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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    That's just too OP for an auto-aim weapon. Lv5 should only do 50 damage or around that.
  2. Csumbi

    Csumbi Corporal (5) Member

    May 4, 2013
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    players need something to prestige for... if you know what I mean (Thunderstorm and Python suck)
  3. BLACKED.com

    BLACKED.com Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    You can make almost 600 damage in FFA, without even needing skills. That's just too much, 60xp in 1 turn!

    What about in FFA, as the players increase the damage of the weapon decreases? That'd be fair enough.
  4. Csumbi

    Csumbi Corporal (5) Member

    May 4, 2013
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    well, that's true :rolleyes:
  5. katnissbuttercup

    katnissbuttercup New Born (1) Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Name: Big Bang
    Damage: Sun = 10 dmg, Mercury = 7 dmg, Venus = 7 dmg, Earth = 7 dmg, Mars = 7 dmg, Jupiter = 7 dmg Saturn = 7 dmg Uranus = 7dmg, Neptune = 7 dmg, galaxy = 50 dmg (also this is the order in which each one is shot)
    How it looks: None of the planets or sun destroy the terrain expect for the galaxy which lands last and creates and explosive crater slightly bigger than a nuke. This weapon does not bounce it just explodes on contact. After each planet has hit the target individually there will be a 5 second pause and the galaxy will come down and hit the target.
    Details: If you hit yourself with the weapon it will do damage to your tank, but not as much as it will when you hit an enemy tank.
    drake28034 and jpcas like this.
  6. jpcas

    jpcas Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    i kinda like the idea. with the exception that i don't think the decreased damage for your/ally's tank is a plausible conception for this game. other weaps do not work this way and i think it's either you accept the possibility of negative damage or not.
  7. Hells Fury

    Hells Fury Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Name: Steamroller (Prestige wep idea)
    Damage: 50/55/60/65/70
    What it does: It rolls twice as far as a heavy roller, damaging any tank it hits along the way, slightly flattening the ground as it goes along.

    I ended up explaining this a lot better in-game, but imagine a big grey and white roller going across the map, flattening things as it goes along. Now the damage feels about right for a p8 and up weapon, considering a level 5 can easily do 210 in 3v3 and 350 in 6 man ffa, without crits. Hell, a perfect shot in ffa with a x2 would get you 70 xp in one turn. If it's not worthy of being one of the higher prestige weps, I don't know what is.
    bobbb7, Taylor, Mark103 and 1 other person like this.
  8. Muskanty

    Muskanty Private E-1 (2) Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Soooo... I was looking at more firework videos (like I usually do for my weapon suggestions), and this was something I came across.

    After landing (like my entire firework collection) it would look like something very similar to this, but for a shorter time. The red and green sparks would each deal 2,2,3,3,4 (lvl based), and falling to the ground. The blue ones would each explode into 3, and they would deal similar damage.

    IDK, could just be a pretty weapon, ooooor a prestige one, if damage is augmented....
    Taylor likes this.
  9. gassug2

    gassug2 Private E-1 (2) Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    More weapons :D!

    Weap 1: Trollface

    Damage: Lvl 1 does 20 dmg, lvl 2 does 30 dmg, lvl 3 does 40 dmg and lvl 5 does 50 dmg

    Abilities: Similar to EE Bomb, its radius is the trollface it self.

    Side-Abilites: There are no side-abilities for this weapon.

    Weap 2: Forcefield

    Damage: lvl 1 does 10 dmg, lvl 2 does 25 dmg, lvl 3 does 30 dmg, lvl 4 does 45 dmg, lvl 5 does 60 dmg (quite powerful if upgraded).

    Abilities: Similar to wall, only the created wall is invisible. (Wall is created on impact similar to the wall weapon itself)

    Side-Abilities: There are no side-abilities for this weapon.

    Weap 3: Ice

    Damage: lvl 1 does 30 dmg, lvl 2 still does 30 dmg, lvl 3 does 40 dmg, lvl 4 does 45 dmg and lvl 5 ranges from 55-70 dmg.

    Abilities: Shoots a shot that freezes a tank. (Shot must land on ground for the freezing effect to work, and the shot doesn't need to land on a tank to do so)

    Side-Abilities: Gradually homes into tanks to get the direct shot.

    Weap 3: Mountains

    Damage: lvl 1 does 15 dmg (each hill), lvl 2 does 20 dmg (each hill), lvl 3 does 25 dmg (each hill), lvl 4 does 45 dmg (each hill) and lvl 5 does 55 dmg (each hill) (quite powerful if upgraded).

    Abilities: Air Strike and Bulger combined, shoots a blue flare with a dark blue stream and white colored shot, 3 bulgers will come falling from the air, creating a mountain-like design.

