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xp ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by AntonyBoys, May 30, 2015.

  1. AntonyBoys

    AntonyBoys Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    these ideas may or may not be elsewhere but here are some ideas that I will throw on to this post:

    in game::
    use of side-bumpers (the ones at the far side of the screen) + 3 xp
    use of the underground side bumpers + 5 xp
    long range shot (over 75% of the screen distance) + 2 xp
    mega long range shot (85% of screen distance) + 3 xp
    giga long range shot (90% distance) +5 xp
    tera long range shot (95% distance) +7 xp
    peta long range shot (99% distance - this can be acheived only by having a tank on the far side of the screen, hitting a tank on the opposite far side) + 10 xp
    dual kill (kill 2 tanks with 1 hit (not one weapon, it has to be the same explosion, for example an earthquake or a nuke killing 2 at once would get the bonus, but a 25 ball that killed 2 tanks with seperate balls would not) + 10 xp
    triple kill (kill 3 in 1 hit) +25 xp
    quadruple kill (4 in 1 hit) +50 xp
    quintruple kill (5 in 1 hit) +75 xp
    hextruple kill (6 in 1 hit) + 125 xp
    septruple kill (7 in 1 hit) + 200 xp (it gets larger because it would be so rare

    also there can be xp deductions:
    -5 xp for killing one's self
    -5 xp for killing a team mate
    maybe - xp for hitting or killing the wrong target in assassin mode?

    post game::
    winning with large amounts of health or points (xp given accordingly depending on how much health/ points compared to other player's in the game)
    getting the most of something: most bonus xp's, most crates, most gears, being the most accurate player (most shots/ hits ratio), most distance traveled, most damage dealt, most damage received ect
    maybe one for the most items used?
  2. JohannZim

    JohannZim Sergeant Major of the Army (14) Member

    Sep 2, 2013
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    I seriously doubt Kyle would boost more the xp... he tends to do the opposite.

    The double/triple kill bonus seems like a good idea... but since theres a lot of short-cutters/lazy people that always seek ways to cheat into getting things easier... they would organize stack games for the bonus... so its not beneficial at all.

    The deducted xp for killing yourself or a teamate is a great idea... i think it will probably be implemented eventually.
    arvidh, AntonyBoys and Black Widow like this.
  3. RumMumMario

    RumMumMario Lieutenant General (23) Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    To be fully honest with you, we really don't need this much XP rewards for games. The assassin mode gives you heck lots of XP and the obstacle 5xp already gives enough XP to level, but one or two additional rewards would be cool to see.

    Here are my thoughts;

    use of side-bumpers (the ones at the far side of the screen) + 3 xp - Sure.
    use of the underground side bumpers + 5 xp Okay.
    long range shot (over 75% of the screen distance) + 2 xp No, we already have many distance-based weapons.(75% is not that long...)
    mega long range shot (85% of screen distance) + 3 xp No.
    giga long range shot (90% distance) +5 xp No.
    tera long range shot (95% distance) +7 xp No.
    peta long range shot (99% distance - this can be acheived only by having a tank on the far side of the screen, hitting a tank on the opposite far side) + 10 xp
    dual kill (kill 2 tanks with 1 hit (not one weapon, it has to be the same explosion, for example an earthquake or a nuke killing 2 at once would get the bonus, but a 25 ball that killed 2 tanks with seperate balls would not) + 10 xp Sure.
    triple kill (kill 3 in 1 hit) +25 xp Sure.
    quadruple kill (4 in 1 hit) +50 xp Sure.
    quintruple kill (5 in 1 hit) +75 xp Sure.
    hextruple kill (6 in 1 hit) + 125 xp Sure.
    septruple kill (7 in 1 hit) + 200 xp (it gets larger because it would be so rare Sure.

    also there can be xp deductions:
    -5 xp for killing one's self Sure.
    -5 xp for killing a team mate Sure.

  4. AntonyBoys

    AntonyBoys Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    not all weapons are distance based
    but some are, so I see your point
  5. arvidh

    arvidh Unconfirmed Member

    I like most your ideas, but like others already said, I don't think they will be added.. sadly =[
    I loved that one for getting 200 xp by killing 7 oppnonents. =D
    AntonyBoys likes this.
  6. AntonyBoys

    AntonyBoys Master Sergeant (10) Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    these would certainly add a strategic element to this game

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