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[S] The official "Suggest-A-Weapon"-thread

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Credipede, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Amaterasu

    Amaterasu Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Blizzard~ Landing Weapon

    Shoot three Snowballs in the same manner as a three ball.

    These 3 snowballs then land (like a grenade or Hell Fire)
    They then explode for 15 damage (11, 12, 13, 14, 15 for each level)
    After they explode they release 3 little snow flakes (like flame or blaze, but they're white) They do 1 damage each and pulse 3 times.

    After that it acts like hail but instead of frozen rain, 15 small white bulgers rain down. that do 10 damage each.

    This is a level 5 version of the weapon. I think this could at the time had been a Prestige weapon, (who knows, maybe Prestige 11 xD)

    From a little bit of calculator at level 5, this could probably do around 100+ damage.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    Taylor likes this.
  2. -P.E.E.K.A.-

    -P.E.E.K.A.- Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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  3. Zinkeron

    Zinkeron Private First Class (4) Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Bullet Hell : "Prepare for madness"

    Damage : 1
    1 per little shot, 2 per medium shot, 30 big ball 2 2, 4, 35 3 3, 5, 40 4 4, 8, 45 5 5, 10, 50

    What it does :
    It shoots 50 little balls that go fast and bounce 4 times on terrain and map limits, 20 medium shots that go slower and bounce 2 times and a big ball that goes slower and does not bounce.

    Details : it fires the balls in unpredictable directions and patterns. The balls change color each second cuarter and have no gravity.
  4. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Single weapon ideas
    UFO Attack

    Fire a projectile and wait until it got a final position (until it doesn´t move anymore). Ufo will fly by and fire 6 × 22 Damage projectiles to the pointed place in a scatter of 30. the Area of Effect of this weapons is pretty large, but the Explosion size pretty small.


    A regular projectile that splits up into 2 Projectiles (First cluster), Which split up into 2 more projectiles (Second Cluster) Which split up into two last projectiles (third cluster). 1×2×2x2 = 8 final projectiles. First cluster projectiles deal 33 Damage each, the second cluster deals 22 Damage each and the last cluster deals 15 Damage each, the Explosion radius decreases with smaller cluster and area of effect increases.

    Sense of this weapon: You can decide how you shot: Safety (high hit chance), balanced (second cluster, medium damage) or Strong (Last cluster)


    A powerful weapon with a high risk. There is a 50% Chance for each projectile to deal exactly 120 Damage at a high area of effect, or a 50% Chance to repair the same amount of damage of the hit enemy. Explosion size: 25 Px (bit more than heavy shot)


    A very safe gun with a high hit chance. Fires a straight Laser in one direction, not affected by gravity or Wind. it deals 30 Damage and pierces through everything. no explosion.

    Fire mace

    very dangerous weapon. Fire 25 × 3 Damage x 2 Hit Fire balls in a 90° scatter. meant as a close range high damage weapon (150 DMG), a very safe weapon to do at least one hit by ranged attacks.


    Like the Digger or Builder you will fire a bullet that begins jumping at one place after landing, but instead of adding/destroying earth, it pulls a large amount of earth on one place, able to create mountains. it hits the earth 5 Times, Damage 10 × 5.


    This regular shot bullet is a modified version of our standart weapon, the shot. when this bullet successfully hits a tank (directly!) it jumps over to the closet tank with a 100% hit chance. it deals 10 Damage and can jump over to 3 Tanks (3 × 10 Damage)


    a bullet that creates a shield on its final position. this shield can block 3 Bullets, so its weak against multi bullet weapons, but strong against singe heavy hit weapons makes it to a perfect Team death match weapon

    Under-Earth Cluster

    Tired of using multi bullet weapons on overground? this weapon is made for you! Like the Double Breaker, but in the earth, must hit the ground to take effect. these 4 bullets deal 18×4 damage

    Falcon punch

    One of the strongest weapon, fires a bullet that needs to stand still. on the final position will appear a huge sized fist in the Air and punch the earth, damages all tanks hit by the fist with 80 damage. ? x 80 Damage

    Charged scatter

    This unique gun comes with a risk: it needs to charge for one round first. the charge doesnt require aiming, the final stage of this weapon can not be channeled, you HAVE to fire this charge weapon. requires aiming at the final stage (after the one round of charging). Releases 12 Bullets of destruction. these 12 bullets fire in a 45° Scatter, which deal 45 Damage each. 12 × 45 Damage. 45 px Explosiom size.