    Side-Abilities: Similar to AC-130, the flare won't bounce much.

    Pretty much it! If i come up with more ideas i will edit this post!
  10. jpcas

    jpcas Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Name: TNT
    you're launching a crate full of TNT. when it reaches the highest point in the air and is just about to start going down, a parachute attached to the crate opens automatically, suppressing the flight - the crate starts falling straight down slowly to the ground. as the crate is just a little bit above the land surface, you're shooting quickly few projectiles (similar to those from the gatling gun - about 4, 5 of them) to initiate the explosion (functionally it resembles the part of "skeet" weap). the crate explodes right above the ground - it looks a bit like an extended deceiver (the second part of it.. + some igneous effects..) and deals about twice the damage of deceiver.

    it can be really powerful when used right but you have to land the crate on a spot where you'll be able to reach it with your projectiles - if there is some sort of obstacle on the way (hills etc.) and your projectiles will be held by it, the TNT crate will disintegrate into pieces after few seconds without making any damage.

    the projectiles are only used to initiate the explosion and they cannot deal any damage.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2014
    Mark103 likes this.
  11. Turgut93

    Turgut93 New Born (1) Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Name: Vamp Bite

    Damage: Level 1 - 20 and every following level gives it 5 more dmg.

    Effect: Gives you the dealt damage back as HP or Armor

    Its only 1 Shot and its not bouncing and not changing the terrain. The size of the Shot is like a normal Shot.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
  12. ChillPill

    ChillPill New Born (1) Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Name: Reset
    Damage: Varies

    This weapon Resets the map to its starting status (100% like at the beginning!) The more the maps was changed the more damage is dealt. Its used like quake (no need to aim, targets whole map)
    The easiest way to programm this is that if the ground is lower it creates multiple bulges till its high enough or takes away ground in little steps till it is low enough. Players hit by these bulges/ground takeaways suffer damage. They more they were away from the original map position, the more they suffer. Players take different damage depending on their place because of this.

    The damage per bulge/takeaway rises with the weplevel. As to it severely changes the map i would recommend it as a presitge weps.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2014
    bobbb7 and Muskanty like this.
  13. jpcas

    jpcas Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Name: BS Launcher
    ...blah-blah-blah... :p
    How it looks: you're shooting waves of "blah's". by "waves" i mean something shaped a bit like "inferno" fire but instead of the burning blobs there comes those text projectiles saying "blah". they are of different sizes and the bigger ones are dealing more damage.
    when an projectile hits an enemy or ground, you can hear the voice saying "blah" (no explosion sounds, no terrain shifting)
    Damage (level 1/2/3/4/5): if all of the projectiles hits a target, the weap can make about 50/ 55/ 60/ 65/ 70 points of overall damage

    (it is the same trick to concentrate the fire on a specific target as with the weaps like "inferno", river" etc.)

    i was also thinking about a suggestion of a prestige weap. i think that it could be prestige 10. (by the way, i wish there was possiblity of implementing some more prestige weapons over 10th - @kChamp has recently vivified himself a bit apparently, so my hopes increased now ;))

    ok, so anyway, there it is

    Name: Lambda (λ) Secret Project
    How it looks:
    the first part of it looks almost like "inferno" but the projectiles cannot deal any damage by itself - those are only the tracking devices that sticks to the ground and when they hit a tank (friendly or hostile) they stick to it.
    the second part is quite similar to the "satellite" weap: the marked tanks are hit with beams coming from the sky. they don't hit all at once. each tank are hit with one beam but if there are more tanks marked, the beam hit the first tank, then the second and then the third one.
    oh, and i think the sound could be different than the one from the original "satellite" weap.. something more sci-fictional, maybe.. ? :p the visual effect could be also a bit different
    hm.. like

    Damage (level 1/2/3/4/5): 100/ 105/ 110/ 115/ 120

    Overpowered? well, yeah - if you hit three tanks (or more - in ffa) i know but it is a suggestion for the (regrettably) final prestige weap. i think it should be something big. and besides, it can be modified until the release.
    to be honest i'd like to see it rather as the 15th prestige weap, but i don't know if that's possible
    it would be really great to have more prestige levels - i can see some potential in some of the suggestions for weapons posted here. (mostly mine of course :p :D ...jk)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
    ultra extreme87 and Staple like this.
  14. Goomba

    Goomba Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Alright Goomba back again for another weapon pack suggestion:
    The Smash Pack: A weapon pack in dedication to the new Super Smash Bros. game coming out soon.

