DinomanIV

    DinomanIV Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Ah I abandoned it, like most of threads.

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