    A Bomb with a special remote trigger. if you fire it it will jump around like a grenade. if you tap the fire button again the bomb explodes there. it deals 40 Damage depending on the distance to the firing spot, the explosion size is 25 px

    The Beginner package (Weapon package 8)
    i want to suggest a little weapon pack made for beginners which spend just very few money into the game.

    The Cost of this Beginner weapon pack is 25 Tank Coins and contains 4 New weapons + 1 Weapon upgrade credit


    New weapon similar to the stream, just better. Releases 6 × 15 bullets which deal 1 Damage. 6 bullets per shot in a scatter of 25° can deal great damage and have a pretty good hit chance, 15 bursts of them will create big eyes on the faces of your enemies! (the 5. Upgrade adds one more damage, everything between takes no effect on the weapon)


    Fires a homing bullet that assist you with aiming. This bullet got a damage of 25, a very high hit chance, even without aiming and the Explosion size is pretty good (20 px). Never miss your enemies again!


    Ranged attack is your friend. this weapon damage multipliers if it is for a long time in the air. Base damage is 25… a very skilled shot with a very long flight time could deal 150 Damage… who knows? Explosion size = 30 px


    Fires a random bullet of a random weapon. Nuke, Megadigger, stream, crazy balls, F-Bomb… what ever you shot, the gift is always nice.

    What do you think? are they good or not?
    Taylor likes this.
  5. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Fires a large bomb exploding on impact. 50 Damage and a 45px Explosion size. it also releases up to 15 particles spreading out which deal up to 3 damage (maybe a new additional Deluxe weapon? or ssl steam version?). a nice weapon :)

    we can add this weapon as a prestige weapon after you got all prestige weapons, so its a prestige-prestige weapon o_O. gets fired as a usual bullet, explodes on impact and releases:
    - 2 Rain bullets (dual rain)
    - 3 massive shot (triple the fun ;))
    - 3 Fireballs (set your targets on fire, fireballs deal 5 x 8 damage over time)
    - 4 random sniper bullets (ow yea)
    - 2 meteors
    - 8 shots
    - 5 heavy shots
    - 12 Blaze bullets
    - 2 ghost bombs

    The Fireball is a huge Blaze/Firebullet with a damage over time. it deals 5 x 8 damage and is meant as an early weapon. requires a good aiming, because it got no area of effect.

    Doomsday device
    Cost: 500 Tank coins (lol)
    Secret service weapon constructed by crazy researchers. fire it far away, otherwise: die. releases 8 nukes on impact. nuff said
  6. paul1999

    paul1999 Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Sep 12, 2014
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    uh... Half of those are already weapons lol
  7. titan98

    titan98 Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I like the idea of doomsday device but sadly that would never happen, unless like a stronger version of ghostlets
  8. titan98

    titan98 Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    ha nice try but kinda reminds me of breaker madness
  9. -P.E.E.K.A.-

    -P.E.E.K.A.- Sergeant First Class (9) Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    hahahahaha XD
  10. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Damage; 10 to 80 depending on the nut size.

    Shoots a peanut that breaks into two nuts that are inside. Like real-life peanuts, the nut sizes vary, the sizes are randomly chosen when it breaks. Bigger sizes are rarer, of course. Basically an improved version of Breaker, but it looks cooler.
  11. titan98

    titan98 Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    lol i guess good i dea but i facepalmed when i read it
    jpcas likes this.
  12. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I see what you did there.
    titan98 likes this.
  13. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Fires a white ball. When it bounces off the earth, its jump power wont decrease. it can bounce up to 10 times, when it made it last bounce, it releases an explosion that deals 60 Base damage. the explosion size: 35px

    Fires a blade that rolls over the earth like the roller, but instead of exploding at tank, it pierces them and deals 20 base damage. it profits of 150% longer roll time.
  14. Raichu

    Raichu Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    beta bomb is too op,but,it would be a nice idea,a shot that on landong shots 3 random unlocked attacks ar random power & angle,n idea
  15. Raichu