    Incendiary Spiral: A maroon settling shot that when explodes turns into a horizontal spiral of fire that widens as it travels farther and leaves flame particles.
    Based on the Mario Finale. "An infernal ring of deathly heat."
    Damage: Spiral - 45/46/47/48/50 Flame - 1/1/2/2/2

    Triangle (Tripower): It shoots a large triangle comprised of three miniature triangles, that explodes into the three before impact. It is a triforce.
    Based on the Triforce Slash (Link). "Some say the triangle is legendary."
    Damage: 23/24/26//27/28

    Volt Grenade: Shoots a dark blue settling shot that when explodes, unleashes shrouds of lightning around as well as swelling like a Black Hole.
    Based on Volt Tackle/Thunder (Pikachu). "A super charged battery bomb."
    Damage: Lightning - 12/13/14/14/15 Volt Bomb - 4/4/5/5/6

    Negative Bomb: Shoots a shot that explodes in a large shot radius (slightly smaller than the Ghost Bomb) and inverts the colors of everything inside the explosion.
    Based on the Negative Zone (Luigi). "Inversion is the true art of war."
    Damage: 50/52/54/56/60

    Jungle Drums: Shoots a pair of wooden drums that bounce, and every time they bounce they create a sound shock wave that deals damage.
    Based on the Konga Beat (Donkey Kong). "Plays a jungle rhythm to the beat of bounce."
    Damage: Drums - 10/10/11/12/13 Shock Wave - 9/10/11/12/13

    Deep Freeze: Fires out three small sliding icicles that act like speedy rollers, when these collide with a tank or after a while they shatter into many smaller fragments.
    Based on Ice Climber's side special. "It's like someone turned my freezer into a cannon."
    Damage: Icicle -11/12/13/13/14 Fragment - 5/5/6/6/7

    Heavy Weight: Shoots a small pink shot that settles, and then rains down one random object. Possible objects include: Stone, anvil, a statue, a dresser, or a weight.
    Based on Kirby's stone. "Just don't spam it."
    Damage: Depends on the object.

    Richoflector: Shoots a blue octagonal shaped shot that hits the ground and expands, when it expands it kicks off in a random direction and explodes.
    Based on Reflector (Fox/Falco/Wolf) "Contrary to belief, does not reflect weapons."
    Damage: 45/46/47/48/49

    PSI Shot: Shoots a very fast high powered shot that can explode into various things when it reaches the ground: Fire, Plasma (BFG), Lightning, or Poison (Purple Fire)
    Based on various Ness moves. "Uses tidbits of techniques of tank telekinesis."A
    Damage: Shot - 44/46/48/50/52 Fire - 1/1/1/2/2 Plasma - 40/41/42/43/44 Lightning - 18/19/20/21/22 Poison - 2/2/2/3/3

    Falcon: A medium sized signal shot that has a falcon emblem on it, it then explodes into a falcon shaped form of fire, which damages enemies shortly with incredible heat.
    Based on the infamous Falcon Punch (Captain Falcon). "Show me your moves!"
    Damage: 8/8/9/9/10

    Egger: A familiar looking egg projectile is shot out with this one, when the egg hits it breaks into two pieces that roll on the ground for a while, these fragments later break into random weapons or even crates.
    Based on the Egg Throw (Yoshi). "Sunny Side Up, more like hard boiled."
    Damage: 18/20/22/23/25

    Insomnabomb: Shoots several Z shaped projectiles that explode in a large radius, they can each do a lot or a little damage, it is like a multi-chancer.
    Based on the gambler "Rest" move (Jiggly Puff) "Draw on their faces later."
    Damage: 1/2/3/4/5 - 44/46/48/50

    Heaven Arrow: This projectile is unique, when you shoot the arrow, it automatically curves away and does a loop, when it comes back down, it will become locked at an angle and move straight until impact.
    Based on Pit's arrows. "These special arrows try to go up immediately."
    Damage: 68/69/70/72/75

    Critical Slash
    : A very fast moving bullet that travels in a straight line horizontally, when it hits an opponent it makes a cover of smoke so damage cannot be seen.
    Based off of Marth's Critical Strike. "Much like an RPG attack."
    Damage: 56/58/60/62/65

    Smash Ball/Infinity Laser/Final Blast: This shot shoots out a circular projectile that has two perpendicular lines (a smash ball) and when it hits the ground, the tank spews out a gigantic laser that fires directly where the ball landed, it fires through land.
    Based off of the Final Smash Ball and Samus's Zero Laser. "This is what happens when you break the Smash Ball."
    Damage: 60/62/65/67/70

    Spiked ShockShell: The great and powerful Spiked Shockshell, it acts like the standard one, but when it hits it's opponent it lets off Spikers in all different directions.
    Based off of Whirling Fortress (Bowser). "Stand by, my minion ShockShells."
    Damage: Shell - 25/27/29/31/33 Spikers - 9/11/13/15/16

    Mini Sprouts: This shot shoots three tiny seedlings, each one buries underground and pops up as a color flower. Shortly the flower explodes into that color. Red is fire, blue is water, black is a stone, pink is an airstrike, purple is a massive shot, white is a grenade.
    Based off of Olimar's Pikmin, "Shoots off useful little buddies that offer elemental aid."
    Damage: Depends on projectile.

