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Trophies Awarded to ChillPill

  1. 128
    Awarded: Feb 23, 2016

    Causality Violation

    You've been registered since 512 days? What a show! You could have some cake, but we might be out of it, or maybe it's gone stale...

  2. 64
    Awarded: Aug 18, 2015

    Schwarzschild Radius

    A whole year! You've been here! You've been near! 365 days! I would be sad if you got yanked into a passing black hole.

  3. 64
    Awarded: Apr 27, 2015

    Hawking Radiation

    You landed here 255 days prior to the current day! Welcome to your 256th.

  4. 32
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Event Horizon

    You've been registered for 128 days! Have you noticed a pattern yet, or has it been so long?

  5. 32
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Causal Cone

    You've been registered for 64 days! 64 is a good number, you know?

  6. 16
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Field Equation

    You've been registered for 32 days! That's over a month!

  7. 16
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Metric Tensor

    You've been registered for 16 days!

  8. 8
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Curved Space Time

    You've been registered for 8 days!

  9. 5
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Somebody likes you!

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!

  10. 4
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Accelerating Reference Frame

    You've been registered for 4 days!

  11. 2
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Inertial Reference Frame

    You've been registered for a whole 2 days!

  12. 1
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    On the battlefield!

    You're a member! That's awesome! You're awesome!

  13. 1
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    First Contact

    We have received your message and are awaiting more.

  14. 1
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Are you a wizard?

    How on earth? You have more likes than posts. Good job!

  15. 1
    Awarded: Feb 21, 2015

    Quality over quantity!

    You're an enlightened soul - your post-to-likes ratio is 0.5 or higher.