    Raichu Sergeant Major (12) Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    (sort of firework)
  16. jpcas

    jpcas Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Name: Pebbles
    when shooting it works like the gatling gun - concerning the spread: you can't concentrate hits at a single spot at longer range.
    the fire rate is a little bit slower than that with gatling gun.
    the projectiles are little pebbles that after hitting a ground are behaving similarly to the stone - but they bounce just once, not three times, then they explode with at most half the radius of stone explosion.
    Damage (level 1-5):
    each stone deals 2/3/4/5/6 dmg on the first hit an 1/2/3/4/5 on the second hit.
    there are 20 pebbles so the maximum damage this weapon can make is 220 at level 5, but at most cases it would be difficult to get the max
    Taylor likes this.
  17. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I'll first put the weapons and it description, and at the final ill put complete list of weapons without description.

    Name: Pizza.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 each slice.
    How it looks: Like a pizza.
    Details: It works like a Hexagon, but this is divided into 12 slices of pizza, and each slice do a damage of 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and the radius is like a Shot.

    Name: Pyramid.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 44, 46, 48, 50, 52.
    How it looks: Like a triangle with a light green outline.
    Details: You shot it and when it touch ground it make a pyramid, it area damage is like an Air Strike.

    Name: Beach Ball.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 each bounce.
    How it looks: Like a beach ball of light blue, red and white colors.
    Details: You shot it, and when it touch ground bounces in a tank, the in another, and so on, making a total of 4 rebounds maximum. If they are only 3 tanks, it bounces again in a random tank, it don't do area damage.

    Name: Marbles.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 first hit and 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 second hit.
    How it looks: Like a marbles of random colors and they look like a broken marble when they bounce.
    Details: It works like a Rapid Fire, but they are a total of 15 bullets (marbles), when each one touch ground they bounce one time. The second hit of each one can do 1 or 2 more damage. Damage area is like a Shot.

    Name: Numbers.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): ?.
    How it looks: Like a numbers.
    Details: It and works like rapid fire similary, but it shots a variety of numbers, from 1 to 100, and each number do the damage who it have, for example, 45 do 45 damage, 66 do 66 damage, no matter if it dont do a directly hit. It area radius is like a Heavy Shot.

    Name: Grenade Pack.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 each grenade.
    How it looks: Grenades.
    Details: Is a combination of Grenade and Three Ball.

    Name: Matrix.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 36, 38, 40, 42, 44.
    How it looks: Is a green bullet.
    Details: Works like a Heavy Shot, is exactly the same, but this makes the other bullets go slow.

    Name: Prototype 556-W.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 each little shot and 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 main shot.
    How it looks: Like a orange square, small orange squares and small purple circles.
    Details: Is like Magic Shower or Seagul, but this drops small oranges squares and shoots up small purple circles.

    Name: Crazy Stream.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 4, 5, 6, 8, 10.
    How it looks: Like a crazy ball each bullet.
    Details: Is a combination of Stream and Crazy Balls.

    Name: Castle.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 50, 52, 53, 55, 57.
    How it looks: Like a gray shot.
    Details: Is a combination of Fortress, Wall, and Flattener.

    In summary:

    Weapon Pack 8

    -Beach Ball
    -Grenade Pack
    -Prototype 556-W
    -Crazy Stream

    More ideas of weapons of The Wizard are comming soon.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  18. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    New ideas!:

    Name: Fire Grenade.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5) 28, 29, 30, 32, 34 main explosion and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 side shooting.
    How it looks: Like a red Grenade.
    Details: It works like a Crazy Grenade, but intead of crazy ball are little fire balls, like the Napalm or Flame.

    Name: Bounsplouder.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 18, 20, 21, 22, 24.
    How it looks: Exatly like a Bounsplode but with Builder colors.
    Details: Is a combination of Bounplode and Builder, this does not destroy, this build in each bounce.

    Name: EMP (concept by Agent60).
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 30, 32, 33, 34, 35 in main hit and 20, 21, 23, 24, 26 in sides hits.
    How it looks: It only have a inconspicuous tail.
    Details: When it touch ground it will do a the "main hit" damage, and it will shot a kind of lasers to near tanks and will do the "sides hits".