    Any Smash fans out there would probably enjoy this, and this to any others probably just looks like a bunch of repeated weapon ideas.
    bobbb7, drake28034 and Muskanty like this.
  15. drake28034

    drake28034 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Name: Make it rain
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): Pennies: 1 damage, Quarters: 25 damage, Dollar bill: 100 damage. Leveling this up will add 2 more damage to everything per level.
    How it looks: Money sign
    Details: You shoot a money sign, after 5 bounces it stops and starts to drop 10 pennies, 2 quarters, and a dollar bill. Coins aren't effected by wind. Dollar bills will blow away some where random on the map depending on the wind.
    Taylor likes this.
  16. drake28034

    drake28034 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Name: Worm Hole
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): Worm does 30 damage, shootings star 25.
    How it looks: An earth worm that will squirm as it flies
    Details: You shoot a worm, at its peak it will spawn a portal and before it reaches its destination it spawns another one, so anything that enters the first portal will come out of the second one. Every level it will add one shooting star flare that will shoot out of the last portal in a random direction.
    bobbb7 likes this.
  17. Zinkeron

    Zinkeron Private First Class (4) Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Name: Alpha quake (prestige)

    Damage: lvl 1
    Quake: 40 (hits every enemy) Lava: 1 (each second and stays for 2 secs) Terrain changes: 10 lvl 2 Q: 45 L: 1 T: 12 lvl 3 Q: 50 L: 2 T: 15 lvl 4 Q: 55 L: 2 T: 17 lvl 5 Q: 60 L: 4 T: 20

    How it looks:
    It shakes the screen a LOT

    When you activate it, one after another, 4 ups and another 4 downs appear randomly in the terrain damaging opponents and then a giant volcant spawns in the middle of the terrain and spreads 50 balls of lava all over the battlefield
  18. Zinkeron

    Zinkeron Private First Class (4) Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Name: Health kit ''Medic!''
    Damage: 1 20 (heal) 2 30 3 40 4 50 5 60
    How it looks: Its a white suitcase with a red + on it
    Details: Penetrates armor and shield so it can heal and has a small radius explosion healling all in it with tons of little, medium and big red + coming off of it like smoke that dont modify terrain.

    Use: You shoot it on yourself or to an ally to heal. Cant superate max health.

    Name: Repair kit
    Damage: 1 15 (ads to armor) 2 20 3 30 4 40 5 50
    How it looks: Its a grey suitcase with a blue wrench on it.
    Details: Explodes in a small radius adding armor to all in it and penetrates armor and shield so it can repair completly.
    Use: You shoot it to yourself or to a teamate to repair. Can superate max armor.

    PS : There should be a reward (50/100/150 TC) for creative people that get creative weps in to the game so there's more people giving colrfull ideas. The better the weapon is, the more TC you get.
    bobbb7 and drake28034 like this.
  19. Staple

    Staple General of the Army (25) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    yeah, no
    pojochiggen and Goomba like this.
  20. Zinkeron

    Zinkeron Private First Class (4) Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Why not ;(
  21. drake28034

    drake28034 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Name: Burglar
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 20,30,40,50,60
    How it looks: A bag with a dollar sign
    Details: Steals a random weapon from tank it hits ( can steal weapons from teammates too if not careful ) and gives it to you but stolen weapon stays at level one.
  22. drake28034

    drake28034 Private E-2 (3) Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Name: Necromancer
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): None, but can take away more hp if it misses
    How it looks: A syringe
    Details: Has hearts come from the back of it as it flies, takes away 25 hp to shoot, ignores shield, and heals ally by 25 and a 50% chance to bring dead ally back to life with 10 hp.
  23. ultra extreme87

    ultra extreme87 New Born (1) Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Name: Tornado
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 80,85,100,105,120
    How it looks: Like a tornado
    Details: You shoot a flair (like a air strike) then a tornado comes out.
  24. Zinkeron

    Zinkeron Private First Class (4) Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Name: Crush

    Damage (1-5) :
    70, 75, 80, 85, 90

    How it loks:
    Youre tank jumps in the air and makes a sesmic slam that is 50 pixels both sides.

    You arent affected by the sesmic wave. Where you aim, you jump at there and smash the terrain. You stay where you land so, watch out!
    Taylor and Mr Anonymous like this.
  25. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    That would stink if you got launched out the map xD
    bobbb7 and Taylor like this.

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