    Name: C4.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 96, 98, 100, 102, 104.
    How it looks: Exactly like a Sticky Bomb, but with a yellow tail.
    Details: It works exactly like a Sticky Bomb, but the area damage is a little bigger.

    Name: Flare.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 32, 33, 34, 36, 37 per bullet and 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 per fire bullet.
    How it looks: Exactly like and Air Strike but it shines.
    Details: Works like and Air Strike, but when it gets on top and starts going down, it explodes and drops a great ammount of shots, like Blaze, but it drops it, and call Air Strike to. So is the same like an Air Strike but apart from the 3 bombs, they are the fire little shots of fire.

    Name: Nuke Jr.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 87, 89, 91, 92, 94
    How it looks, Exactly like a Nuke but a little smaller.
    Details, Works exactly like a Nuke.

    Name: Dice.
    Damage (Level up no effect on damage): 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60.
    How it looks: Is a white square, but within this, there can be a number from a dice.
    Details: Is like a Heavy Shot, but in the air, the number it haves inside can change from 1-6, and the number effects on damage, 1 is 10, 2 is 20 and successively.

    Name: Impact Grenade.
    Damage: Same as Grenade.
    How it looks: Like Multi-Nade Picture.
    Details: Works exactly like a Grenade, but this dont bounce, when it touch ground it automaticaly explodes.

    Name: Small Yin Yang
    Damage: Same as Sniper
    How it looks: Like a Sniper and Sub-Sniper
    Details, Works exatly like a Yin Yang but with a Sniper and Sub-Sniper

    Name: Inverted Pyramid
    Damage: Same as "Pyramid"
    How it looks: Like a gray triangle
    Details: It is a combination of "Pyramid" and Tunneler, but it do a hole with a pyramid form.

    In summary

    Weapon Pack 9:

    -Fire Grenade
    -Nuke Jr.
    -Impact Grenade
    -Small Yin Yang
    -Inverted Pyramid
    Taylor likes this.
  19. Awesume

    Awesume Command Sergeant Major (13) Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Small Yin Yang is too OP.
  20. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    then we can replace Small Yin Yang by this:

    Name: Acid (concept by astrofluxy).
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 9, 9, 10, 10, 12 first hit and 5, 5, 6, 6, 7 extra damage.
    How it looks:Like a green Stream.
    Details: Is a acid steam, when it hits enemy it deals a damage, then after a few second it damage again.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  21. paul1999

    paul1999 Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Sep 12, 2014
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    Ok... seriously guys... You are making them all weak little weapons. NO! WE WANT EPIC WEAPONS!!! Good ideas peoples... But you are making them as weak as a x2 BIG BULGER!!! MAKE THEM FIRESTORMS!!!
  22. astrofluxy

    astrofluxy Corporal (5) Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    its like my Idea in the Kongregate forum: http://www.kongregate.com/forums/24...pics/386098-weapon-ideas?page=7#posts-8864408
  23. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Oh, sorry if my weapon ideas are like your weapons ideas, i dont try to copy ideas, it is only that I dont know, and when I know I put the original idea, like EMP, I put

    Name: EMP (concept by Agent60)

    Sorry, I try to do my own weapons ideas, but when you see i did a idea when you do it originaly and I didnt put your name by concept is because I dont know you think it orginaly, really, sorry, ill fix it...
  24. The Wizard

    The Wizard Staff Sergeant (8) Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    New idea!

    Name: The Void.
    Damage (Level 1 - 5): 35, 36, 37, 38, 40 the planets, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 the planetiod, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63 the sun and the others bullets each respective damage.
    How it looks: Is a combination of Asteroids, StarFire and Satellite. but this aslo shoots the 8 planets of our Solar System, including the Sun and the planetiod Pluto.
    Details: Works like a Rapid Fire in planets, Sun, and planetoid, others things works normal.
    drake28034 likes this.
  25. Batgirl

    Batgirl Lieutenant Colonel (19) Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Name: Batarang
    D: 1-3 is 45, 4 is 60, 5 is 99
    How it looks: A batarang duh
    Details: spins like mini tank but rotates faster
    drake28034 likes this.

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